For adolescent boys, a changing voice that cracks inthe middle of a sentence can be a greatembarrassment. Though embarrassing, a crackingvoice is a natural part of adolescent development.As a boy goes through adolescence, his secondarysex characteristics develop. One of thesecharacteristics is the rapid growth of the larynx andvocal cords.
A boy's voice deepens as his larynx develops because the bigger the vocal cords, the deeperthe voice. In fact, vocal cords are similar to other musical instruments in this regard. Thelonger the harp string, for instance, the lower the note it plays. Similarly, if you are blowinginto a bottle to create a certain pitch, the larger the bottle, the lower the pitch. When itcomes to voices, the bigger the vocal cords, the lower they resonate, and the deeper the voicewill be.
But why does a boy's changing voice break and crack? For the same reason growingadolescents are often gangly and awkward: the brain is becoming accustomed to workingwith bigger body parts. Even for an adult, a consistent and even voice depends on the brain'sability to constantly monitor the sounds that come from the voice.
The brain can do this quite easily under normal circumstances. But, when a boy's vocal cordsenlarge, the brain must relearn how to monitor and control the voice. A cracking voice is proofthat an adolescent boy's brain hasn't become completely proficient at coordinating its carefulmonitoring of the sounds coming from the vocal cords.