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百科知識視頻之煎蛋小學(xué)堂65 如果地球上所有人同時起跳會怎么樣






Hey,Vsauce,Micheal here.And what if every single person on earth jumped at the exact same time?Could it cause an earthquake?Or would we not even be able to tell? Well,first things first,let's talk about the earth's rotation.The earth's spins since why we have night and day,and it spins quickly.At the equator,the earth is spinning at more than 1000 miles per hour.

嘿 歡迎來到Vsauce 我是Michael。如果地球上的每一個人在同一時刻起跳 會發(fā)生什么?會引起一場地震嗎?還是連我們自己都不知道?好 先說重要的 我們先來談?wù)劦厍虻淖赞D(zhuǎn)。地球自轉(zhuǎn)產(chǎn)生晝夜 并且速度還很快。在赤道 地球以1000英里/小時的速度轉(zhuǎn)動。

Now a spinning ice-skater can speed up by moving mass closer to the center.And the earth is no different.In fact,if you get down on the ground right now,and move your mass closer to earth's center,technically,you will speed up earth's rotation making this day shorter.Now,the change that you would make to the earth's rotation is way smaller than we can even measure.But it's calculatable and the impact can be quite impressive when you talk about redistributing more mass than just one person.

眼下一個轉(zhuǎn)動的溜冰者能將質(zhì)量靠近質(zhì)心 以提高轉(zhuǎn)速。而地球卻沒什么不同。實際上 如果你現(xiàn)在倒在地上,然后將你自己靠近地心,嚴(yán)格意義上來說 你會加速地球自轉(zhuǎn) 從而把一天變短。此時 你對地球自轉(zhuǎn)造成的變化遠(yuǎn)小于我們能夠測量的精度。但這是可計算的 它的影響也是很可觀的,當(dāng)討論重新分布遠(yuǎn)大于一個人的質(zhì)量時。

For instance,last year,the earthquake in Japan.redistributed so much of earth's mass towards the earth's center.that everyday,since than,has been 1.8 micro-second's shorter.But that was a giant geological event.What can us humans do to the earth all on our own? I mean,there are more than 7 billion of us now.What if we all got together in one place and jumped? What would that even look like?

例如 去年發(fā)生在日本的地震,將如此多的質(zhì)量分布到距離地心更近的地方。以至于自從那時 地球自轉(zhuǎn)比原來慢了1.8微妙。但那是一個巨大的地質(zhì)現(xiàn)象。我們?nèi)祟惾珣{自己 能對地球做什么呢?我的意思是 我們有70億人口。如果我們?nèi)烤奂谝黄?跳一跳會怎么樣?那看起來會是什么樣子?

Interestingly,if you took the entire human population of earth,and had them all live in one place with the same density that people live in New York City.you could fit everyone all of us,into the state of Texas.But that's living,not standing around in the crowd which is how we would probably wanna do to jump.If every single person alive right now on earth stood shoulder to shoulder,you could fit all of us into the city of Los Angeles.It would be an incredible sight to be hold,A mere 500 square miles containing every single on earth.

有趣的是 如果你將地球上的所有人聚集起來,讓他們都以紐約城的人口密度住在一起,一個德克薩斯州大小的地方就可以容納所有人類。但這是居住 不是一群人站在一起,那樣我們才可能跳起來。如果每個活著的人現(xiàn)在肩并肩站著,一個洛杉磯大小的地方就能容納所有人類。那將是一個令人難以置信的景象,一片只有500平方英里的土地 容納地球上的每一個人。

OK,so then we jump,what happens?Unfortunately,not much.I mean,we are all awesome people here on earth.But our collective mass compared to the mass of the entire earth,it's like nothing.In fact,DOT PHYSICS calculating that if all of us were to get together in one location and all jump 30cm into the air at the exact same time,we would push the earth away from us a tiny amount.Earth would only move away from us about 1/100 of the width of a single Hydrogen atom.And here's another thing,because we are all jumping and then going back to where we started,earth is just going to move back to where it started.

好 然后我們起跳 會發(fā)生什么呢?不幸的是 似乎沒啥。我的意思是 我們都是地球上令人敬畏的人類啊。但是我們大家的質(zhì)量與地球的相比,就像是什么都沒有。事實上 DOT PHYSICS 計算出如果我們所有人聚集在一起 同時向上跳30厘米,我們會將地球推力我們一丁點(diǎn)兒。地球只會大約遠(yuǎn)離我們百分之一氫原子的寬度。另外 因為我們?nèi)计鹛?然后回到原點(diǎn),地球也會移動到原來的位置。

So,our big jump won't be able to change earth's position in space.But come on,7 billion people all jumping together.that's gotta be able to cause some sort of seismic activity,right? So let's say you have a lot of people altogether at one place,and you have them all jump on one,two,three.Did you feel that?Well,the BBC did this with 50,000 people and discovered that a kilometer and a half away,it only registered as a point six on the Richter scale,You would meet 7 million times more people than even live on earth right now to jump at once to recreate the earthquake that recently happend in Japan.So,even though we were all awesome,compared to the size of the earth,we are not much.

所以我們這一跳不會在空間上改變地球的位置。但怎么會呢 70 億人一起跳啊,一定會導(dǎo)致某種地震活動 對不對?所以比方說 你同時有很多人,然后你讓他們都起跳 一 二 三。你能感受到嗎?BBC找了五萬人做這個實驗,然后發(fā)現(xiàn)1.5公里之外,之測量到里氏0.6級的地震 你要有現(xiàn)在地球人口,七百萬倍的人 同時起跳來重現(xiàn)最近發(fā)生在日本的地震。所以 即使我們再厲害,比起地球的大小 我們也沒有多少。

But don't get too discouraged,our collective jump will contain a lot of energy,THE STARIGHT DOPE calculated that even if only the people who lived in China got together and jumped,their jump would be equivalent of 500 tons of TNT.Of course,500 tons of TNT doesn't do much to an earth,that weights 6 Sextillion 588 Quintillion tons.To make yourself feel more powerful,pick a card.I've got 10 of them here,let's say,you choose this one.Boom,congratulations,we have just decimated this deck of cards.

