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著迷英語900句 Book 1




著迷英語900句 Book 1

BILL: Good morning, sir. 先生早.

MAN: Good morning. 早.

PAUL Hello, Bill. How are you today? 喂, 比爾, 今天好嗎?

BILL: Fine, thanks. Beautiful day! 很好, 謝謝您. 今天天氣真好!

PAUL Good for business. 是個做生意的好日子.

BILL: Sure is. 說的是.

PAUL See you later. 回頭見.

BILL: OK. Paulo. See you later. 好, 回頭見, 保羅.

GIRL: Excuse me, sir. 先生, 請問...

BILL: Yes? 有什麼指教?

GIRL: Is this the Museum of Modern Art? 這是不是現(xiàn)代藝術博物館?

BILL: No. This is the Space Building. That's the Museum over there. 不是, 這是太空大廈. 那邊那座是博物館.

GIRL: Thank you very much. 謝謝您.

BILL: You're welcome. 不客氣.

PAUL Bill! 比爾!

BILL: Hi, Paulo. 嗨, 保羅.

PAUL Bill, this is my sister, Joana Farias. 比爾, 這是我妹妹瓊娜?法瑞斯.

BILL: Very pleased to meet you. 很高興認識 .

PAUL Excuse me, Bill. Your last name is...? 抱歉, 比爾. 您的姓是...?

BILL: O'Neill. 奧尼爾.

PAUL Bill O'Neill. 比爾?奧尼爾.

JOANA: How do you do, Mr. O'Neill? 奧尼爾先生您好.

BILL: Call me Bill. 叫我比爾就可以.

WOMAN: Excuse me, sir. Is this the Museum of Modern Art? 先生, 對不起, 請問這是不是現(xiàn)代藝術館?

PAUL Good-bye, Bill. See you this afternoon. 比爾再見, 下午見.

BILL: Good-bye. A pleasure meeting you, Joana. 再見. 很高興和您見面, 瓊娜.

BILL: Now, Miss. The Museum of Modern Art is... 嗯, 小姐, 現(xiàn)代藝術博物館在...

PAUL Hello, Bill. 比爾您好.

BILL: Hi, Paulo. How are you? 嗨, 保羅, 您好嗎?

PAUL Fine, thanks. Bill, this is my mother, Mrs. Farias. Mother, Bill O'Neill. 很好, 謝謝. 比爾, 這位是家母法瑞斯太太. 媽, 這位是比爾?奧尼爾.

MRS. FARIAS: How do you do, Mr. O'Neill? 奧尼爾先生您好.

BILL: Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Farias. 很高興認識您, 法瑞斯太太.

MRS. FARIAS: Paulo, is that Joana over there? 保羅, 那邊那位是不是瓊娜?

PAUL Yes. Joana! Joana! 是的. 瓊娜! 瓊娜!

MRS. FARIAS: Good-bye, Mr. O'Neill. Nice to meet you. 奧尼爾先生再見, 很高興認識您.

BILL: A pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Farias. Good night, Paulo. See you tomorrow. 很高興認識您, 法瑞斯太太. 保羅晚安, 明天見

LAURA: Hi, Bill. I'm late again. 比爾, 您好. 我又遲到了.

BILL: Uh-huh. Fifteen minutes. 是的, 遲到了十五分鐘.

LAURA: Really? 真的?

BILL: Yes, really. 嗯, 真的.

LAURA: Is my boss here? 老板來了沒有?

BILL: Yes, he is. Good luck. 嗯, 來了. 祝您好運.

LAURA: Good morning, sir. 老板您早.

MR. CRAWFORD: Good morning, Miss Segura. 瑟姑拉小姐早.

LAURA: I'm sorry I'm late, sir, but this morning... 對不起, 老板, 我遲到了. 是因為今天早上...

MR. CRAWFORD: You are always late, Miss Segura. 瑟姑拉小姐, 您總是遲到.

LAURA: But, sir, this morning... 可是今天早上...

MR.CRAWFORD: Miss Segura, please be here at nine o'clock. 瑟姑拉小姐, 請九點鐘到.

LAURA: Yes, sir. 是的, 老板.

BILL: Well, how's your boss this morning? 您的老板今天怎麼樣?

LAURA: He's angry. "Miss Segura. Please be here at nine o'clock." 他生氣了. "瑟姑拉小姐, 請您九點鐘到."

BILL: Your boss is right. 您的老板沒有錯.

LAURA: He's a monster! 他是一個怪物!

BILL: He's right, Laura. 勞拉, 他是對的.

LAURA: OK, he's right. 好吧, 他沒有錯.

BILL: Here. 來這兒.

LAURA: What is it? 那是什麼?

