/k/ is a voiceless consonant sound.
The /k/ sound is produced by bouncing the back of your tongue off of the soft palate.
Think of it like a trampoline action in the back of your tongue, /k/,...
...feel the back of your tongue jumping to touch the soft palate and release.
The most common challenge with this sound is a lack of muscularity...
...so you lose the energy of the /k/ and you might even drop the sound altogether.
This can lead to a mumbling quality or can even change the meaning of the word.
This tends to happen toward the end of words.
Listen to the difference when I pronounce a few word pairs.
Stack, sta.
Pick, pih.
Lock, la.
Can you hear and feel the energy of /k/?
You see, there is a big bounce happening and a release of air on the sound.
Now, let's practice together.
Here's an exercise that can help you develop more energy and action in the back of the tongue.
I call it, "Trampoline for the K".
Try using your hands like I do to mirror what is happening in your mouth.
The goal for this is to actually inhale and exhale on the /k/ sound.
Let's try that together a few times.
/k/, /k/, /k/, /k/, /k/, /k/.
You can actually do this 10 or 20 times on your own and feel that trampoline bounce each time.
Now, let's try a few words with that action of the /k/
Try this out as you practice on EnglishCentral and good luck!