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Type is power: the power to express words and ideas visually. It's timeless but always changing. And that's what we're going to explore.


Most people agree that the creator of typography was a German man named Johannes Gutenberg, and yes, he wore a hat like that. Before Gutenberg came along and revolutionized the world of communication, books needed to be scribed by hand, usually by months. It was very time-consuming and expensive. So Gutenberg created Blackletter, the first ever typeface, modeled after the writing of the scribes.

大部分的人同意印刷術(shù)的創(chuàng)造者是一位叫做古騰堡的德國人,還有是的,他戴像那樣的一頂帽子。在古騰堡出現(xiàn)并徹底改革了通訊的世界之前,書籍必須以手繕寫,通常要花上數(shù)個(gè)月。它非常耗時(shí)且昂貴。所以古騰堡創(chuàng)造出“黑體字”, 至今第一種字體,模仿抄寫員的筆跡。


Blackletter has thick vertical lines and thin horizontal connecters, which made it great for scribing, but they look very dense and squished together when printed. Something needed to change.


Enter Roman Type.


This particular typeface is Cambria, which you're probably used to seeing on your word processor. But the first ever Roman typeface was created in the fifteenth century by the Frenchman Nicolas Jenson. This is his typeface right here.

這特別的字體是“Cambria”,這你大概在你的文字處理器上很習(xí)慣看到。但有史以來第一個(gè)“羅馬字體”是由法國人Nicolas Jenson在十五世紀(jì)時(shí)所創(chuàng)造。這里就是他的字體。

Jenson worked mainly in Venice, Italy and was inspired by the lettering found on ancient Roman buildings. His letterforms were based on straight lines and regular curves. This made them very clear legible compared to the dense darkness of Blackletter. This legible new typeface was an instant success and quickly spread across Europe, riding on the coattails of the Renaissance.


The next major innovation in typography after Roman letters was Italics, which are like slanted and stylized versions of Roman Type. They were created in the late fifteenth century by all these Venetians from Italy as a way of fitting more letters onto the page and saving money. Now we use Italics interspersed in Roman Type for emphasis. All these Venetians also created the modern comma and semicolon, but that's another story.


Type development stayed fairly stagnant until the eighteenth century in England when William Caslon created the typeface that set a new standard for legibility. Well, it wasn't anything radical. It was just what the world was looking for. The style of Caslon's typeface is now referred to as Old Style.

字體發(fā)展保持頗為停滯不前,直至十八世紀(jì)在英國,當(dāng)William Caslon創(chuàng)造出為易讀性定下了新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的字體。這個(gè)嘛,它不是什么極端的東西。它只是世界那時(shí)正在尋找的東西。Caslon字體的風(fēng)格現(xiàn)在被稱為“舊風(fēng)格體”。

A few decades later, another brick named John Baskerville created a new variety of typeface, which we called Transitional. Later still, a Frenchman named Didot and an Italian named Bodoni created typefaces that we've classified as Modern. Most serif typefaces fit into one of these three categories, but what does each category mean?

數(shù)十年后,另一位叫做John Baskerville的好人創(chuàng)造了一個(gè)新種的字體,我們稱之為“過渡時(shí)期體”。之后還有,一位叫Didot的法國人和一位叫Bodoni的意大利人創(chuàng)造了我們分類為“現(xiàn)代體”的字體。大多數(shù)的襯線字體符合這三個(gè)類別之一,但每個(gè)類別的意義何在?

An Old Style typeface has letters that have fixed serifs and low contrast between thick and thin strokes. A Transitional typeface has letters with thinner serifs and a higher contrast between thick and thin strokes. And a Modern typeface has letters with very thin serifs and extreme contrast between thick and thin strokes.


Next, William Caslon's great grandson, named William Caslon IV, got sick of all these serifs, so he dicided to remove them entirely and made a new kind of typeface, called the Sans Serif. It didn't catch on immediately but would eventually get really big.

接著,William Caslon的曾孫,叫做William Caslon四世,厭倦了所有這些襯線,于是他決定了完全拿掉它們并做了個(gè)新種的字體,叫做“無襯線體”。它并沒有立刻流行起來但最終會變得非常大受歡迎。

During the Second Industrial Revolution, advertising created the need for new typefaces. Letter were made taller and wider, mainly used in large sizes on posters and billboards. Things got pretty weird, but one happy result of all of this experimentation is Egyptian or Slab Serif. It has really thick serifs, and it's usually used for titles.

在第二次工業(yè)革命期間,廣告創(chuàng)造出對新字體的需求。文字被做得更高而且更寬了,主要以大型字體被用在海報(bào)以及告示牌上。事情變得很奇怪,但所有這些實(shí)驗(yàn)的一個(gè)快樂結(jié)局是“埃及體”或是“Slab Serif體”。它有非常粗的襯線,而且通常是被用在標(biāo)題上。

As a backlash to the complexity found in typefaces of the nineteenth century, the early twentieth century brought something simple.


Paul Renner from Germany created a typeface called Futura, and it was based on simple geometric shapes. This is called the Geometric Sans. Around the same time, a British man Eric Gill, created the typeface called Gill Sans that was similar to the Geometric Sans but with gentler and more natural curves, and this is called the Humanist Sans.

德國的Paul Renner創(chuàng)造出了一個(gè)叫做“Futura體”的字體,它是根基于簡單的幾何形狀。這叫做“幾何無襯線體”。約莫在同一個(gè)時(shí)間,一位英國人Eric Gill創(chuàng)造出了叫做“Gill Sans體”的字體,它類似“幾何無襯線體”但有著較和緩且更天然的弧線,這個(gè)叫做“Humanist Sans體”。

The next major step in the world of Sans Serif happened in Switzerland in 1957 with the introduction of Helvetica. It has simple curves and is available in many different widths. And someone called it the world's favorite typeface.


The world of typography changed forever with the introduction of the computer. There were a few difficult years of crude Pixel Type due to the primitive screen technology. But then technology evolved, and computers began to allow for the creation of thousands of beautiful typefaces, and the other...done.


But now anyone has the freedom to create their own unique typeface. And that is the history of typography.



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