Yael: Yes. And no. Some imaging tests do exposepeople to radiation. But just to be clear, MRI, whichstands for magnetic resonance imaging, does not use radiation. So if you have an MRI,there's no risk of exposure.
Don: But other types of imaging tests do use risk of exposure. Like nuclear imaging, which isused to look for heart disease. And CT, or CAT scans, which use x-rays to take 3D picturesinside the body. And, unfortunately, over time these tests do sometimes expose people todangerously high levels of radiation. High enough to cause cancer, in some cases.
Yael: But why would doctors order tests that put people at risk for getting cancer?
Don: Well, mainly because the tests are often very useful. For example, mammography is thebest way to look for early signs of breast cancer. But it's not as clear that other tests, such asnuclear imaging, are as useful for detecting heart disease. It may be, but there's not enoughhard evidence to be certain.
Yael: So, the risks of radiation exposure from a CT scan or a nuclear imaging may outwaythe benefits.
Don: Right. It's not that people should always avoid these imaging tests. But they should beaware of the risks.