[正] A guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously protesting his innocence.
注:民間故事,有個人把銀子埋在土里,上面寫了個字條:“此地無銀三百兩”;他的鄰居阿二把銀子偷走了,也寫了個字條:“隔壁阿二不曾偷。 ”
Folk tale. A man buried his silver in the ground and put up a note, saying: "Three hundred ounces of silver is not buried here." His neighbour Ah Erh stole the silver and also put up a note with this: "Your neighbour Ah Erh didn\'t steal it." ---A metaphor for one\'s being exposed by one\'s own vindication. 與上句一樣,對不清楚故事背景的人,只有把一切解釋得明白一點了。