Both humans and animals yawn to become morealert, but humans tend to yawn when they arebored or sleepy. And animals yawn in anticipationof a stimulating situation. When a human feels bored or sleepy, their blood flow becomes a bitsluggish and the brain gets less oxygen. As a result, they yawn in order to supply the brainwith extra oxygen which helps them become more alert.
Most research has suggested that, contrary to common belief, we don't yawn because ourbrains need extra oxygen, but because we need to become more alert. Instead of yawning inorder to help raise alertness levels during boring situations, animals yawn in anticipation ofexciting situations. One scientist has spent hundreds of hours observing the yawning patterns ofseveral animal species, including lions, monkeys and humans.
He found that human beings yawned most often in situations with minimal stimulation, butin which alertness was important, such as driving late at night; they yawned least often duringphysically stimulating situations such as an aerobics class.
Captive lions and monkeys, on the other hand, yawned most often just before feeding time, oneof the most stimulating times of the day. Other scientists have also observed laboratory ratsyawning just prior to eating. These studies suggest that animals yawn in anticipation ofstimulation rather than as a result of boredom.