BILL: It's an ice cream sandwich. 一個冰淇淋三明治.

LAURA: How much is it? 多少錢?

BILL: For you-free! 給您... 免費贈送!

LAURA: Oh, Bill. You're a sweetheart! 比爾, 您真好!

MR.CRAWFORD: Hi, dear. Sorry I'm late. 親愛的, 我回來了. 今天晚了一點, 很抱歉.

MRS. CRAWFORD: That's okay, dear. Busy day? 沒關系, 親愛的, 忙嗎?

MR. CRAWFORD: Yes, very. My secretary, Miss Segura... 嗯, 非常忙, 我的秘書瑟姑拉小姐...

MRS. CRAWFORD: Laura! How is she? 勞拉! 她怎麼樣了?

MR. CRAWFORD: She's fine, but... 她很好, 但是...

MRS. CRAWFORD: Oh, that's good. She's very nice. 那好, 她人很好.

MR. CRAWFORD: Yes, she is, but she's always late. 是的, 她很好, 可是她經(jīng)常遲到.

MRS. CRAWFORD: Very late? 很遲嗎?

MR. CRAWFORD: Yes. Fifteen minutes is very late! 嗯, 遲到十五分鐘非常的嚴重!

JOANA: Where's the English class? 英文課在哪上?

PAUL On the first floor. Room 101. 在一樓, 一零一號教室.

JOANA: Are you sure? 您確定嗎?

PAUL No, I... 不, 我...

JOANA: Look, Paulo. Are those students in our class? 保羅您看, 那些學生是不是在我們的班上?

PAUL Maybe they are. Excuse me. Good evening. Are you in English 3? 或許是. 很抱歉, 各位晚安. 請問您們是不是上第三級英文?

STUDENTS: Yes, we are. 是的, 我們是.

PAUL What's the room number? 教室是幾號?

STUDENT 1: 201. On the second floor. 二零一, 在二樓.

PAUL Thank you. See you there. 謝謝. 到那兒見.

PAUL Look, Joana. There's my assistant, Maria, and her husband. Hello, Maria! Over here! 瓊娜, 你看, 那位就是我的助手瑪利亞, 還有她的先生. 喂, 瑪利亞! 在這里!

MARIA: Paulo! Joana! What a surprise! Are you here for English, too? 保羅! 瓊娜! 真想不到! 您們也來上英文課嗎?

PAULO AND JOANA: Yes, we are. 是的, 我們也是.

MARIA: Howard, this is Paulo Farias, the new manager, and his sister, Joana. My husband, Howard Becker. 霍華德, 這就是那新來的經(jīng)理保羅?法瑞斯, 和他的妹妹瓊娜. 這是我先生, 霍華德?貝克.

PAULO, JOANA, AND HOWARD: Nice to meet you. 很高興認識您.

PAUL Here's the room. 201. 到了, 就是這間, 二零一號教室.

TEACHER: Good evening, class. 各位同學, 晚安.

STUDENTS: Good evening. 晚安.

TEACHER: Please sit down. Here are your books, New English 900. Now, listen to this dialogue. Books closed. 請坐下. 這是您們的書. "新英語九百句". 現(xiàn)在請把書合起來聽聽這段對話.

JOANA: Paulo, I'm nervous. 保羅, 我很緊張.

PAUL Why? 為什麼?

JOANA: I'm always nervous in school. 上課的時候我總是會緊張.

PAUL Why? The teacher is very nice. 為什麼? 這位老師很慈祥.

JOANA: Yes, she is. But English is hard. 她是很慈祥, 可是英文太難了.

PAUL A new language is always hard. 學一種新的語言總是很困難的.

STUDENT: Ssssh! 噓!

JOANA: I'm sorry. 對不起.

TEACHER: Now, open your books to page 1, and repeat after me. 現(xiàn)在請將書打開到第一頁,并跟著我念.

ARTUR There's the plane, Miguel. Wow! It's a 747. 米蓋爾, 飛機就在那里. 哇! 是架七四七!

MAMA: My little Miguel. 我的小米蓋爾.

MIGUEL: Mama, I'm a man! 媽, 我已經(jīng)長大了!

ARTUR 747's are beautiful planes. 七四七客機真漂亮.

MAMA: Where is your suitcase? 你的旅行箱在哪?

MIGUEL: Right here, Mama. 就在這里, 媽.

MAMA: And your tickets? 機票呢?

MIGUEL: They're in my pocket, Mama. 在我的口袋里, 媽.

MAMA: And your passport? 護照呢?

MIGUEL: It's in my pocket, too, Mama. 護照也在我的口袋里, 媽.

MAMA: Here's a present. 來, 這是件禮物.

MIGUEL: Oh, Mama. 噢, 媽.

