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  Assignments: should we hold on to the old when innovations are available, or should we simply move forward.

  不難看出,此次的考題并沒有逃出我們平日練習講解的法網(wǎng)。無論準備sat考試的過程中你怎么分類,此次考題不出意外應(yīng)該歸結(jié)為常見的- 創(chuàng)新類-話題。當然如果你平時準備話題的時候就喜歡選擇‘深思熟慮,深度思考而不是貿(mào)然行事’這樣的立場,選擇前者也是可以答出滿意作文的。 那么面對考題,我們?nèi)绾斡行祁},抓住題目的要害,有效的利用考場25分鐘,寫出滿意的考場作文呢?下面我們來分析話題。

  當然,就SAT話題本身而言并沒有正確答案一說,百家爭鳴也正是sat考試可以作為能力測試最根本之處,對于抽象的哲學概念,如何有效破題尤為關(guān)鍵。1月的sat 寫作題目同學們可以從幾個方面先來破題。

  方法一:agree with ‘simply move forward ‘

  我們在分析過去和現(xiàn)在對比的時候,都分析過這樣的邏輯主線 holding on the old 好處:因為old conception generated from our ancestor 是useful ,valuable or considerable experience 可以提供 wisdom advice ,avoid mistakes or be acceptable by the society.同時,對方思路move on 的好處,distinctive / novelty ideas /different perspectives/ progress / breakthrough/refine mistakes/ pave the way for social progress.想必這些ideas應(yīng)該都是同學們在平時備考的過程中常分析的思路。那么有效的將他們組建在你的開頭第一段,開門見山以讓步段的形式交代清楚分別的好處,為什么move forward 好于hold on the old 就可以想例子了。此類話題非常寬泛,同學們隨便選一個自己在科技類或者成功類里面準備過的人一般都具有創(chuàng)新,帶來社會進步,思想飛躍的特點。 所以,兩個有效的名人例子非常簡單,比如我們常見的Steve Jobs, Zuckerberg,或者說新型的發(fā)明比如3D打印機,Tesla的electric car,或者google 眼鏡更滿足不同時代的需求,外界環(huán)境日新月異的變化推動著人類走向一個又一個里程碑都是讓人側(cè)目的好例子,好角度。只要有效在開頭表達清楚立場,例子中適當點題或者加入對比墨守成規(guī)的壞處,是非常容易抓住題目要素的。


  We take for granted that traditional thinking or old values are valuable and essential for us to follow even in the contemporary society. Since those ideas or manners inherited from our ancestors are valuable experiences and cautious advice, younger generations can not merely avoid mistakes effectively, but also be acceptable by the society. However, nothing in the world could remain eternity; in fact, the world always forces us to refine, to change and to replace what we originally persist in. Although certain innovations seem to be ridiculous or risky, they were and are the history people have made, being landmarks in process of human civilization. obviously, we should just move forward no matter in which circumstance. In this essay, examples of … and .. can vividly exemplify my state.

  方法二:Agree with ‘old on the old when innovations are available ’

  堅持舊的想法也不是完全不能寫的,雖然在高速發(fā)展的經(jīng)濟全球化社會中,堅持新觀點就是大家的眾望所歸,選擇‘爆冷門’的同學也不是不可的。 對于新觀點的負面話題,我們在準備科技類話題的時候,應(yīng)該都見過 whether development of technology comes at the cost of undesirable cost? No progress without sacrifice? Are people happier when they have lots of choices? 諸如此類的話題,我們往往都能扯到環(huán)境(environment devastation)或信息濫用(information abuse)方面上來。這些話題,只要說盲目的move on,過度關(guān)注創(chuàng)新, without serious thinking ,而后suffer from severe consequences基本可以輕松搞定。可選用的例子我們可以說到如今的霧霾天氣(haze),或者說信息不真實所帶來的欺騙,我們在此也可提及廣告中虛假信息??偠灾?,只要你能有效的分析話題,討論利弊,堅持明確立場是很容易得到10以上的分數(shù)的。


  Assignment: Progress is made through struggle and conflicts.

  一項難搞的北美考題自2013年10月以來一直走低調(diào)路線,不是創(chuàng)新就是成功一類話題。這次的題目也很簡單,首先,我們看到題目要求progress這一寬泛字眼可以聯(lián)想到的話題太多太多, 創(chuàng)新,成功,逆境,科技等等,至于判斷行話題后面提及的條件:struggle and conflicts 更是大大降低了難,此類話題如果同學們準備過失敗與逆境,或者成功與努力一類話題一定會馬上想起自己以前比較熟悉的例子,所以有效組織語言,拋出立場深入分析,句子表達完整就可以輕松搞定!至于例子的內(nèi)容,無論你寫過去的Lincoin prepared for election 還是Tomas Edison 的千次嘗試,或者Nick Vujicic 的堅持不懈,永不止步,相信都再合適不過了,哪個成功人士沒遭過點罪呢? 當然,越簡單的話題可能找到對立面就很不容易,縱然你知道成功需要挫折,但是反之你卻不知從何說起。這個時候不妨想想我們分析過話題中,曾經(jīng)分析過的話題比如:lucky or earn? adversity or ease? current ways of doing or new ideas? 在這些曾經(jīng)分析過的對立面中,我想同學們會很容易找到對立面的。


  Practice makes perfect. People insist that with enough accumulation and practice, people can absolutely make progress and bring about success. However, from common sense, current ways of doing things are only kind of mechanical repetition, which are so ordinary that can hardly bring about breakthrough or progress. Only through a series of struggle and conflicts people can realize what they are short of, how they can behave better and where should move forward. Unlike staying in ease, struggles and conflicts could bring about something different and force people into actions. Tracing back to the history, countless prodigies and greats impressed the world with their struggle and conflicts. Well, obviously xx and xx are among them.

  以上是針對2014年1月25日北美和亞太地區(qū)sat 寫作部分,破題,切題例子展開的回顧和分析。建議同學們在準備考試的過程中,有效將考試題目分類,準備例子的同時有效展開合理運用,切忌生搬硬套。答題速度的快慢,跟我們平時分析話題的能力更是息息相關(guān),所以知己知彼,百戰(zhàn)不殆。希望同學們在新一年的備考過程中,合理安排復習、考試時間。 高效合理的完成學習任務(wù),在2014年的考試中有所收獲。


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