Stephen Grover Cleveland was born in 1837 and diedaged 71 in 1908. He was the 22nd and 24thpresident of the United States, being the onlypresident to leave the White House (in 1889) andreturn for a second term four years later (in 1893).He was also the first Democrat elected after the CivilWar. Cleveland was one of nine children. He wasraised in upstate New York and qualified as a lawyerin 1859.
At 44, his political career took off. Running as areformer, he was elected Mayor of Buffalo in 1881, and later, Governor of New York. Clevelandwon the Presidency with the combined support of Democrats and reform-minded Republicans.It was a hotly-contested race, with Cleveland winning by one-quarter of a percent ofthepopular vote. The electoral votes gave Cleveland a majority of 219–182.
In June 1886, Cleveland got married - the only President to do so while in the White House.Cleveland vigorously pursued a policy barring favors to any economic group. He also vetoedmany private pension bills toCivil War veterans whose claims were fraudulent. He angered therailroads by ordering an investigation of western lands they held by Government and forcedthem to return 81,000,000 acres.
Cleveland was elected as President again in 1892. This time round he faced an acute economicdepression. He dealt directly with the Treasury crisis rather than business failures, farmmortgage foreclosures, and unemployment. With the help of Wall Street, he maintained theTreasury's gold reserve. His policies during the depression were unpopular and his partydeserted him.