Gamow calculated that by the time it crossed the vastness of the cosmos, the radiationwould reach Earth in the form of microwaves. In a more recent paper he had even suggested aninstrument that might do the job: the Bell antenna at Holmdel. Unfortunately, neither Penziasand Wilson, nor any of the Princeton team, had read Gamow's paper.
The noise that Penzias and Wilson were hearing was, of course, the noise that Gamow hadpostulated. They had found the edge of the universe, or at least the visible part of it, 90billion trillion miles away. They were "seeing" the first photons—the most ancient light in theuniverse—though time and distance had converted them to microwaves, just as Gamow hadpredicted.
In his book The Inflationary Universe , Alan Guth provides an analogy that helps to put thisfinding in perspective. If you think of peering into the depths of the universe as like lookingdown from the hundredth floor of the Empire State Building (with the hundredth floorrepresenting now and street level representing the moment of the Big Bang), at the time ofWilson and Penzias's discovery the most distant galaxies anyone had ever detected were onabout the sixtieth floor, and the most distant things—quasars—were on about the twentieth.Penzias and Wilson's finding pushed our acquaintance with the visible universe to within halfan inch of the sidewalk.