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BBC News: 中國主席習(xí)近平首次對美國進(jìn)行國事訪問(雙語)





Hello, I am Feona Macdonald with the BBC news.


King Salman of Saudi Arabia has ordered a full review of the country's plans for the annual hajj pilgrimage after 700 people died in a crush outside the Muslim holy city of Mecca. Here is Frank Gardiner. It is the latest in a series of terrible hajj tragedies. The worst was in 1990, when more than 1400 people died in a crush in a tunnel. Then in 2006, more than 360 pilgrims were killed in another similar stampede also at Mina. The official investigation into what happened is already under way. Now the Suadis will have to look once again at how to prevent any more such disasters.


Pope Francis has expressed solidarity with Muslims following the tragedy in Saudi Arabia. Speaking during a prayer services in Patrick Cathedral in New York, he expresses closets to those who had suffered in Mecca. The Pope's arrival in New York came hours after he became the first pontiff to address a joint session of US Congress in Washington. Nick Bryant has more. After a presession de for the avenue, the Pope lead evening prayers sum at Patrick Cathedral. And he will visit more of Manhatan's iconic tourist sites today, Central Park, the 9-11 memorial museum, the UN. His speech to the UN is a centerpiece, and it comes as the international community adopts new sustainable development goals. M efforts aimed at eradicating extreme poverty with environmental sustainability.

教皇弗朗西斯聲沙特阿拉伯穆斯林發(fā)生悲劇之后表示要提供幫助。在紐約帕特里克大教堂祈禱服務(wù)中,他表達(dá)了對在麥加慘劇中遇難的人的同情。教皇抵達(dá)紐約的幾個(gè)小時(shí)前,他成為了第一個(gè)在華盛頓的美國國會聯(lián)席會議上發(fā)表講話的教皇。尼克科進(jìn)行詳細(xì)報(bào)道。教皇晚上在帕特里克大教堂帶領(lǐng)大家做禱告。今天他將訪問更多的標(biāo)志性旅游景點(diǎn),中央公園,9 - 11紀(jì)念館還有聯(lián)合國。他在聯(lián)合國的演講是核心,它同國際社會采取新的可持續(xù)發(fā)展的目標(biāo)一樣。旨在努力消除極端貧困與促進(jìn)環(huán)境的可持續(xù)性

Russia said when president Vladmir Putin and president Obama meet in New York next Monday, their first nearly a year, the top item agenda must be Syria. The conflicts there will also be the key theme in the Russian president's speech to the UN General Assembly next week. Laura Becca is in Washington. The white house says the main issue would be the conflict in eastern Ukraine where Russian backed forces are fighting the KF government. The Kremlin says its main focus is on Syria, where Russia has built up its military forces in recent weeks and supported the president Bashar al-Assad. A spokesman for the white house has admitted the talks could be tense. He said the president was not going to shun away from mazing concerns.

俄羅斯稱下周一弗拉基米爾·普京總統(tǒng)和奧巴馬總統(tǒng)在紐約見面,是近一年來第一次會晤,中心議程將是敘利亞問題。此次會晤中的矛盾將會是俄羅斯總統(tǒng)下周在聯(lián)合國大會演講的重要主題。勞拉貝嘉在華盛頓發(fā)來報(bào)道。美方稱雙方洽談的主要問題是烏克蘭東部的沖突,俄羅斯部隊(duì)與KF政府的對抗??死锬妨謱m表示,他們主要關(guān)注點(diǎn)在敘利亞,俄羅斯最近幾周在此建立了自己的軍事力量用來支持總統(tǒng)巴沙爾•阿薩德(Bashar al - assad)。白宮發(fā)言人承認(rèn),談判過程可能會緊張。他說,總統(tǒng)不會避開敏感問題。

And the possibility of having the Syrian president involved in discussions to end the conflict is likely to be considered at a meeting of British, French and German foreign ministers in Paris. Jeremy Borne has this report. So far, President Bashar al-Assad has survived every prediction of defeat. The durability of his regime is one reason why some Western governments are softening their rhetoric about president Assad. There is also a sense that Syria, without the Assads, might be even more dangerous and unstable. And without question, hundreds of thousands perhaps millions more refugees would leave Syria.

