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百科知識視頻之煎蛋小學(xué)堂34 便便的旅程





Poop,most of us don't give a second thought to where it ends up after flushing.But what if I told you that the very poop could be making a way back into your house without you ever noticing.For those unfamiliar.

說到便便 絕大多數(shù)人不會再想想 當(dāng)它被沖到下水道后了結(jié)在何處。但是如果我告訴你 這潑便便會在你 不曾留意時 回到你的房子里呢。致那些不知便便的。

Once your food has been chewed,swallowed,chmically and pyhsically broken down,and the useful nutrients have been absorbed into your body,the rest is gracefully discarded as waste,This waste,then gets combined with the mixture of urine,rain,shower sink and other household waters into your local sewage system,which,surprisingly contains mostly water and relatively little feces.like a big o bowl of soup with very few vegetables.

當(dāng)你口中的食物被咀嚼 吞咽 并從物理和化學(xué)上分解,有用的營養(yǎng)物質(zhì)被吸收進(jìn)你的身體之后,剩下的食物就被華麗麗地拋棄 成為排泄物。這些排泄物 和尿液 雨水 洗澡水 以及其他家用污水的混合物結(jié)合在一起 進(jìn)入當(dāng)?shù)氐南滤老到y(tǒng),令人驚訝的是 下水系統(tǒng)中大多是水 糞便相對較少,就像一大碗湯中的幾片菜葉一樣。

After passing through potentially miles of pipes,the soup reaches sewage treatment plant and it's initially screened and scammed to separate out things like sand,grait and pebbles.More importantly,this is where that cellphone you accidentally drop down the toilet get caught,along with condoms,garbages and other stuff you thought would be a good idea to toss down the drain.

再穿過可能有好幾英里的管道后,這碗“湯”到達(dá)污水處理廠 開始被初步篩選和掃描 以分離出沙子 細(xì)沙 卵石等東西。更重要的是 這就是被你不小心 掉到馬桶中的手機(jī)被攔住地地方,同時還有安全套 垃圾以及其他 在你看來應(yīng)該被扔到下水道沖走的東西。

Which,by the way,wasn't a good idea,For every piece of trash or item you throw down the toilet,the more likely there will be a blockage in the system,which has to be removed-by hand,and no one wants that,The pebbles and grait,on the other hand,are dried,cleaned and reused to things like construction.Perhaps contributing to the creation of your ivory throne.The remaining could be mixture is then left still in the giant tank.and thanks to the fundamental properties of both of and grease as non-polar substances,which don't mix with water,it's relatively easy to skim them off.

順帶說一句 才不應(yīng)該這么做呢。你向馬桶中扔進(jìn)的每一塊垃圾,都會使下水系統(tǒng)堵塞的可能性增大一些,而要排除堵塞就得用手 沒人想干這活。另一方面 卵石和沙子被烘干 清潔 并重新利用在建設(shè)房屋等方面。它也可能成為你家白色寶座的一部分。剩下可能的混合物被放在巨大水缸中靜置。正由于一個基本屬性 油類和脂類都 是非極性物質(zhì) 即油和脂都不溶于水,因此撇去它們還比較簡單。

Still,you really shouldn't be pulling it down the drain,as it can clog pipes and overwhelm the intricate system,What's left now is some sludge and a smelly liqued that looks like chocolate milk,Chocolate milk,and what's it taste like to the millions of bacteria which are set loose to feast on this mixture.They literally eat the pathogens out of the liquid.Most of these bacteria are aerobic,meaning that they require oxygen to function,just like humans.So the tank is pumped full of oxygen.This water is then disinfected and reintroduced to back into the environment.

不過 你也不應(yīng)該把它們沖到下水道里,它們會阻塞管道 讓復(fù)雜的下水系統(tǒng)鴨梨山大。剩下的就是一些爛泥和看上去像巧克力奶一樣奇“香”的物質(zhì)。 巧克力奶 對上百萬的細(xì)菌來說就是這個味道 它們被放任去享受這頓混合物的大餐。字面上說 它們吃進(jìn)液體中的病原體。它們大多數(shù)都是嗜氧菌 這意味著它們需要氧氣 來活動 這和人類一樣。因此水缸中被注滿了氧氣。之后 這些水被消毒并重新輸送到外界。

The remaining sludge,on the other hand,containing mostly solid waste matter go through a final treatment with another set of bacteria.These bacteria produce a variety of bi-products including methane gas,which in turn is used to power the sewage treatment plant.So your poop powers the plant that processes your poop.

另一方面 剩下的爛泥中大部分都是固體廢物 它們通過另一些細(xì)菌作最終處理。這些細(xì)菌會產(chǎn)生一系列的副產(chǎn)物 包括甲烷,而甲烷則被用來為污水處理廠提供電能。所以你的便便驅(qū)動著處理你便便的工廠。

After eating everything,the bacteria die and create something know as bio-solid.After all are said and done,the remaining nutrient reaches feces and bio-solid and can be used to make compost to enrich dry land, or used as fertilizers which ultimately help grow vegetation.Vegetation which makes its way into your house and ultimately into your mouth.

在吃凈一切后 細(xì)菌會死去并產(chǎn)生俗稱為“生物固體”的東西。當(dāng)先前所述的完成后 剩下的營養(yǎng)物質(zhì)進(jìn)入糞便和生物固體中 它們可被用來制作堆肥以使干燥土壤肥沃,或者用作肥料 最終被用來幫助蔬菜生長。蔬菜走進(jìn)你的家門 最終進(jìn)入到你的口中。

And so begins the cycle of poop all over again.



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