On the other hand it may be too weak and the universe will keep racing away forever untileverything is so far apart that there is no chance of material interactions, so that the universebecomes a place that is inert and dead, but very roomy. The third option is that gravity isjust right—"critical density" is the cosmologists' term for it—and that it will hold the universetogether at just the right dimensions to allow things to go on indefinitely. Cosmologists in theirlighter moments sometimes call this the Goldilocks effect—that everything is just right. (For therecord, these three possible universes are known respectively as closed, open, and flat.)
Now the question that has occurred to all of us at some point is: what would happen if youtraveled out to the edge of the universe and, as it were, put your head through the curtains?Where would your head be if it were no longer in the universe? What would you find beyond?
The answer, disappointingly, is that you can never get to the edge of the universe. That's notbecause it would take too long to get there—though of course it would—but because even if youtraveled outward and outward in a straight line, indefinitely and pugnaciously, you would neverarrive at an outer boundary. Instead, you would come back to where you began (at whichpoint, presumably, you would rather lose heart in the exercise and give up).
The reason for this is that the universe bends, in a way we can't adequately imagine, inconformance with Einstein's theory of relativity (which we will get to in due course). For themoment it is enough to know that we are not adrift in some large, ever-expanding bubble.
Rather, space curves, in a way that allows it to be boundless but finite. Space cannot evenproperly be said to be expanding because, as the physicist and Nobel laureate StevenWeinberg notes, "solar systems and galaxies are not expanding, and space itself is notexpanding." Rather, the galaxies are rushing apart. It is all something of a challenge tointuition. Or as the biologist J. B. S. Haldane once famously observed: "The universe is notonly queerer than we suppose; it is queerer than we can suppose."