敘利亞總統(tǒng)參與結(jié)束敘利亞戰(zhàn)爭的討論的可能性將在目前在巴黎召開的會議中由英國,法國和德國的外交部長進(jìn)行協(xié)商。GB報(bào)道。到目前為止,總統(tǒng)巴沙爾•阿薩德在每一次戰(zhàn)敗后都幸存下來。阿薩德總統(tǒng)的政權(quán)的耐久性是為什么有些西方政府對他態(tài)度軟化的一個(gè)原因。德國總理默克爾稱, 阿薩德總統(tǒng)應(yīng)該參與每一個(gè)結(jié)束戰(zhàn)爭的會議。也有另一種可能,即敘利亞沒有阿薩德可能更加危險(xiǎn)和不穩(wěn)定。穆斯林圣戰(zhàn)分子是可以擁有更多的土地的。毫無疑問,成百上千,甚至幾百萬的難民將會離開敘利亞。

World news from the BBC.


The UN humanitarian aid chief Stephen O'Brien has expressed concern that UN agencies had been ordered out of the Lugansk region in eastern Ukraine by the pro- separatist administration there. Correspondents say that for nearly two months, mostly western humanitarian organizations have been prevented from operating in the region as Russia aid convoys increase.


The Chinese presdient Xi Jinping has met president Obama at White House during his first state visit to the US. The two presidents will have a working dinner, and are expected to discuss China's all edged cyber spying as well as the territorial disputes that Chinese military built up in South China Sea.


The head of the Federal Reserve Janet Yellen has said she expects the central bank to begin gradually raising interest levels by the end of this year. Last week, the Fed delayed a long anticipated rise due in part of fears about weak global growth.

美國聯(lián)邦儲備理事會(美聯(lián)儲,fed) 負(fù)責(zé)人葉倫說,她預(yù)計(jì)從今年年底央行將開始逐步提高利率水平。上周, 由于對全球經(jīng)濟(jì)增長疲軟的擔(dān)憂美聯(lián)儲推遲了計(jì)劃增長。

The UN's highest court, the international court of justice has agreed to take up a century old dispute between Chile and Bolivia, which are seeking to regain access to the Pacific. Bolivia lost 400 km of coast to Chile in a 19th century war.


The Russian president Vladmir Putin has phoned the the pop star Elton John and proposed a meeting. The call came a week after a pair of Russian comedians tricked the singer into thinking he was talking to the president. The singer had said he wanted to discuss Russia's attitude to gay rights. Bridget Kendal has more details. After last week's hoax call, this time it was the real deal. A Kremlin spokesman said a formal approach to Sir Elton was first made by the Russian ambassador in London to convince the singer this was not another trick. Then apparently Mr. Putin spoke to him directly saying that since Elton John was such a popular performer, he would be ready to meet him face to face if they could make their schedules work to discuss anything he wanted.

在一對俄羅斯喜劇演員騙歌手稱他們是總統(tǒng)一個(gè)星期后,俄羅斯總統(tǒng)弗拉基米爾•普京(Vladimir Putin)打電話給流行歌星埃爾頓·約翰并提出了見面。這名歌手說他想討論俄羅斯對同性戀權(quán)利的態(tài)度。JC進(jìn)行詳細(xì)報(bào)道。普京和埃爾頓霍恩爵士面對面的會晤又回來了。上周惡作劇電話后,這次是真正的電話??死锬妨謱m發(fā)言人說第一次是由俄羅斯駐倫敦大使通過正式的方式通知埃爾頓爵士來說服這位歌手這不是另一個(gè)騙局。然后顯然普京總統(tǒng)直接跟他說既然埃爾頓是表演者, 如果他們可以安排好工作時(shí)間,他會準(zhǔn)備同他面對面交談,并討論任何他想要討論的問題。JC報(bào)道。

BBC news


Hello, I am Feona Macdonald with the BBC news.

