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What do you like about yourself?你喜歡自己哪一點?


獲得41.4k好評的回答@Jessie Chen:

I’m Chinese and we are taught to be humble, which includes not to brag about ourselves. But what the hell, I can do something new as a change.我是中國人,我們受的教育是要謙卑,其中包括不要自我吹噓。但管他呢,我要做出點改變。1.I’m curious. I am 27 and I didn’t have a chance to live outside of China (California) until about 3 years ago. People are amazed by my bilingual ability. I give credit to my curiosity for western society, and my urge to share my native culture.1.我好奇心強。我27歲,直到3年前才有機會出國生活(加利福尼亞)。人們驚訝于我精通雙語的能力,這要歸功于我對西方社會的好奇和分享祖國文化的渴望。2.I’m always smiling when I’m in public. There have been people telling me that whenever they see me, I always have a smile on my face.2.在公共場合保持微笑??傆腥烁艺f無論什么時候見到我都看到我在微笑。3.I’ve been financially independent since I was 18, and I have the amount of saving which most adults at my age would be proud of. I was working various part time jobs in college to gain money, experience and insight. So far, after graduation my jobs have included being a pub waitress, translator, website evaluator, journalist, financial controller.. and the list goes on.3.從18歲起我就經(jīng)濟獨立,而且有大多數(shù)同齡人會引以為傲的存款。大學時我就做各種兼職工作來賺錢,積累經(jīng)驗,提高眼力。畢業(yè)后到目前為止我做過酒吧服務員、翻譯、網(wǎng)站評估員、記者、財務總監(jiān),我還在繼續(xù)挑戰(zhàn)自己。4.I try to improve myself, every single day. I have bad days, days I don’t want to work/exercise/study/simply get out of bed. I make up those days with working extra hard on days when I’m more productive.4.每一天我都在努力提高自己。我有也不在狀態(tài)的時候,有些日子不想工作、鍛煉、學習甚至不想起床。耽誤的工作我都在效率高的時候加倍努力補上。5.I’m book smart (not sure about street smart though). I can learn pretty much everything pretty well as long as I set my mind to. My high school was the best in the region with an admission rate lower than 2%. Without surprise, I was accepted by a tier 1 university in Shanghai (In China, we have 5 tiers for universities).5.我有書本智慧(卻不太懂街頭智慧)。只要我用心什么都能學得很好。我就讀的高中是當?shù)刈詈玫?,錄取率不?%。我毫不意外地考入了上海的頂級大學(中國大學分5等)。6.I’m a diligent listener. I am usually the quiet one in a group and enjoy absorbing ideas and thoughts from different voices.6.我是一個用心傾聽的人。在一群人中我總是很安靜,喜歡吸收來自不同聲音的想法和思想。7.I take care of my body. I exercise regularly. I eat homemade food. I take time to meditate and ensure mental health.7.我很會照顧自己。我定期鍛煉,在家里自己做飯吃,還會花時間冥想,保持精神健康。8.I’m frugal and a minimalist, but in the mean time, I keep an eye out for new inventions/trends. Can’t stop being curious.8.我很節(jié)儉,是個極簡主義者,但同時我還留心新的發(fā)明和流行趨勢。求知欲不能停。9.I’m the perfect roommate. I clean. I cook. I am super quiet. I don’t invite friends over unless special occasions. I don’t own much stuff. Oh, I pay rent on time too.9.我是個完美的室友。我會打掃房間,做飯,還超級安靜;除非有特殊情況否則不會邀請朋友過來;東西也不多;我還會準時交房租。10.I think I’m quite good looking.10.我自認為挺漂亮。11. I can draw and I enjoy doing it.11.我會畫畫,而且很喜歡畫。12. I take pretty photos.12.我照相技術不錯。





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