August the 23rd is International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition.The aim of this day is for people to remember the horrors of the slave trade. It was perhaps the biggest tragedy ever as millions of lives were destroyed.It is on this day because the 23rd of August 1791 was the beginning of the uprising that started events that ended the transatlantic slave trade. This took place in Haiti and Dominican Republic. This date also allows us to honour the people who worked to abolish the slave trade and slavery throughout the world. It is also a time for us to remember that modern-day slavery exists today. People in countries still treat people as slaves. Human trafficking in women and children is a huge problem. People observe this day in many different ways. Every year the United Nations invites people to organize events based on the theme of this day. There are many educational workshops in schools and cultural organizations. These tell the story of the slave trade. Other events involve musicians, actors and artists using music, dance, art and drama to highlight the history of the slave trade. Slavery can be traced back to our earliest historical records. It has existed at some time in almost all cultures and continents. Today it is outlawed in nearly all countries. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.”