King Salman of Saudi Arabia has ordered a full review of the country's plans for the annual hajj pilgrimage after 700 people died in a crush outside the Muslim holy city of Mecca. Here is Frank Gardiner. It is the latest in a series of terrible hajj tragedies. The worst was in 1990, when more than 1400 people died in a crush in a tunnel. Then in 2006, more than 360 pilgrims were killed in another similar stampede also at Mina. The official investigation into what happened is already under way. Now the Suadis will have to look once again at how to prevent any more such disasters.

Pope Francis has expressed solidarity with Muslims following the tragedy in Saudi Arabia. Speaking during a prayer services in Patrick Cathedral in New York, he expresses closets to those who had suffered in Mecca. The Pope's arrival in New York came hours after he became the first pontiff to address a joint session of US Congress in Washington. Nick Bryant has more. After a presession de for the avenue, the Pope lead evening prayers sum at Patrick Cathedral. And he will visit more of Manhatan's iconic tourist sites today, Central Park, the 9-11 memorial museum, the UN. His speech to the UN is a centerpiece, and it comes as the international community adopts new sustainable development goals. M efforts aimed at eradicating extreme poverty with environmental sustainability.

Russia said when president Vladmir Putin and president Obama meet in New York next Monday, their first nearly a year, the top item agenda must be Syria. The conflicts there will also be the key theme in the Russian president's speech to the UN General Assembly next week. Laura Becca is in Washington. The white house says the main issue would be the conflict in eastern Ukraine where Russian backed forces are fighting the KF government. The Kremlin says its main focus is on Syria, where Russia has built up its military forces in recent weeks and supported the president Bashar al-Assad. A spokesman for the white house has admitted the talks could be tense. He said the president was not going to shun away from mazing concerns.

And the possibility of having the Syrian president involved in discussions to end the conflict is likely to be considered at a meeting of British, French and German foreign ministers in Paris. Jeremy Borne has this report. So far, President Bashar al-Assad has survived every prediction of defeat. The durability of his regime is one reason why some Western governments are softening their rhetoric about president Assad. There is also a sense that Syria, without the Assads, might be even more dangerous and unstable. And without question, hundreds of thousands perhaps millions more refugees would leave Syria.

World news from the BBC.

The UN humanitarian aid chief Stephen O'Brien has expressed concern that UN agencies had been ordered out of the Lugansk region in eastern Ukraine by the pro- separatist administration there. Correspondents say that for nearly two months, mostly western humanitarian organizations have been prevented from operating in the region as Russia aid convoys increase.

The Chinese presdient Xi Jinping has met president Obama at White House during his first state visit to the US. The two presidents will have a working dinner, and are expected to discuss China's all edged cyber spying as well as the territorial disputes that Chinese military built up in South China Sea.

The head of the Federal Reserve Janet Yellen has said she expects the central bank to begin gradually raising interest levels by the end of this year. Last week, the Fed delayed a long anticipated rise due in part of fears about weak global growth.

The UN's highest court, the international court of justice has agreed to take up a century old dispute between Chile and Bolivia, which are seeking to regain access to the Pacific. Bolivia lost 400 km of coast to Chile in a 19th century war.

The Russian president Vladmir Putin has phoned the the pop star Elton John and proposed a meeting. The call came a week after a pair of Russian comedians tricked the singer into thinking he was talking to the president. The singer had said he wanted to discuss Russia's attitude to gay rights. Bridget Kendal has more details. After last week's hoax call, this time it was the real deal. A Kremlin spokesman said a formal approach to Sir Elton was first made by the Russian ambassador in London to convince the singer this was not another trick. Then apparently Mr. Putin spoke to him directly saying that since Elton John was such a popular performer, he would be ready to meet him face to face if they could make their schedules work to discuss anything he wanted.

BBC news


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