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China’s Housing Market Shows Signs of Hope


HONG KONG — For the last year, real estate in China has been a gloomy place for investors.


Housing prices have plunged. Well-known developers suffered. At least one major property company even defaulted on its debt — a rarity in the country’s closely controlled economy.


But there may be small signs of stabilization, data showed on Monday. In China’s biggest cities — metropolises like Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen — housing prices ticked slightly upward.


The tentative rebound in some cities’ housing prices suggests that recent steps by policy makers are helping engineer at least a slight turnaround in the market. Last week, the central bank cut interest rates for the third time since November; it had already removed several restrictions on some home purchases.


“April’s home sales growth returned to positive territory, the first time since December 2013, following a slew of easing measures introduced to support the weak housing market,” analysts in Hong Kong at Bank of America Merrill Lynch wrote on Monday in a research note. “We expect home sales to remain robust in the coming months as the recent monetary and property easing measures continue to provide support.”

“今年4月的住宅銷售增長恢復(fù)到了正值,這是自2013年12月的第一次。此前政府推出了一系列放寬舉措,為疲軟的住宅市場提供了支撐,”美銀美林 (Bank of America Merrill Lynch)的幾名駐港分析師本周一在研究報告中寫道。“我們預(yù)計,在未來幾個月內(nèi),隨著最近出臺的貨幣和購房寬松措施繼續(xù)發(fā)揮支撐作用,住宅銷售將保持旺盛勢頭。”

The data on Monday painted a divided picture of China’s housing market. New-home prices fell 6.3 percent in April compared with a year earlier, their biggest monthly drop in a decade, according to figures compiled by Wind Information, a financial data service focused on China.


But in month-to-month terms, which tend to better capture the most recent trends, prices showed signs of stabilizing, falling only 0.1 percent in April from March. In the biggest cities, prices increased, rising at their fastest pace since late 2013.


Plunging housing prices in China were partly to blame last month when Kaisa Group became the first Chinese developer to default on its overseas debt, throwing a chill over the market.


Even with tentative indications of a turnaround, investors say a genuine recovery in Chinese housing may still be some way off.


“The issue that really began to scare us is the extent of the inventory overhang,” Russell Platt, the chief executive of Forum Partners, a private equity firm based in London that invests in Chinese real estate, said of China’s glut of unsold homes. Forum was an early investor in Kaisa, but cashed out well before the default.

“真正令我們擔心的,是庫存過剩的程度,”私募股權(quán)投資公司Forum Partners的首席執(zhí)行官拉塞爾·普拉特(Russell Platt)談到中國待售房屋供大于求的狀況時說。該公司總部設(shè)在倫敦,對中國房地產(chǎn)市場進行了投資,并曾在佳兆業(yè)發(fā)展的早期投資過該公司,但在其違約前早已獲利出清。

Forum has been slowing its investments into China’s property market. “You have to know when to get in, but more important, you’ve really got to know when to get out,” Mr. Platt said.

Forum Partners已經(jīng)放慢了對中國房地產(chǎn)市場的投資。“你必須知道什么時候入場,但更重要的是,你真的得知道什么時候離場,”普拉特說。

China’s residential property market is a major indicator of the country’s economic health. By some economists’ estimates, housing and related industries account for more than 20 percent of China’s gross domestic product. Partly as a result of the sluggish property market, China’s economy grew at its slowest pace in six years in the first quarter, as the Communist Party tried to reduce China’s reliance on credit-propelled investment and to bolster consumer demand.


If it continues, the improvement in housing prices in recent months could provide help to some of the hardest-hit parts of the economy, lifting businesses as diverse as developers, construction companies, steel and cement plants, property brokerages and banks.


One of the biggest challenges to a recovery in China’s residential property market remains huge swaths of unsold homes, but the situation varies greatly across the country. In a working paper published last month, economists at the International Monetary Fund found that overbuilding in China’s so-called Tier 1 cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen had created an inventory equal to less than 12 months’ worth of sales.

中國住宅市場復(fù)蘇的最大挑戰(zhàn)仍然是房屋存量巨大,但不同地方的情況大不相同。上個月,國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund)的經(jīng)濟學(xué)家發(fā)表了一份初步報告稱,在北京、上海、廣州和深圳等一線城市,過度建設(shè)導(dǎo)致房屋存量超過11個月的銷售量。

That level is fairly manageable, especially considering that those cities continue to attract migrants from the countryside. But in Tier 2 cities, unsold inventories rose to nearly 1.5 years’ worth of sales. China’s least-developed cities, those in Tier 3 and Tier 4, had an alarmingly high stock of unsold homes equal to nearly three years’ worth of sales.


Despite the overbuilding, China’s heavily indebted developers have only recently begun to curtail borrowing for new projects and land purchases. Last year, net debt levels for the country’s biggest developers rose 29 percent from 2013, nearly twice as fast as their revenue growth, according to calculations by Moody’s Investors Service.

盡管過度建設(shè)達到如此程度,負債累累的中國開發(fā)商直到最近才開始縮減與開發(fā)新項目和購買土地相關(guān)的貸款。據(jù)穆迪投資者服務(wù)公司(Moody's Investors Service)測算,去年,中國最大型的開發(fā)商的凈債務(wù)水平較2013年上升了29%,比它們的營收增長幾乎快了一倍。

Such a precarious financial position could lead more developers to follow Kaisa into default. But other builders appear to have caught a break. Companies like Evergrande Real Estate Group have been promised huge credit lines from China’s biggest state-owned banks. And, following in the footsteps of China’s stockbrokers, property companies have found a new source of funding in the continuing stock market rally that can help them reduce their reliance on bank debt and bond sales.


Last week, China Resources Land raised 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, or $1.3 billion, by selling new shares. Also last week, Yuzhou Properties, a smaller developer, said it would raise 800 million Hong Kong dollars in a share sale.



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