MAMA: Open it. 打開吧!

MIGUEL: It's beautiful. 真漂亮.

ARTUR What is it? 那是什麼?

MIGUEL: A gold coin. 一塊金幣.

MAMA: It's for luck. 是帶給你的好運.

MIGUEL: Thank you, Mama. 謝謝媽.

MAMA: Good-bye, Son. 再見, 孩子.

ARTUR Good-bye, Miguel. 米蓋爾再見.

MIGUEL: Good-bye Arturo. Good-bye, Mama. 阿徒若再見, 媽再見.

CARL Aren't you hungry? 您不餓嗎?

ANNA: No, I'm not. Not really. 還好, 不怎麼餓.

CARL Well, it's 9:30, and I am. 哦, 已經(jīng)九點半了, 我可餓了.

ANNA: There's a cafeteria on the ground floor. 在一樓有一個自助餐廳.

CARL But it's expensive, isn't it? 可是那家自助餐廳賣得很貴, 不是嗎?

ANNA: No, it isn't. 不貴呀.

CARL How's the food? 菜怎麼樣?

ANNA: It's not bad. 還不錯.

CARL OK. then. Let's go to the cafeteria. 好吧, 我們就去自助餐廳吧!

CARL What's that in English? 那個英文怎麼講?

ANNA: Stew. Stew.

CARL Spell it. 拼出來.

ANNA: S-t-e-w. S-t-e-w.

CARL S-t-e-w. Stew, stew. S-t-e-w. Stew, stew.

COUNTERMAN: Next, next. Who's next? 下一位, 下一位, 下一位是誰?

CARL Uh, I'm not ready yet, thank you. 這個... 我還沒想好, 不好意思.

COUNTERMAN: Take your time. Next! 慢慢來. 下一位!

CARL What are those, Anna? 安娜, 那些是什麼?

ANNA: Baked potatoes. 烤的馬鈴薯.

COUNTERMAN: Next! 下一位!

MAN: A hamburger and french fries, please. 請給我一個漢堡, 還有一客炸薯條.

COUNTERMAN: Joe, a burger and fries. Next! 喬, 漢堡、薯條一客! 下一位!

ANNA: You're next, Carlo. 卡洛, 輪到你了.

CARL Uh, stew, a salad, and coffee, please. 這個..., 請給我燉肉、一客沙拉、還有咖啡.

COUNTERMAN: Here you are. The coffee's at that counter over there. Next! 這是你的, 咖啡在那邊的柜臺上. 下一位.

ANNA: Vegetable soup, please. 請給我蔬菜湯.

COUNTERMAN: Here you are. Next! 這是你的. 下一位!

CARL What's that? 那是什麼?

ANNA: Pizza. Pizza.

CARL No, not in Italian. What is it in English? 不, 不是用意大利文, 英文怎麼講?

ANNA: It's "pizza" in English, too. 英文也叫 Pizza.

CARL Oh, really? What are those? 哦, 真的? 那些是什麼東西?

ANNA: Baked potatoes. 烤馬鈴薯.

CARL And this? 那這個呢?

ANNA: Uh... an apple. 嗯... 是 apple (蘋果).

CARL Are you sure? 你確定嗎?

ANNA: Yes, I'm sure. 當然確定.

CARL Spell it. 把它拼出來.

ANNA: A-p-p-l-e. A-p-p-l-e.

CARL A-p-p-l-e, apple. Spell "potato". A-p-p-l-e, apple, 把 potato (馬鈴薯) 拼出來.

ANNA: P-o-t-a-t-o. P-o-t-a-t-o.

CARL And... 還有這個...

ANNA: Look! Isn't that Atsuko, the woman in our class? let's sit there. Hi, Atsuko. Where's your husband? 你看! 那不是我們班上的明子嗎? 我們坐那邊吧. 明子你好,你的先生呢?

ATSUK He's in line again. He's hungry tonight. 他又去排隊了, 他今天晚上很餓.

CARL How's the food here? 這里的菜怎麼樣?

ATSUK It's okay. The rice isn't good, but the sandwiches are okay. 還可以, 這里的飯不好吃, 但是三明治還不錯.

PEDR Are you writing letters again? 你又在寫信了?

MIGUEL: Huh? 什麼?

PEDR What are you doing? 你在做什麼?

MIGUEL: I'm writing to my mother. 我在寫信給我媽媽.

PEDR Send her my regards. 代我問候她.

MIGUEL: Where are you going? Isn't that my new sweater? 你要去哪里? 那不是我的新毛衣嗎?

PEDR Yes. I'm going to the movies with Marta, the Colombian girl on the fourth floor. 是. 我正要與四樓那位哥倫比亞女孩子瑪它去看電影.

