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1.Use a checklist or to do list.1. 利用待辦事項清單。


Before starting the day, I try to have a short to do list of what I hope to achieve for that day. I check back on that list multiple times throughout the day. If I'm slipping behind on my progress on these tasks, looking at the list has the tendency to jolt me back on track and into a focused state for the remainder of the day. I keep the to-do list in sequential order, so there is always just one thing that is next on my list to do, and no choice around it. This reduces the chance that I switch between multiple tasks and end up getting nothing done. If things do crop up that require a change of plan, I will adjust my list to reflect that.在開始工作前,我會寫下當天的工作目標。并且我還會不時地查看它。如果我的工作進度有所落后于計劃,那么回顧任務清單就能把我調(diào)整到工作軌道上來,并且把注意力集中于剩余的事務上。我把待辦的事情按照先后順序排列,那么在我的待辦事項里永遠就只有一件事件需要完成了,并且別無他選。這樣我就不必糾結(jié)多項任務之間的取舍,最終什么都沒完成了。如果確實有突發(fā)事件需要改變計劃,那么我只需要調(diào)整我的任務清單以適應情況的變化。

2.Reduce interruptions.2. 減少干擾。


I have stopped listening to music while working. Music does help in getting me into the 'zone' sometimes, but I've often found myself checking out the artist names and titles for catchy new songs, or skipping bad songs, or restarting the player, all of which can be disruptive to my flow of thought.工作期間我不會聽音樂。沒錯,音樂有時候確實能讓我進入“狀態(tài)”,但是我也常常發(fā)現(xiàn)自己會沉迷于弄清歌唱者或朗朗上口的新歌曲名字,切歌,重啟播放器,這些都對我的工作思路造成干擾。


Similarly, I keep the number of news feeds I check during the work day to a minimum. These can suck a lot of your time and attention away, and while they might be interesting or good for learning, ultimately, they reduce the time you spend working. I usually leave these to designated break times.同樣的,我把每天查看新聞信息的數(shù)量控制到最少。因為這些信息會吞噬大部分的時間和注意力,雖然它們具有趣味性和教育意義,但是最終只會浪費你的工作時間。所以我常常把這些信息留到休息的時間才查閱。

3.Adopt time-saving techniques.3. 采用省時技巧。


There are many ways this could be done. I bring my personal laptop to work, so I have two machines at any time. This way, if one computer stalls for a moment, rather than use that as an opportunity to take a break or switch to an offline task, I would switch to the other computer and resume my work. Similarly, my work laptop stays connected to my large-screen monitor, while my personal laptop follows me to meetings. I don't need to spend time adjusting and resizing my windows -- everything stays where I remembered them to be.達到這個目標的方法實際上有很多。把個人筆記本電腦帶到公司,那么就有兩臺機器供我使用了。通過這個小技巧,即使其中一臺電腦停機了,我能免于把它視為休息機會或迫于離線工作,只需要把任務轉(zhuǎn)移至另一臺電腦上就能繼續(xù)我的工作了。同樣的原理,我把工作用的筆記本連接到大屏顯示器上,而我的個人筆記本電腦就能帶到會議上使用了。我不必花費時間調(diào)整和重新改變我的窗口大小,因為所有參數(shù)都按照我原本記憶的設置。


I do the same for my browser windows and tabs. I have a designated window for certain classes of pages which I need to check somewhat regularly throughout the day. It saves me some time finding the right tab, although I still need to work on reducing the total number of tabs I have open.對于瀏覽器窗口和標簽我也采用同樣的方法。我有一個專門設置于每天定期瀏覽的頁面窗口。這樣能一定程度上節(jié)省尋找標簽的時間,盡管我還需要想想辦法減少打開的標簽數(shù)量。

4.Email for responding when optimal.4. 在合適的時機回復電子郵件。


Emails usually do not need an immediate response. While it is tempting to check email regularly and I still do this, writing a response can take your attention away from your task at hand. If more immediate responses were expected, there is always IM/chat or talking in person, so no need to worry about the lack of immediacy.電子郵件一般都不要求即時回復。雖然不時查看郵件很吸引人,并且我也仍然這么做,但是撰寫一份郵件的回復就會把你的注意力從手頭上的任務中轉(zhuǎn)移開來。如果有多封電子郵件需要你的即時回復,那么你可以使用即時通訊的軟件與對方親自交流,這樣就不必擔心無法即時回復電子郵件了。

5.Do reading away from the computer.5. 讓閱讀遠離電腦。


For reading long papers and articles, I would choose to print a physical copy or view it on an iPad. This takes me away from my computer which can be a source of distraction. It's also helpful to read with a desired end-goal in mind, such as finishing with some key takeaway points or figuring out how to apply what you've just read to solve a problem you are facing at the moment. This helps you keep focused and goal-driven, until you're done reading or you've read enough to meet your goals.對于篇幅長的文件和文章,我會選擇紙質(zhì)印制的版本或在iPad上閱讀。因為這樣能讓我免于電腦的干擾。同樣的,對于帶著想要完成目標的心情來閱讀,比如閱讀完就了解一些要點,或者把吸取到解決困難的方法用于解決當前剛好遇到的問題上,都是非常有效的。這樣能在完成閱讀或已經(jīng)達到實現(xiàn)目標的閱讀量時,讓你保持注意力集中,受到目標的驅(qū)動。

6.Deliberately carve out a solid block of time for work.6. 刻意劃出工作專屬時間塊。


Block this out in your calendar and go somewhere with minimal environmental distractions to focus on getting a lot done in a short time. This could take practice to make the most of time but the work produced in one contiguous block of time could be way better than something you get working distractedly for an entire day.在日程表上劃出工作時間塊,然后找一個環(huán)境干擾最小的地方,在短時間內(nèi)完成大量的任務。這樣可能需要花費大部分時間,但是在這一段連續(xù)的時間塊中所完成的工作質(zhì)量便會比一整天工作于充滿干擾的環(huán)境中的質(zhì)量高得多。




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