“We had a deal,” said the debutante in the dazzling red dress. “The interest rate on the loan was supposed to be 0.05, not 0.5 of the debt. I saw it written on the paper with my own eyes. Someday changed the position of the decimal point! This is a clear case of deception.”
“It’s your eyes that deceived you,” replied the deadly loan shark. He smirked as he decanted a bottle of wine and ate a piece of chocolate from her candy box. “The debenture you signed clearly says 0.5 of the loan. As the debtor, you have no choice but to pay the 50% interest. If you don’t pay, I will reduce your house to debris.”
“I will not pay a deceitful man like you,” said the stubborn debutante.
“I’m not interested in a debate,” replied the loan shark, as he ate another piece of chocolate. “I’m a decent businessman. It’s not my fault your family has a dearth of money. Those expensive deciduous trees our front and your family’s decadent lifestyle decimated the family fortune. Maybe you shouldn’t have spent the entire loan trying to dazzle that unfortunate boy into courting you. You used deceit to make him think you were rich. You’re more deceptive than I am.”
“In general, I think that’s debatable,” said the debutante. “But today, it’s true.”
“What do you mean?” asked the loan shark, now feeling a bit dazed by the chocolates.
“I should have told you,” replied the debutante. “Eating too many chocolates can decay your teeth,” she whispered as he fell to the floor, “but eating poisoned ones can kill you.”
daze vt. 使發(fā)昏,是眩暈
dazzle vt. (使)眩目,(使)眼花;使(某人)贊許,稱奇
dazzling adj. 眼花繚亂的;耀眼的
deadly adv. 致命的,毒性的;有害的
deal n. 交易;分量
dearth n. 缺少,缺乏
debatable adj. 爭論中的;未決定的
debate n. 爭論,辯論
debenture n. 債券
debris n. 廢墟,殘害;碎片
debt n. 債務
debtor n. 債務人
debutante n. 初次參加社交活動的少女
decadent adj. 頹廢的
decant v. 傾注,倒出
decay v./n. (使)腐爛,腐蝕;衰落
deceit n. 欺騙,欺詐
deceitful adj. 慣于欺騙的
deceive vt. 欺騙,行騙
decent adj. 適當?shù)模山邮艿?得體的,體面的
deceptive adj. 欺騙的,導致錯誤的
deception n. 欺騙,詭計
deciduous adj. 每年落葉的
decimal adj. 十進制的
decimate v. 毀掉大部分,大量殺死