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1.You should not abandon your conscience on the way to making a living, your dignity on the way to seeking love, your life and yourself. 謀生的路上不拋棄良知,謀愛的路上不放棄尊嚴,不負生活,不負自己。

2.Remember, don't insult and trample on anyone's dignity. The conceited sense of superiority may just be that you feel good about yourself. You should clearly know that people who are better than you are all over the street. 記住,不要侮辱和踐踏任何人的尊嚴,自負的優(yōu)越感或許只是你自我感覺良好罷了,你要清醒地知道比你優(yōu)秀的人滿大街都是。

3.Facing it is not necessarily the most sad.面對,不一定最難過。

4.Lonely, not necessarily unhappy.孤單,不一定不快樂。

5.Obtaining may not last long. 獲得,不一定能長久。

6.Lose, not necessarily no longer have.失去,不一定不再擁有。

7.You don't have to love wrongly because of loneliness, and you don't have to be lonely all your life because of wrong love.不必因為寂寞而錯愛,不必因為錯愛而寂寞一輩子。

8.People who know you are self-evident, and people who don't know you are arguing. 懂你的人不言而喻,不懂你的人百口莫辯。

9.No one's life will always be perfect, but at any time, we must look ahead and be invincible with hope. 沒有誰的生活會一直完美,但無論什么時候,都要看著前方,滿懷希望就會所向披靡。

10.If you can, be a heartless person. Maybe this life will be very simple. 若是可以,就去做個無情的人,也許此生會過得很簡單。

11.The first time I saw it was a glimpse, and Nanke dreamed that it was you; Waiting is the mountains and heavy waters, and your heart is beating.初見是驚鴻一瞥,南柯一夢是你;等待是山重水復(fù),怦然心動是你。

12.Meeting is a bright future, waking up like a dream is you; The reunion was unexpected. Hope that you are well. 相遇是柳暗花明,如夢初醒是你;重逢是始料未及,別來無恙是你。

13.May you be like smoke in the morning glow, and may everything be the same in the sea. 愿你在朝霞里如煙不幕,愿我在滄海中一切如故。

14.Crying means taking off your disguise. Don't embarrass yourself. Sometimes crying is a happy thing. 哭代表了卸下偽裝,別自己為難自己,有些時候哭了,反而是一件快樂的事。

15.I'm not talkative or indifferent, but I don't have to talk and laugh at everyone. 我不是話少,也不是冷漠,只是我沒必要對每個人都有說有笑。

16.Life: half is the pursuit of beauty, half is the acceptance of disability. 人生:一半是對美好的追求,一半是對殘缺的接納。

17.The so-called growth is not to be smooth and hypocritical, but to learn to follow the fate by adhering to a group of true qi. 所謂成長,不是要圓滑到偽善,而是在秉承一團真氣學(xué)會隨緣。

18.I hope that we will eventually become the people we want to be, even if there are more thorns, the sun is stronger and the wind and rain are stronger, as long as we can smell the flowers on the other side, everything is worth it. 愿我們終將成為我們想成為的人,哪怕荊棘再多,太陽再烈,風(fēng)雨再大,只要能嗅到彼岸的花香,什么都是值得的。

19.Life, heart, is life; No, just alive.人生,用心,才是生活;不用,只是活著。

20.Please stop for a while, leave some room for your careful planning, and look forward to the accident occasionally. 請你暫時停下腳步,為自己縝密的計劃留一些余地,偶爾期待一下偶然。

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