Such help is already available in all developed countries of the world, however. In the UnitedStates, for instance, high-school mothers can even feed their babies between classes. But, thisseemingly insignificant piece of news did not escape the eyes of reporters with a nose fornews, like those of a bloodhound for game. They wanted a hullabaloo.
Fortunately, they did not succeed. The reason is simple. Taiwanese parents mostly agreed thatsomething had to be done for hapless girls carrying babies while attending high school.Awarding them maternity leave is the least the education ministry can and should do to helpthem. There are not many high-school mothers, but that does not mean the authorities shouldignore their predicament. For one thing, they are, as often as not, ostracized by their peers.As a result, many pregnant teens abort unwanted babies. Most of the new mothers drop out ofschool, with little chance to complete secondary education.
At any rate, it is of paramount importance that all students realize that all newborn babies arewelcome.
1. maternity a. 產(chǎn)婦的
例句:I am looking for maternity wear in particularmaternity sleepwear and jeans. 我在尋找孕婦裝,尤其是孕婦穿的睡衣和牛仔褲。
2. leave n.準(zhǔn)假;
例句:Maternity leave, paternity leave, carers' leaveand sick leave are not costs but essential to ourwellbeing. 產(chǎn)假、初為人父假期、護理者假期、病假等對心靈健康至關(guān)重要,絕不是一種額外花費。
3. hullabaloo n.喧嚷聲,吵鬧聲
例句:They like to live in the countryside, far way from crowd and hullabaloo. 他們喜歡住在鄉(xiāng)村,遠離人群和喧囂。
4. predicament n.困境
例句:A loan of money would help me out of my predicament. 只需一筆貸款就能幫我擺脫困境。
5. ostracize vt.排斥
例句:He was ostracized by his colleagues for refusing to support the strike. 他因不支持罷工而受同事排斥。
6. paramount a.最高的
例句:The reduction of unemployment should be paramount. 降低失業(yè)率應(yīng)是頭等大事。