Going to war, the founders of our nation believed, should be a shared responsibility. By the timeof the Vietnam War, however, Congress had watched a series of presidents send U.S. forcesoverseas with little or no consultation beforehand. So, in 1973, over President Nixon's veto,Congress passed the War Powers Resolution, to claim a stronger role in the decision to sendour troops into combat.
The legislation has proven to be seriously flawed, however. Nothing in it actually requiresjoint deliberation before going to war, and it contains loopholes that presidents have beenonly too happy to exploit.
Only once, after the Navy ship the Mayaguez was captured by Cambodia in 1975, has aPresident actually acted pursuant to the War Powers Resolution. Congress has been unable toaddress the ambiguities in the measure. So despite its noble attempt more than 30 years agoto restore some balance when it comes to making war, the power remains largely with thePresident.