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冰雪奇緣之書(shū)蟲(chóng)系列 14 雪寶來(lái)了





  Arendelle... -It's completely frozen.看阿倫戴爾... -已經(jīng)完全被凍住了

  But it'll be fine. Elsa will thaw it.不要緊艾莎會(huì)解凍這里的

  Will she? -Yeah.她會(huì)嗎? -會(huì)的

  Now come on. This way to the North Mountain?走吧 這是去北山的路嗎?

  More like this way.呵呵 我看應(yīng)該是這條

  I never knew winter could be so beautiful.我從沒(méi)想過(guò)冬天能這么美!

  YEAH... It really is beautiful, isn't it?是啊... 真的是美景如畫(huà)呢 不是嗎?

  But it's so white.但全是白色

  You know, how about a little color?你覺(jué)得 加點(diǎn)顏色如何?

  I'm thinking like maybe some crimson, chartreuse...來(lái)點(diǎn)緋紅,淡綠色...

  How 'bout yellow...no, not yellow.黃色怎么樣... 不 黃色不行

  Yellow and snow? Brrrr... no go.黃色配雪白? 我去 真難看

  Am I right?都看著我干嘛?

  Hi! - You're creepy.嗨! - 嚇我一跳!

  I don't want it! -Back at you!別往我這扔! - 別給我!

  Please don't drop me. - Come on, it's just a head.喂 別扔啦! - 只是個(gè)頭而已


  All right, we got off to a bad start.好吧 我的閃亮登場(chǎng)全給搞砸了

  Ew, ew, the body!哇喔,還有個(gè)身子

  Wait, what am I looking at right now?等等 你倆這是怎么了?

  Why are you hanging off the earth like a bat?為什么像蝙蝠一樣倒掛著?

  Al'right. Wait one second.好吧 等一下

  Oooh! Thank you! -You're welcome.噢!謝謝! -不用謝

  Now I'm perfect.現(xiàn)在好了

  Well, almost.嗯 好像還少點(diǎn)什么

  It was like my whole life got upside down.我還以為這半輩子都是倒著走的

  Oh! Too hard. I'm sorry! I was just...哦! 對(duì)不起,太用力了 我只想...

  Woo! Head Rush! Are you okay?嘿 你沒(méi)事吧?

  Are you kidding me? I am wonderful!你在說(shuō)笑嗎?我感覺(jué)好極啦!

  I've always wanted a nose.我一直想要個(gè)鼻子

  So cute. It's like a little baby unicorn.好可愛(ài) 就像獨(dú)角獸寶寶的小角

  What? Hey! Whoa.干嘛? 嘿! 哇

  Oh, I love it even more! Hah...哇 這下更帥了 哈哈...

  All right, let's start this thing over.好了 現(xiàn)在才是正式出場(chǎng)

  Hi everyone. I'm Olaf. And I like warm hugs.大家好 我是雪寶 喜歡熱情的擁抱


  That's right, Olaf.沒(méi)錯(cuò) 雪寶

  And you are?你呢?

  Oh, um... I'm Anna.哦 我是...安娜

  And who's the funky-looking donkey over there?那這個(gè)像驢一樣的家伙是誰(shuí)?

  That's Sven.是斯特

  Uh-huh. And who's the reindeer?嗯 那這只馴鹿又是誰(shuí)?


  They're...oh, okay...Makes things easier for me.他們是... 好吧 管他是誰(shuí)呢

  Ha. Aw, look at him tryin' to kiss my nose.喔 他想親我的鼻子

  I like you, too!我也喜歡你!

  Olaf, Did Elsa build you?雪寶 你是艾莎堆出來(lái)的嗎?

  Yeah. Why?是的 怎么了?

  You know where she is? Yeah. Why?你知道她在哪嗎? -是的怎么了?

  Do you think you could show us the way?你能帶我們?nèi)フ宜龁?

  Yeah. Why? -How does this work?是的 怎么了? -這是啥玩意啊?

  Stop it, Sven. Trying to focus here.別鬧 斯特 美女跟我說(shuō)話呢

  Yeah, Why? -I'll tell you Why.好吧 怎么了? -我來(lái)告訴你

  We need Elsa to Bring back Summer.我們要找到艾莎 恢復(fù)夏天

  Summer? - Uhum.夏天? - 是啊...

  Oh, I don't know why but.哇 不知道為什么但是...

  I've always loved the idea of summer,一聽(tīng)到夏天我就打心眼兒里喜歡

  And Sun, and all things hot.明媚的陽(yáng)光 一切都是暖洋洋的


  I'm guessing you don't have much experience with heat.我想你還不知道什么是“熱”吧


  But sometimes I like to close my eyes但我經(jīng)常會(huì)閉上眼睛

  and imagine what it'd be like when summer does come.想像夏天來(lái)到時(shí) 將是多么美妙


  no go不行,失敗

  The more I tell her to catch up on the reading, no go. 我越是告訴她要讀書(shū),她越是不肯讀。

  By Friday the city was a no go area. 到星期五的時(shí)候,這個(gè)城市已經(jīng)成為了一個(gè)禁區(qū)。

  creepyadj. 令人毛骨悚然的;爬行的

  There were certain places that were really creepy at night.有些地方到了晚上真嚇人。

  It make sense to make this a more temporary option for both battery life, and because of the creepy factor.


  start over重新開(kāi)始

  What can you do to start over today? 今天你要重新開(kāi)始能做些什么呢?

  Who does not welcome a chance to start over, if only on a new page of the calendar?





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