I can see, captain, that nature is your obedient servant, any time or any place. You're safe on this lake, and nobody else can visit its waters.
But what's the purpose of this refuge? The Nautilus doesn't need a harbor.
No, professor, but it needs electricity to run, batteries to generate its electricity, sodium to feed its batteries, coal to make its sodium, and coalfields from which to dig its coal.
Now then, right at this spot the sea covers entire forests that sank underwater in prehistoric times; today, turned to stone, transformed into carbon fuel, they offer me inexhaustible coal mines.
So, captain, your men practice the trade of miners here?
Precisely. These mines extend under the waves like the coalfields at Newcastle. Here, dressed in ping suits, pick and mattock in hand, my men go out and dig this carbon fuel for which I don't need a single mine on land.
When I burn this combustible to produce sodium, the smoke escaping from the mountain's crater gives it the appearance of a still-active volcano.
And will we see your companions at work?
No, at least not this time, because I'm eager to continue our underwater tour of the world. Accordingly, I'll rest content with drawing on my reserve stock of sodium.
We'll stay here long enough to load it on board, in other words, a single workday, then we'll resume our voyage. So, Professor Aronnax, if you'd like to explore this cavern and circle its lagoon, seize the day.