MIGUEL: You are? What about the woman in your office? 你真要去? 那, 你的公司那位小姐呢?

PEDR What about her? 她怎麼樣?

MIGUEL: Aren't you seeing her tonight? 你今天晚上不是要去看她的嗎?

PEDR No, tomorrow night. 不是, 是明天晚上.

MIGUEL: And... what's her name, the girl in the bakery? 還有... 面包店那個叫什麼名字來著的女孩子?

PEDR Yolanda? I'm seeing her on Friday. 幼蘭達? 我星期五要看她.

MIGUEL: Marta's a nice girl. 瑪它是個很善良的好女孩.

PEDR Who? Oh, Marta. Yes, she is, isn't she? It's her birthday next Sunday. 誰? 哦, 瑪它. 是的, 她很善良可不是嗎? 下星期天是她的生日.

MIGUEL: I know. April 22nd. 我知道, 是四月二十二號.

PEDR We're going to a party. 我們將要參加一個宴會.

MIGUEL: Aren't you going to the movies? 你們不是要去看電影嗎?

PEDR Yes. Tonight Marta and I are going to the movies. Next week, on Marta's birthday, we're going to a party. 是啊! 我和瑪它今天晚上要去看電影. 在下個禮拜瑪它過生日時, 我將要參加宴會.

MIGUEL: Oh. 喔!

PEDR Marta isn't going to the party. 瑪它不參加聚會了.

MIGUEL: Oh? Why? 哦? 為什麼?

PEDR She's sick. 她生病了.

MIGUEL: Oh, I'm sorry. What's wrong? 噢, 真可惜, 她怎麼了?

PEDR A headache. 頭痛.

MIGUEL: A headache? 頭痛啊?

PEDR Yes, a headache. 對了, 頭痛.

MIGUEL: Where are you going? 你要去哪?

PEDR To the party. 去參加聚會.

MIGUEL: You're going alone? 你一個人去嗎?

PEDR Sure. Are you writing to your mother again? 當然. 你又要寫信給你媽媽?

MIGUEL: Yes. 是的.

PEDR Send her my regards. Well, I'm going. Good-bye. 請代我問候她. 好了, 我要走了, 再見.

MIGUEL: Bye. See you later. 回頭見.

MARTA: Who is it? 那一位?

MIGUEL: Miguel. Pedro's friend. 米蓋爾, 佩德羅的朋友.

MARTA: What a surprise! Come in. 真想不到! 請進.

MIGUEL: Thank you. Here. Happy birthday. 謝謝. 這個給你, 祝你生日快樂.

MARTA: Oh, Miguel. They're beautiful! Thank you. 米蓋爾, 真漂亮, 謝謝你.

MIGUEL: I'm sorry about your headache. 聽說你頭痛, 我真替你難過.

MARTA: Headache? Oh, yes, my headache. I'm fine now, thank you. 頭痛? 噢, 是的, 我是頭痛, 但現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)好了, 謝謝你.

MIGUEL: I'm glad. Let's go to a movie, then. 我很高興. 那麼, 我們一起去看電影, 好不好?

MARTA: Miguel! What a good idea! 米蓋爾! 那真是一個好主意!

BILL: Hello! Nora? Billy? Jack? Suzy? Peggy? I'm home! 喂! 諾拉? 比利? 杰克? 蘇西? 蓓姬? 我回來了!

NORA: Hi, dear. You're home early. 嗨! 親愛的, 你回來得很早嘛!

BILL: Hi, honey. Where were you? 嗨! 甜心, 你剛才在哪里?

NORA: I was in the bathroom. 我在洗手間.

BILL: Where are the kids? 孩子們到哪里去了?

NORA: Peggy's at the library. Billy and Jack are at baseball practice. 蓓姬去圖書館, 比利和杰克練棒球去了.

BILL: And Suzy? 蘇西呢?

NORA: She was here a few minutes ago. Maybe she's in her room. 她剛剛還在這里, 也許在她的房里吧!

BILL: Gee, I'm tired. 唷, 好累.

NORA: How was your day? 今天怎麼樣?

BILL: Busy, but not bad. 很忙, 但是還不錯.

BILLY AND JACK: Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. 媽你好. 爸你好.

BILL: Hi, kids. How was baseball practice? 你們好, 棒球練得怎麼樣?

JACK: Great! I'm hungry, Mom. 非常好. 媽, 我肚子餓了.

BILLY: Jack, we weren't great, and you know it. 杰克, 我們練得并不好, 你是知道的.

JACK: Maybe you weren't. 或許你練得不好.

BILLY: Oh, I see. You were great, but the team wasn't. 哦, 我懂了, 你練得非常好, 而全隊不怎麼好.

