Weeks later, back in the town in New Hampshire where I live, I put these questions to JohnThorstensen, an astronomer at Dartmouth College. "Oh no," he said, laughing. "The news ofsuch an event travels out at the speed of light, but so does the destructiveness, so you'd learnabout it and die from it in the same instant. But don't worry because it's not going to happen."
For the blast of a supernova explosion to kill you, he explained, you would have to be"ridiculously close"—probably within ten light-years or so. "The danger would be various types ofradiation—cosmic rays and so on." These would produce fabulous auroras, shimmeringcurtains of spooky light that would fill the whole sky. This would not be a good thing. Anythingpotent enough to put on such a show could well blow away the magnetosphere, the magneticzone high above the Earth that normally protects us from ultraviolet rays and other cosmicassaults. Without the magnetosphere anyone unfortunate enough to step into sunlight wouldpretty quickly take on the appearance of, let us say, an overcooked pizza.