【少兒英語歌曲】特殊節(jié)日 It is a date
All the countries of the world全世界所有的國家
have special days to share.都有一些共同節(jié)日。
We celebrate many things,我們共同慶祝很多事情,
but it's different when and where.但在不同的時間,不同的地點。
In France, the New Year holiday在法國,新年
is on January first.是在一月一日。
But if you're from Iran,但如果在伊朗,
it's March the twenty-first!是三月二十一日。
Our mothers everywhere母親節(jié)在世界各地
have their special day.都慶祝。
India has it in October,印度是十月,
Denmark, a Sunday in May.丹麥是五月的一個星期天。
Countries sometimes mark a day許多國家都有
for independence won.國慶日。
In the streets, you see parades,在大街上,你會看到閱兵,
fireworks, and fun.煙火還有人們的喜氣洋洋。
But I'm going to wait all week但是一整年我就等一天
for a day that's really great.那天才是最棒的。
There's a party on my birthday,我的生日聚會,
with presents and a cake!各種禮物還有蛋糕!