JACK: Right. Now you understand. 對了, 你現(xiàn)在才曉得.

BILLY: Jack, you are a... 杰克, 你這個人...

NORA: Dinner's almost ready. About five more minutes. 再五分鐘左右, 晚餐就好了.

BILL: When's the big game? 什麼時候大賽?

BILLY: Next Saturday. This was our last practice before the game. 下星期六. 這是我們比賽前的最後一次練習.

JACK: I'm hungry. 我肚子餓了.

BILLY: Hey, Jack. Let's practice until dinner's ready. 嗨, 杰克. 我們再去練, 練到吃晚餐為止.

JACK: OK. Superman. Let's go. 好吧, 超人. 走吧!

ALI: Mama, I'm hungry. I want a hot dog. 媽, 我餓了, 我要吃熱狗.

MRS. NIKZAD: Ali, be patient. 阿里, 不要急.

MR. NIKZAD: Now let's see. 我們來看

MR. NIKZAD: On this map there are three restaurants in the Plaza of Nations, 這張地圖, 上面有三家餐館在國家廣場里,

MR. NIKZAD: Italian, French, and Spanish. 包括義大利風味、法國風味和西班牙風味.

MR. NIKZAD: How about Italian food for lunch? 午餐吃義大利菜怎麼樣?

ALI: But, Father, I want a hot dog! 但是, 爸, 我要吃熱狗嘛!

MR. NIKZAD: Ali, be quiet. I'm talking to your mother. 阿里,別吵, 我在跟你媽說話.

MRS. NIKZAD: Dear, he's only six. 親愛的, 他才六歲嘛!

ALI: Look! An ice cream man! May I have an ice cream sandwich, please, please? I love ice cream sandwiches. 你看! 冰淇淋攤販! 我可以吃冰淇淋三明治嗎? 拜托! 我最喜歡吃冰淇淋三明治.

MR. NIKZAD: He's impossible. 真是拿他沒辦法.

MRS. NIKZAD: He's only a child. 他還小.

MR. NIKZAD: You may have your ice cream sandwich after lunch. 吃完午餐以後你才可以吃冰淇淋三明治.

MR. NIKZAD: Excuse me, sir. Can you help me? Where is the Italian restaurant? 對不起先生, 您能不能幫個忙? 請問義大利餐館在哪?

BILL: It's in the Italian Pavilion, over there. On the second floor. 就在那邊的義大利館里面. 在二樓.

MR. NIKZAD: Thank you. 謝謝.

ALI: I can have an ice cream sandwich later, can't I? 待會兒我可以吃冰淇淋三明治嗎?

BILL: Of course, you can. After lunch. 當然可以, 但要在吃過午餐以後.

ALI: My name's Ali. 我的名字叫阿里.

MRS. NIKZAD: Come along, Ali. The man is busy. 過來, 阿里, 這位先生很忙.

BILL: That's OK. Where are you from, Ali? 沒關系, 阿里, 你從哪兒來的?

ALI: Iran. 伊朗.

BILL: Really? 真的嗎?

ALI: Yes. I can speak two languages. 嗯, 我會說兩種語言.

BILL: Oh? Your English is very good. 哦? 你英文說得很好.

ALI: Yes. 嗯.

MR. NIKZAD: Come, Ali! The restaurant's over here. 阿里,來, 餐館就在這.

MRS. NIKZAD: Come along, Ali. Good-bye, sir. Thank you for your help. 快來, 阿里. 先生再見, 謝謝你的幫忙.

ALI: Bye-bye, ice cream man. 拜拜, 賣冰淇淋的先生.

BILL: Good-bye, Ali. See you after lunch. 阿里,再見, 午餐後再碰頭.

WAITER: Here are your cocktails. 這是二位的雞尾酒.

MR. CRAWFORD: Thank you. 謝謝.

WAITER: The sherry? 雪利酒是哪一位的?

MRS. CRAWFORD: For me, thank you. 我的, 謝謝.

WAITER: And the martini is for you, sir? 這杯馬丁尼該是先生的吧?

MR. CRAWFORD: Yes, thank you. 是的, 謝謝.

WAITER: May I take your order now? 二位要不要點菜?

MR. CRAWFORD: Please. 好的.

WAITER: The lobster is very good today. 今天的龍蝦很不錯.

MR. CRAWFORD: Dear? 親愛的, 怎麼樣?

MRS. CRAWFORD: Oh, a fruit salad, please. 噢, 請給我一客水果沙拉.

WAITER: Certainly. And you, sir? 好的. 先生您呢?

MR. CRAWFORD: The lobster, and a salad, please. 請來個龍蝦和沙拉.

