Recently, I attended a funeral and the speaker said he would like to begin by reading a list of all those whose funerals he would rather have been attending, but the list was too long. It was a sweet compliment to our friend.
Alternatively there was Spike Milligan, the quintessential English comic who when he was asked what he would like as the epitaph on his tombstone, replied: "They should write: I told you I was ill."
There was a colleague of mine in the British Parliament who once asked another: "Why do people take such an instant dislike to me?" and got the reply: "Because it saves time."
So, when others think of you, let them think not with their lips but their hearts of a good friend and a gracious acquaintance.
Above all, however, have a purpose in life. Life is not about living but about striving. When you get up, get up motivated. Live with a perpetual sense of urgency. And make at least part of that purpose about something bigger than you.
There are great careers. There are also great causes.