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Which sentences have made you think the most in your life?生活中哪些話讓你思考最多?


獲得132.6k好評的回答@Eva Gutierrez:

I read this quote about six years ago when I was in college. It took me five years to figure out what it really meant.我大概是6年前上大學(xué)時(shí)讀到這句話的,用了5年時(shí)間才弄明白它真正的含義。Like 90% of my peers, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life or who I wanted to become. At the exact same time Instagram was becoming really big. I started following bloggers and world travelers who seemed to have it all together. I can still feel the sting that pinged my heart when I would see that these globe trotters were younger than me and seemed to have it all figured out.我像90%的同齡人一樣,不知道自己想怎樣度過自己的人生或者想成為什么樣的人。那時(shí)Instagram(一款分享圖片的應(yīng)用程序)真的很火,我開始關(guān)注一些博主和環(huán)球旅行者,他們似乎活得很明白。我仍能感覺到當(dāng)我知道那些環(huán)球旅行者比我年紀(jì)小卻好像活得很明白時(shí)心上那種刺痛。How had they figured it out? What had they been given that I hadn’t?他們怎么弄明白的?他們擁有什么我所沒有的?For years I asked these questions. I would wonder what the difference between them and I were. It took me until one year ago to realize what the difference was between these “successful” millennials and myself.這些問題我思考了幾年。我就想知道他們和我有什么區(qū)別,直到一年前我才弄明白這些“成功”的千禧一代和我之間的區(qū)別。They had taken action. They had done something at some point that had catalyzed them to the lifestyle they were now living. While I had been spending years wondering what they had been given that allowed them to create successful blogs and travel the world they had been taking the action and finding out how to create successful blogs and travel the world.他們會(huì)采取行動(dòng)。他們在某個(gè)時(shí)刻做了些事塑造了他們現(xiàn)在的生活方式。當(dāng)我正花數(shù)年時(shí)間想弄明白他們被賦予了什么才會(huì)創(chuàng)建出成功的博客并環(huán)游世界的時(shí)候,他們就已經(jīng)在采取行動(dòng)弄明白如何創(chuàng)建成功的博客并環(huán)游世界了。We were both totally equal, the only thing separating us was action.我們是完全平等的,唯一的區(qū)別就是“行動(dòng)”。All it took for me to go from unhappy college graduate working at a bar to freelancing writer was realizing that if I took things into my own hands, I would figure it out.我從一個(gè)在酒吧工作的不開心的大學(xué)畢業(yè)生變成一個(gè)自由撰稿人就是因?yàn)槲乙庾R(shí)到如果我把一切都攥在手心,我就能把他們弄明白。To this day, this quote has been the most powerful sentence I have ever come across. It explains everything you need to know about creating the lifestyle and career that you have always wanted.直到今天這句話一直是我讀過的最有影響力的一句話,它解釋了關(guān)于創(chuàng)造你一直想擁有的生活方式和事業(yè)所需要知道的一切。


獲得37.8k好評的回答@Susan Kaveny:

I was working in a car shop while I was in college. One Friday evening, we had just finished up there and the guys wanted to go to the bar across the side street. I wanted to go too, and I wanted to go get cleaned up first. The guy who owned the garage, Bob, said, “If they don’t like you dirty, they don’t like you clean either.”大學(xué)時(shí)我正在一家汽車店工作,一個(gè)周五的晚上我們剛忙完,朋友們想去小巷對面的酒吧,我也想去,我想先把自己身上弄干凈。開修車廠的Bob說:“如果他們不喜歡你臟的樣子,那他們也不會(huì)喜歡你干凈的樣子?!盩hat applies to a lot of areas of life. If they don’t like you how you are, the people in question probably just don’t like you and won’t even if you change.這句話適用于生活很多方面,如果他們不喜歡你本來的樣子,那他們可能就是不喜歡你,即使你做出改變也不會(huì)喜歡你。





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