Chapter Four The Abandoned House
第四章 廢棄的古宅
Megan looks at the old house and says, "Look at the writing above the door: HOME OF ABIGAIL CROSS OCTOBER 31, 1627 - SEPTEMBER 22, 1692
梅格恩看了看古宅說,“看,這門上寫了東西:阿比蓋爾·克勞斯之家 1627年10月31號—1692年9月22號
Who is Abigail Cross? Look at the date: September 22 1692.
Do you remember the tombstones? Many of them have the same date."
"You are right," says Susan.
"Let me look in my new book, Salem and the Witches of 1692."
“讓我看看我這本新書,《塞勒姆和1692年的女巫們 》
After a few minutes Susan says, "Oh, no! Abigail Cross is a witch. Her name is in this book. I don't like this old house."
"Let's find another place for the party," says Kelly.
"You girl are silly! This is perfect!" says Bill. "Come on! Follow me!"
Bill is the first to enter the house. Nick and the girls follow.
It is very cold inside. There is a big room with an old table, chairs and cupboard.
On the wall there is an old portrait of a woman.
She is wearing a long black dress. She has a red rose in her hand. Her eyes are dark and evil.
"This portrait is very old.
There's a date at the bottom. It says June 1659," says Megan.
"It's probably a portrait of Abigail Cross," says Nick.
"She's looking at us and she's... smiling!" says Megan.
"What an evil smile!" says Susan.
"Everything here is so old and scary," says Kelly.
"I like it," says Nick. "We can make spooky decorations and light candles.
I can bring my portable radio for music."
"First we must clean this house. Then we can make the decorations," says Susan.
Nick and Bill go to buy some cleaning products.