1.Time works wonders. 時間能創(chuàng)造奇跡。
2.Time stays not the fool's leisure. 時間不等閑逛的傻瓜。
3.Time and I against any two. 和時間攜起手來,一人抵兩人。
4.Time brings the truth to light. 時間使真相大白。或時間一到,真理自明。
5.Time and chance reveal all secrets. 時間與機會能提示一切秘密。
6.Time tries friends as firetries gold. 時間考驗朋友,烈火考驗黃金。
7.Time and tide wait for no man. 時光如逝水,歲月不待人。
8.Time spent in vice or folly isdoubly lost. 消磨于惡習或愚行的時間是加倍的損失。
9.Time is , time was , and timeis past. 現(xiàn)在有時間,過去有時間,時間一去不復返。
10.To choose time is to save time. 選擇時間就是節(jié)省時間。
11.Thee are three things never back: the shot arrow ,the spoken words,and spent days. 有三樣東西永遠不會回來,射出去的箭,說過了的話,度過的日子。
12.Time gives good advice. 時間給予金玉良言。
13.Time is the father of truth. 時間是真理之父。
14. Finally I want to use thefollowing words as our mutual encouragement.最后我想引用一句話與君共勉。
15.The pressure on the brain is so great that the mood is not so beautiful.腦子承受的壓力太大,導致心情不怎么美麗。
16.Great carelessness is not necessarily bad, gentle and elegant is not necessarily true.大大咧咧不一定是壞,溫文爾雅不一定是真。
17.Let's seize the charm of youth and let the happiness of youth go with us.讓我們一起把握青春的魅力,讓青春的快樂與我們同行。
18.A cavity of love and hate, a joy and sorrow, a volume of history, a wind and dust and vicissitudes of life.一腔愛恨,一場悲歡,一卷青史,一身風塵與滄桑。
19.What I want is a lifetime of happiness, not a moment of happiness.我想要的是一輩子的幸福,而不是一時的快樂。
20.In fact, I am used to pretending to be strong, accustomed to a person to face all.其實,我習慣了假裝堅強,習慣了一個人面對所有