WAITER: Thank you. Wine, sir? 好的, 先生要不要叫一點葡萄酒?

MR. CRAWFORD: Wine, dear? 親愛的, 要不要酒?

MRS. CRAWFORD: No, not for me. 不, 我不要.

MR. CRAWFORD: No, thank you. 不要, 謝謝.

WAITER: Very good, sir. 好的, 先生.

PAUL Hey, Joana. Why aren't you ready? It's almost 7 o'clock! 嗨, 瓊娜! 你怎麼還沒準備好? 快七點了!

JOANA: I'm sorry, Paulo. I'm not going. I have to study. 對不起, 保羅. 我不去了, 我要念書.

PAUL But you can study later. Don't you want to go? 念書可以待會兒再念, 你不想去嗎?

JOANA: No, not really. I don't like dinner parties. 嗯, 我不太想去, 我不喜歡宴會.

PAUL But what can I tell the Crawfords? 那麼我怎麼跟郭佛夫婦說呢?

JOANA: Tell them I'm sick. 告訴他們說我不舒服.

PAUL But you aren't sick. Come on, Joana. I don't like to lie. 可是你沒有不舒服呀! 拜托, 瓊娜, 我不喜歡撒謊.

JOANA: And I don't like to go to dinner parties. 我不喜歡參加宴會.

PAUL Come on, Joana. You can't say "no" to the Crawfords. 瓊娜幫個忙, 你不能拒絕郭佛家人的邀請.

JOANA: My English is so bad, and they don't speak Portuguese. 我的英文那麼差, 而他們又不會說葡萄牙文.

PAUL Your English is fine. And you have a good accent. 你的英文很好, 而且你的發(fā)音很標準.

JOANA: Do you really think so? 你真的這樣認為嗎?

PAUL Yes, I do. And you can practice your English at the party. 是的, 我真的這樣認為. 何況你參加宴會, 又可以練習說英文.

JOANA: You're so confident. 你倒很有信心.

PAUL Then you're coming? 這麼說, 你是要去了.

JOANA: No, Paulo. I don't want to go. 不, 保羅, 我還是不想去.

PAUL Please, Joana. Do it for me. For my career. 瓊娜, 我求你, 就算是為我好了, 為了我的前途

JOANA: Who's that? 是誰啊?

PAUL He's here. Please, Joana, for me. The door's open! Come in! 他來了, 瓊娜請幫我開開門. 門沒鎖, 請進!

MICHAEL: Hi, Paulo. 嗨, 保羅.

PAUL Hello, Michael. Do you know my sister, Joana? 嗨, 邁克爾. 你認不認識我妹妹瓊娜?

MICHAEL: No, I don't. 不認識.

PAUL Joana, I want you to meet Michael Crawford. He's driving us to his parents' party. 瓊娜, 介紹一下, 這是邁克爾?郭佛. 他要載我們?nèi)⒓铀改傅难鐣?

JOANA: How do you do? 你好.

MICHAEL: It's a pleasure to meet you Joana. 瓊娜, 很高興認識 .

PAUL I'm ready, but Joana... 我已經(jīng)準備好了, 但是瓊娜她...

JOANA: Oh, Paulo. Just five more minutes. Sorry to keep you waiting. 噢, 保羅, 再五分鐘就好了. 對不起, 讓你等.

MICHAEL: Don't apologize. I'm happy you're coming. 不用道歉, 我很高興你們來參加.

MR. CRAWFORD: Michael. 邁克爾.

MICHAEL: Yes, Dad. 爸爸, 什麼事?

MR. CRAWFORD: We have to talk. 我們必須談一談.

MICHAEL: Oh? What about? 哦? 談什麼?

MR. CRAWFORD: The business, son. 談有關公司的事.

MICHAEL: What about it? 公司怎麼樣?

MR. CRAWFORD: It's growing. I want an assistant, and... 公司在擴大業(yè)務, 我需要一個助手, 而...

MICHAEL: And you want me. 而您需要我.

MR. CRAWFORD: Yes. I'm 57. Soon... 對, 我已經(jīng)五十七歲了, 沒多久...

MICHAEL: Dad. You know I'm an artist. 爸爸, 你知道我是個藝術家.

MR. CRAWFORD: I don't understand. 我不了解.

MICHAEL: I know you don't. 我知道你不了解.

MR. CRAWFORD: You're 29. You're intelligent. 你二十九歲, 又很有頭腦.

MICHAEL: And I want to paint. 我要畫畫.

MR. CRAWFORD: That's a hobby, not a career. 那是一種嗜好, 不是一種職業(yè).

MICHAEL: What about Michelangelo or Picasso? Was it a hobby for them, too? 米開朗基羅跟畢加索呢? 畫畫對他們來講也是一種嗜好嗎?

