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聽電影學(xué)英語:返老還童 16

所屬教程:聽電影學(xué)英語 返老還童





  [00:03.28]MIKE; It’s a meeting, a policy meeting regarding your future... 這場會議攸關(guān)你們的未來

  [00:08.84]...possibly beyond 甚至更遠的未來

  [00:12.40]There’s been a change of plan, lads 計劃改變了

  [00:13.68]As you may or may not know... 你們也許知道

  [00:15.60]...the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor yesterday 昨天日本鬼子轟炸珍珠港

  [00:18.88]Frank D. Roosevelt’s asked each of us to do our part 羅斯??偨y(tǒng)請每個人為國奉獻

  [00:24.84]The Chelsea’s been commissioned to serve in the United States Navy 切爾西號受到美國海軍征召

  [00:28.80]To repair, to salvage, and to rescue 負責(zé)維修和救援的工作

  [00:32.76]Anybody doesn’t wanna go to war, now is the time to say so 誰不想?yún)?zhàn),現(xiàn)在就要說

  [00:38.64]Once you set foot on that boat, you’re in the Navy, friend 你們一上船,就加入美國海軍

  [00:44.68]Yeah, I’ve been meaning to talk with you, Mike 我一直想跟你談?wù)?/p>

  [00:48.08]My wife’s doing poorly 我太太病得不輕

  [00:50.36]I’d like to maybe see her one more time 我想再見她一面

  [00:54.04]You’re free to make your way home any way you can, Mr. Mayes 你可以自己想辦法回家

  [01:04.12]If he’s leaving, who’s gonna cook? 他走了誰要當(dāng)廚子?

  [01:05.88]Food poisoning’s one of the leading causes of death at sea 食物中毒是船員喪命的主因

  [00:00.00]by: 更多電影原聲MP3盡在人人聽力網(wǎng) /English/movie_mp3/

  [01:09.88]Right after inadequate safety equipment 其次才是安全裝備的不足

  [01:11.84]I can cook, captain. Been doing it all my life 我會做菜,這輩子都在做菜

  [01:15.84]I don’t know. You’re a little moody for war, Benjamin 我不曉得喔 你的情緒不穩(wěn),不適合打仗

  [01:19.40]What the hell? 管它的

  [01:21.28]I’ll take any man wants to kick the shite out of the Japs and the Huns 誰想打日本鬼子和德國佬都行

  [01:26.88]That’s it, pack your gear. We’re going to war, gentlemen 收拾行李,咱們?nèi)ゴ蛘?

  [01:38.56]She had left a note 她只留了一張紙條

  [01:42.64]She wrote, "It was nice to have met you. " 上面寫:很高興能認識你

  [01:44.24]And that was it 就只有這樣

  [01:48.60]It wasn’t the war any of us expected 這場戰(zhàn)爭和我們想像的不同

  [01:52.52]We would just tow crippled ships, scraps of metal, really 我們只負責(zé)拖廢棄的船只

  [01:57.20]If there was a war, we didn’t see it 就算有戰(zhàn)爭,我們也沒看到

  [02:02.36]There was a man assigned to us 軍方派一名士兵到船上

  [02:04.92]The chief gunner loved the Navy. But most of all, he loved America 這名炮兵熱愛海軍 不過他最愛的還是美國

  [02:09.72]SMITH; There is no other country in the world. When you spell America... 我眼中沒有其它國家

  [02:11.56]His name was Dennis Smith and he was a full-blooded Cherokee 他叫丹尼斯史密夫 百分百切諾基印第安人

  [02:14.56]...you’re spelling freedom 美國對我來說就代表自由

  [02:17.28]His family had been Americans for over 500 years 他的家人當(dāng)了五百年美國人

  [02:20.32]These pacifists 臭和平主義者

  [02:23.00]They say they won’t fight on conscience 他們說是為了良知才不打仗

  [02:23.72]Where would we be if everybody decided to act according to their conscience? 要是每個人都反對殺戮 那么美國就輸定了

  [02:28.76]Keep it down, would you, chief? 別說了,酋長

  [02:47.28]PLEASANT; Hey 嘿

  [02:50.88]I’ve been watching you 我一直在觀察你

  [02:53.72]You seem trustworthy 你看起來值得信任

  [02:57.32]If something happens to me... 萬一我有什么差錯

  [03:03.08]...could you see that this gets to my wife? 你能把這些交給我太太嗎?

  [03:04.64]He’d given me all of his pay 他把他的薪水都交給我

  [03:09.84]Hadn’t spent a dime of it 他連一毛錢都沒花

  [03:12.00]PLEASANT; I want my family to know I was thinking about them 我要我家人知道我會照顧他們

  [03:22.76]All hands on deck! 全體人員到甲板集合!

  [03:25.88]Get your asses up here, you lazy bastards! 快點,你們這群懶東西!

  [03:47.00]The war had finally found us 戰(zhàn)爭終于找上門來

  [03:54.60]VIC; All stop! 停機!

  [03:56.16]Pleasant, man that light 小潘,你負責(zé)那盞燈

  [04:06.20]A transport carrying 1 300 men had been split by a torpedo 一艘載滿1300人的運輸艦 被一發(fā)魚雷炸成兩半

  [04:14.36]We were first to arrive at the scene 我們最先趕到現(xiàn)場

  [04:17.04]Cut the engines! 引擎熄火!

  [04:19.20]All stop! 停機!

  [04:25.96]We were the only sound 海面只有我們的聲音

  [04:41.20]Fellas! 大家!

  [04:53.04]Sub! 敵方潛水艇!

  [04:59.08]MIKE; We sure as hell can’t outrun them fuckers 我們不可能逃走

  [05:02.24]Battle stations! 備戰(zhàn)位置!

  [05:15.60]Thank you, chief 多謝你,酋長

  [05:18.88]What? 什么?

  [05:33.08]VIC; Is that the last one? 那是最后一件嗎?


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