These mini “rock slides” can be caused by head injuryor viruses and can even happen suddenly in somepeople, It is much more common in adults over fifty.Is there any cure? The problem sometimes resolvesitself after several weeks, but there is also a clevertreatment called the Epley Maneuver. The EpleyManeuver is simply a choreographed sequence ofprecise head movements, done with the aid of yourdoctor, that cause the misplaced rocks to roll backinto the utricle. The maneuver is like those gameswhere you try to roll a marble through a maze bytilting the board this way and that. In one study the maneuver was shown to be successful ineighty-five percent of cases. Although the treatment may not always provide a long term cure,the Epley Maneuver is a non invasive and painless way to find relief from certain benigncases of vertigo and dizziness.