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What are the skills that are most important to learn during your 20s?20幾歲的時候最需要學的技能是什么?


獲得1.1k好評的回答:@Carolyn Cho

1. Build a foundation for health.鍛煉強健的體魄。In your twenties it's easy to feel like you're invincible. That fast food and the five margaritas you downed the night before burn right off and you wake up the next morning feeling fine. This does not last. Start building healthy habits now before they catch up to you later. At 30, I'm still struggling with this one myself. Get in the habit of eating healthfully and exercising. Your body will thank you for years later.20幾歲的時候,你很容易覺得自己所向披靡。吃個快餐、晚上喝的五杯瑪格麗塔酒酒勁還沒過,第二天醒來還感覺良好。但這持續(xù)不了多久的。在身體垮掉之前趕緊養(yǎng)成健康的習慣。30歲的時候,我仍舊在和自己的健康作斗爭。習慣吃得健康一點,做做運動。幾年之后,你的身體狀況會感激你現在所作出的努力。2. Learn resiliency.學會振作。Your twenties is a time when most are relatively free of the responsibilities that will increase into your thirties and forties. This is a great time to experiment, fail, and bounce back. Learn how to ride out failure and persevere. Life is full of challenges. The twenties are a great time to toughen up and start teaching yourself how to be emotionally and mentally resilient enough to weather both the joys and hardships to come.20幾歲是你最自由的時候,到了30歲和40歲的時候,責任就相對增加很多了。這是去嘗試、失敗、重新振作的最佳時期。學著怎么從失敗當中爬起來并且堅持下去。生活中充滿挑戰(zhàn)。無論幸福還是悲傷,20歲都是你吃苦和學會怎么從精神上和身體上振作的最佳時期。3. Figure out what lifestyle and career work for the real you.找到你真正想要的生活方式和工作。I felt like a failure throughout my twenties because most of my university friends seemed happy in corporate jobs that made me miserable. I felt constant pressure to fit a specific mold. It's only within the past year that I've started to come to terms with who I really am and what really makes me happy. Life is not one-size-fits-all. Choose the career and lifestyle that are true to you, not a version of that you wish you were.20幾歲的時候我覺得自己很失敗,因為我大多數的大學同學都有著幸福的工作,這讓我覺得自己很可悲。為了一定的目標,我不斷給自己施加壓力。過去的一年里,我才真正開始思考我到底是個什么樣的人,什么才能使我快樂。沒有任何一種生活方式能適合所有人。選擇你自己真正想要的生活方式跟職業(yè),而不是像你所希望的那樣。4. Learn to live within your means.學會靠自己生活。This point is a related one to the financial advice Jason shares in his answer. Learn smart financial management now. Learn how to live within a budget and maintain good credit. A mistake I once made, and one I still see a number of my peers making, is being a slave to lifestyle: taking cabs everywhere, buying expensive clothing, and having meals out constantly. This is stupid and reckless. I know people who were left completely adrift despite having made great salaries because they had no savings when their careers hit a rough patch. Their income was spent all on things that are frivolous. Luxuries are a wonderful thing only if you can truly afford them. Don't be a slave to funding a lifestyle that will not last. Learn to live modestly and save up, and then you will have earned the right to purchase yourself some treats, in moderation.這一點跟Jason分享的經融方面的建議有關?,F在開始,學些理財知識吧。學著怎么在不打破預算的情況下生活,還保持良好的信用額度。我曾經犯過一個錯誤,現在我仍舊看見我的很多朋友在犯這個錯誤,那就是成為了生活方式的奴隸:無論去哪兒都打的,買昂貴的衣服,還有經常去外面吃飯。這是愚蠢和魯莽的。我見過那種人,盡管工資很高,但是當他們的工作遇到困難的時候卻因為沒有積蓄而徹底絕望。他們把所有的收入都用在那些沒有意義的東西上。只有當你真正能負擔得起的時候,奢侈才是恰到好處。不要去選擇一種不會持久的奴隸的生活方式。學會謙虛地生活還有節(jié)約,然后你就可以有節(jié)制地給自己來個獎勵。5. Choose who you spend your time with carefully.認真選擇你的伴侶。Time is a precious commodity and you start to realize that increasingly into your mid to late twenties. Choose your friends wisely. Separate yourself from toxic or negative influences, those who would waste your time, and those who encourage you to focus on the unimportant. Seek out people who give you happiness, who inspire you, who support you, and nourish those relationships instead.在你二十五六歲時候你會開始發(fā)現,時間是一件珍貴的商品。明智地選擇你的朋友。不要讓自己被有害的的或者消極的人所影響,那些人只會浪費你的時間,他們只會讓你專注于那些不重要的事情上??纯凑l能給你帶來幸福,誰激勵你,誰支持你,讓你們之間的關系升溫。




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