Yael: Good quuestion! There are many possiblereasons why we say things out loud we mean to keep to ourselves. But one compellingexplanation is that the very act of straining to avoid saying something embarrassing orawkward raises the risk of doing just that.
Don: Wait, you mean to say that we say things because we are trying too hard to beappropriate?
Yael: Sort of. Scientists explain it as a struggle between the conscious and unconsciousmind. Say you're at a party and someone near you is smoking. It's obnoxious, but you don'twant to make a big deal, so you consciously try to think about something else. Butmeanwhile, your unconscious mind is on the lookout for any smoking related thoughts.
Don: So even though I'm not trying to think thoughts about smoking, I'm still thinking them.
Yael: Right, and if you've had a bit to drink, or you are tired, or stressed, whatever, anunconscious smoking thought can burble to the conscious surface. And before you know ityou blurt out something about how second hand smoke is a deadly killer.
Don: So, in a sense, we are at the mercy of our unconscious minds?
Yael: Sometimes. In certain situations, at least, we're not in total control of what we think,and how we act.