但是別感到太沮喪,我們大家的跳躍會包含許多能量,THE STRAIGHT DOPE 計算出即使只有全中國的人聚在一起 然后起跳,它的能量相當(dāng)于500號TNT爆炸時釋放的能量。當(dāng)然 500噸TNT對于地球來說算不上什么,地球重達(dá)6.588x10^21噸。為了讓你變得更強(qiáng)大 挑一張卡。我這有10張卡 比如說 讓你選這一張。砰 恭喜 我們剛剛從十張卡片里面抽走了一張。

Why,well,because technically decimate does not mean obliterate completely.Deci,10,it means to take away one tenth of something.So the next time you take a quiz,and don't do so well on it,you only get 10%.Well,sure that's an F.But,by getting 10% of them right,you decimated that quiz.And since we've been talking about crowds,let's talk about Youtube crowds.Youtube audiences that if you count that you see the bottom of every video,And get some perspective on it,we'll began with Dunbar's Number.It's an estimation of the maximum number of people we can have stable social relationships with at an given moment.

為什么 因為嚴(yán)格意義上來說“decimate”不是完全抹殺的意思。“deci”10 它的意思是某物的十分之一。那么當(dāng)你下次做小測驗并且考砸了,你只拿到10分 當(dāng)然 毫無疑問是個F.但是 因為你做對了10%所以你在10題中就對了1道。既然我們一直在討論人群 來說說Yotube上的看客吧。Yotube看客們 如果你們能看到每個視頻底下的信息 稍加觀察的話,那么我們先從鄧巴數(shù)開始說起吧。這是我們在某個時間內(nèi)能夠維系穩(wěn)定社會關(guān)系的最大人數(shù)。

And it's based on the size of our Neocortex.These aren't just acquaintances,these are people you have social contact with.A network where you know how everyone relates to everyone else.And the number is usually given to be somewhere between 100 and 230.Which means that when a Youtube video receives more than 230 views from different people more people have seen that video that you could ever realistically hope to know well at a given moment.If a video has more than 100,000 views from different people,more people have seen that video than you will ever meet in your life.

它與我們大腦的新皮質(zhì)有關(guān)。這些并非僅僅相識的人 而是你能與之進(jìn)行社會交往的人。一個你對人與人之間關(guān)系了如指掌的網(wǎng)絡(luò)。這個數(shù)字大約在100到230人之間。這也就意味著 當(dāng)一個Youtube視頻觀看人數(shù)超過了230,觀看視頻的人數(shù)就比你希望能在一段時間內(nèi)熟識的人數(shù)多了。如果一個視頻被超過10萬不同的人觀看,那么觀看視頻的人數(shù)就比你一生中能夠遇到的人多了。

And by meet,I mean shake hands with,learn their name,talk to them for a bit.I mean think of it this way,you and me,we are only statistically expected to live around 28,470 days.So even if you are to meet someone,two three people everyday of your life including when you are a baby.you still wouldn't meet as many people as have seen that Youtube video with 100,000 views.

遇到 在這里指的是你們二者握手 互留姓名 二人間聊聊天。我的意思是 從這個方面思考 你我之間,統(tǒng)計意義上說我們的壽命只有大約28,470天。那么如果你要見某些人,即使每天遇到兩三個人 把嬰兒時期的那幾年也算上,你遇見的人數(shù)還是超不過觀看這段視頻的那100,000名Youtube觀眾。

Keep this in mind,even though you or even a large group of us can do much to change the earth's location or rotation.we can affect it a little bit.Newton's Third Law guarantees this,if you weigh 150 pounds,the earth is pulling you down with a force of 150 pounds.But you are also pulling up on the earth with a force of 150 pounds.If you fall 3 meters,the earth is pulled you down 3 meters,but you have also exerted an equal and opposite force on the earth.Of course it's a lot bigger.SO if you fall 3 meters,you pull the earth up about a billionth of the width of a proton.which ain't bad.

請記住 即使是你 或者是我們一大群人能夠為改變地球的自轉(zhuǎn)或位置做出許多事,我們能在極輕微程度上產(chǎn)生影響。牛頓第三定律向我們保證 如果你的體重是150磅,那么地球就是對你施加一個向下的 大小為150牛的力。但是你也對地球施加一個向上的 大小為150牛的力。如果你下降3米 就是說地球把你向下拉3米,但你也對地球施加了一個大小相等 方向相反的力。當(dāng)然這個看上去大多了。如果你下落3米 地球就被你拉上來了質(zhì)子直徑十億分之一垢距離。似乎還不錯。

So the next time you move your body,the next time you jump,Felicia,think about this:you just affected the earth as much as it affected you.You got that kind of power,speed of power.You all should go check out GEEK & SUNDRY,Felicia's new channel,it's one of my new favorite names.And,as always,THANKS FOR WATCHING.

那么 當(dāng)你下次移動身體,F(xiàn)elicia 當(dāng)你下次跳起來的時候 想想這件事:你對地球的作用和地球?qū)δ愕淖饔孟喈?dāng)。你的確有那種能力 那么大的功率。你也應(yīng)該去瞧瞧GEEK & SUNDRY Felicia 的新頻道,這是我現(xiàn)在最近愛上的頻道之一。另外 還是和往常一樣 謝謝觀看。


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