MR. CRAWFORD: No. Of course not. But... 不是, 當然不是, 可是...

MICHAEL: But what? Maybe I'm not Picasso. But I have to try. Give me a year. One more year. 可是怎麼樣? 我固然不是畢加索, 可是我不能不試一試. 再給我一年的時間好了, 一年.

FRIEND: Don't cry, Laura. You don't have to work there. 勞拉你不要哭, 你不一定要在那里工作.

LAURA: But I need the money! 可是我不能喝西北風! (可是我需要錢呀!)

FRIEND: Why don't you look for a new job? 你為什麼不找一份新的工作?

LAURA: Where? How? I don't know my way around New York. I feel lost. 到哪里找? 怎麼找? 我對紐約不熟, 我感到茫然.

FRIEND: What's wrong with the job, Laura? What don't you like about it? 勞拉, 那份工作哪里不好? 你是哪一點不喜歡呢?

LAURA: My boss. I don't understand him. 我的老板, 我不了解他.

FRIEND: What don't you understand? 你哪一點不了解?

LAURA: I don't think he's human. 我覺得他不是人.

FRIEND: What do you mean? 我不懂?

LAURA: For him, business is everything. Business is his life. 對他來說, 生意就是一切, 生意就是他的生命.

FRIEND: Oh, Laura. He can't be so bad. 噢, 勞拉, 他不可能那麼差勁.

LAURA: Oh, yes he is. He's a machine. 他的確那麼差勁. 他像機器一樣.

LAURA: No friendly words, no smiles, no little compliments. Nothing. Just business. 從來不說一聲友善的話, 從來不微笑, 從來不稱贊人家一下. 什麼都沒有, 就只有生意.

LAURA: He isn't human. 他沒有人性.

FRIEND: What about your work? You like it, don't you? 你的工作怎麼樣? 你喜歡, 對不對?

LAURA: Yes, I do. And I know I'm a good secretary, but... 是的, 我喜歡. 而且我知道我是個好秘書, 可 是...

FRIEND: But what? 可是怎麼樣?

LAURA: To him, I am nothing. A machine. A late machine. I am not a machine. 我在他的眼里一文不值, 是部機器. 一部過時的機器, 但我不是機器!

FRIEND: Why don't you talk to him? 你為什麼不和他說呢?

LAURA: Because he's impossible. Leopards don't change their spots. I have to look for a new job. 因為他不可理喻, 本性難移. 我必須找份新工作.

PAUL What are you doing? 你在做什麼?

JOANA: I'm writing a note to the Crawfords. I want to thank them for dinner. 我在寫一封信給郭佛家人, 以感謝他們的晚餐招待.

PAUL Why don't you call them? Here people always use the phone. 為什麼不打電話? 這里的人都是用電話的.

JOANA: Well, okay. 好吧.

PAUL Why don't we invite them to dinner? 我們?yōu)槭颤N不請他們來吃晚餐?

JOANA: That's a good idea. I want Mama to meet Mrs. Crawford. 這個主意很好, 我希望媽媽能認識郭佛太太.

PAUL What about Mr. Crawford? Don't you like him? 郭佛先生呢? 你不喜歡他嗎?

JOANA: He's impossible. 他不可理喻.

PAUL Be nice to him. 你要對他好一點.

JOANA: You can be nice to him. I don't like him. 你可以對他好, 我可不喜歡他.

PAUL Are you inviting Michael, too? 你也要請邁克爾嗎?

JOANA: Of course. 當然.

PAUL He was very happy last night. 他昨天晚上很開心.

JOANA: I was, too. 我也很開心.

PAUL But Michael is always so quiet. And last night, he was talking and laughing. 可是邁克爾總是那麼沈默. 而昨天晚上他卻有說有笑.

JOANA: What do you think about Michael? 你對邁克爾印象怎麼樣?

PAUL I think he's a great guy, but he isn't very ambitious. 我認為他人非常好, 可是不太上進.

JIM: Grandfather, don't lift that. Let me help you. 爺爺, 別提那個, 讓我?guī)湍忝?

MR. YAMAMOT Thank you, but... 謝謝, 但...

JIM: You have a bad back. 你的背脊骨不好.

MR. YAMAMOT I am old, but I'm not helpless. 我年紀大了, 可是還挺得住.

JIM: OK, Grandfather. Can I help you? 好吧, 爺爺. 能為您效勞嗎?

CUSTOMER 1: Do you have any lettuce? 有沒有萵苣?

JIM: Yes, sir. Over there, in the second case. 有的, 先生, 在那邊, 第二個框.

CUSTOMER 1: How much is it? 怎麼賣?

