Carrie apologized the next day. I married theboyfriend and still keep in touch with Carrie. But even after two years, I cannot shake what shesaid. I know her well enough to realize that while she was sorry, she meant every word. Carriehas asked to visit a couple of times, and I keep making excuses because it would beuncomfortable.
I know her loose tongue was a result of the drinking and she did apologize, but I can't forgetthe incident. What should I say when she tells me she'd like to come and stay with us? —Confused Since College
Dear Confused: Even if Carrie meant those words at the time, it doesn't mean she still feelsthat way. Before inviting Carrie to visit, have a frank discussion. Tell her you are still botheredby those comments about your husband and, because you value the friendship so highly, wouldlike to clear the air. See what she says before checking her off your guest list.