Actually, though, only part of the honey is crystallizing. Honey is made mostly of two kinds ofsugar: glucose and fructose. What crystallizes is the glucose, so the more glucose there is incomparison to fructose, the more likely it is to crystallize. But before honey can crystallize, itneeds what's called a “seed” for the crystals to grow on. The seed might be a grain of pollen, aspeck of dust, or even a scratch on the inside of the jar.
But the best seed of all is a bit of honey that has already crystallized. Most of the honey in asupermarket has been heated and filtered to remove virtually all the possible seeds. That slowsthe crystallization, but the heating process also drives off some of the honey's distinctiveflavor.
When honey does crystallize, you can soften it again in a microwave or a pan of warm water,but as it cools the crystallization will begin again-faster even than before. Honey crystallizesfaster the second time because heat alone can't remove all the seeds. Dust, crumbs, and othertiny particles that have accumulated since you first opened the jar will remain as seeds to startthe process all over again.