A rare disease is defined by the Orphan Drug Act as one that affects fewer than 200,000people —some only affect 100. Prior to the act, large drug companies had little incentive toresearch and develop new drugs for such patient groups. The people who suffered from thesedisorders were often just out-of-luck.
In 1980, Representative Henry Waxman from California, began to hold hearings in Congress tolook into the problem of those suffering from rare diseases. But his efforts sparked littleinterest, until actor Jack Klugman heard about it, and thought “orphan drugs” would be a goodtopic to highlight on his TV show Quincy.
His programs caught the attention of millions of Americans who wanted to help, and were amajor factor in helping to move the bill through Congress. on January 4, 1983, the OrphanDrug Act became law, providing tax credits and marketing protections to pharmaceuticalcompanies developing “orphan drugs”. Since then, this law has helped the lives of millions ofAmericans, whose fate looked bleak because of their affliction with a rare disease.