JIM: Seventy-nine cents a head. 一棵七毛九.

CUSTOMER 2: Excuse me. How much are the grapes? 請問葡萄怎麼賣?

JIM: Ninety-nine cents a pound. 一磅九毛九.

CUSTOMER 2: And the oranges? 橙子呢?

JIM: They're five for a dollar. 一塊錢五個.

JIM: Can I help you? 買什麼?

CUSTOMER 1: Please. I can't find the lettuce. 麻煩你一下, 我找不到萵苣.

JIM: Isn't there any in the second case? 第二個箱子里沒有嗎?

CUSTOMER 1: I don't think so. 好像沒有.

JIM: We don't have a lot of lettuce today. How much do you need? 我們今天沒有很多萵苣, 您需要多少?

CUSTOMER 1: Not much. Only one head. Oh, and a few limes. 不多, 一棵就夠了. 對了, 還要幾個酸橙.

JIM: The limes are over there. 酸橙在那邊.

CUSTOMERR 1: There aren't many there. 那邊沒有幾個.

JIM: Oh? How many do you need? 哦? 您要幾個?

CUSTOMER 1: Oh, four or five. 大概四五個.

MR. YAMAMOT Is anything wrong? 有什麼問題嗎?

CUSTOMER 1: Oh, hello, Mr. Yamamoto. 噢, 山本先生, 您好.

MR. YAMAMOT You know my name? 你知道我的名字啊?

CUSTOMER 1: Of course. Your market is famous. 當然, 您的店很有名.

MR. YAMAMOT Is it? 是嗎?

CUSTOMER 1: There's an article about it in the paper. Here, look. "GOING TO THE FAIR? FIRST STOP: YAMAMOTO'S FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET." 報紙上有一篇文章講它. 來, 你看: "打算到博覽會去嗎? 第一站: 山本果菜店."

JIM: May I buy the newspaper from you? 我能向你買這份報紙嗎?

CUSTOMER 1: No, take it, please. Here. 不用, 你拿去好了, 不要客氣. 來.

JIM: Thank you. Now the lettuce. Here. There was a head in the case with the cabbage. 謝謝. 現(xiàn)在找找萵苣看, 有了, 箱子里有一棵和洋白菜放在一起.

CUSTOMER 1: How much is it? 多少錢一棵?

JIM: Seventy-nine cents. 七毛九分.

MR. YAMAMOT No. Give it to him for forty cents. It's the last head. 不必那麼多, 算它四毛好了, 那是最後一棵.

CUSTOMER 1: Thank you, Mr. Yamamoto. Good-bye. 謝謝您, 山本先生, 再見.

MR. YAMAMOT Good-bye. 再見.

JIM: OK. Who's next? Whose oranges are these? 好的, 下一位是誰? 這些是誰要的橙子?

CUSTOMER 2: They're mine. 是我要的.

JIM: And the potatoes? 馬鈴薯呢?

CUSTOMER 2: Hers. 是她的.

$1.99, please. 一共是一元九毛九分.?JIM: That's

ALI: Hello, ice cream man. 您好, 賣冰淇淋的.

BILL: Hello, Ali. Are you alone? 阿里,你好, 你一個人啊?

ALI: Yes. 是的.

BILL: Where are your parents? 你父母在哪里?

ALI: I don't know. 我不知道.

BILL: Really? Uh... Ali... 真的? 阿里, 這個...

ALI: May I have an ice cream sandwich, please? 我可不可以吃一個冰淇淋三明治? 可不可以?

BILL: Sure, Ali. Why don't you sit down and talk to me? 當然可以. 你為什麼不坐下來跟我聊聊天?

ALI: OK. Here's thirty-five cents. 好. 給您三毛五分錢.

BILL: Whose money is that? 那是誰的錢?

ALI: It's mine. 是我的.

BILL: It's yours? You're a rich young man! 是你的? 你這個年輕人很有錢.

ALI: Yes. 對啊!

BILL: I like your jacket, Ali. 阿里, 我很喜歡你的外套.

ALI: I don't. It's my brother's. 我不喜歡, 是我哥哥的.

BILL: Don't you like your brother? 你不喜歡你哥哥嗎?

ALI: No. My father and mother like my brother. He's always good. I don't like him. 嗯, 我爸爸媽媽都喜歡哥哥. 他總是很乖, 我不喜歡他.

BILL: I like you, Ali. 阿里,我喜歡你.

ALI: May I come home with you? 我可不可以和您回家?

BILL: Look! Isn't that your mother? She's crying, Ali. 看! 那不是你的媽媽嗎? 阿里, 她正在喊你.

ALI: Mommy! Mommy! Here I am! 媽! 媽! 我在這里!


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