Second, both are made of thin material. A chick, ready to hatch, has to be able to peck its waythrough the shell. And because light bulbs are usually made of opaque rather than clear glass,the glass exterior must be thin so that light can shine through.
So how can a structure be strong and yet made of thin material at the same time? By using acarefully-designed oval shape. Picture for a moment a square egg. If you took that imaginaryobject in your hand and squeezed it very hard between your thumb and finger, the pressureyou'd exert would be localized in the exact part of the flat surface your thumb and finger werepushing. Even a slight pressure would be great enough to break the thin shell into pieces.
But if you do the same thing to a real egg, the force you exert is not localized in one point, butis distributed into all directions around the surface of the egg. Though you can eventuallybreak an egg by doing this, it takes a great deal more force to do so. Of course, it's nocoincidence that the shapes of light bulbs and eggs are similar. When the light bulb wasinvented and perfected, it was patterned after a shape that nature had come up with hundredsof thousands of years ago.