Apple Watch Displays Your Digital World, at a Glance
《時報》記者的Apple Watch初體驗
SAN FRANCISCO — When Apple unveiled its watch last fall, the company showed only demo models of the new device — polished prototypes of the hardware running nonworking loops of the software.
On Monday, the company gave a closer look at the Apple Watch, including the working software. The company also said the device would start at $350 and, depending on the band and finish you chose, go into the thousands of dollars. I spent two long sessions with the watch in Apple’s demo room. Here are my first impressions.
周一,蘋果給出了Apple Watch的更多細節(jié),包括可以使用的軟件。公司還表示這款設備售價為350美元(約合2200元人民幣)起,具體價格取決于你選擇的表帶和外殼,最高可達數(shù)千上萬美元。我在蘋果的演示廳用掉了兩段長時試用期。以下是我的初步感受。
THE HARDWARE It’s a perfectly nice-looking watch. In its higher-end configurations — for instance, the stainless steel middle tier, with the steel-mesh Milanese loop wristband, which starts at $650 — the Apple Watch comes close to being beautiful, and it is certainly one of the best-looking computers you can buy for your wrist.
硬件 這是一款絕對好看的手表。偏高檔的型號——比如售價650美元起的中檔不銹鋼款,配米蘭尼斯鋼網表帶——幾乎可以說美了,而作為一個戴在手腕上的電腦,它無疑是目前這類產品中最漂亮的。
Yet it’s hard to forget that it is a computer for your wrist. Even in its top-end versions, it lacks the understated elegance of old-fashioned high-end analog watches. Apple is doing something unusual here: It is trying to create an electronic device that matches the timeless appeal of a piece of jewelry.
I’m not quite sure Apple pulled that off in this version. The electronic watch face is a bit chunky compared with the high-end band, so the overall impression is one of a mash-up between jewelry and gadgets. I’m reminded of the first-generation iPad or iPhone: The Apple Watch may look a bit more stylish than any other techie watch you can buy, but I can’t help but dream about the third- or fourth-generation version, when everything is likely to become smaller, thinner, tighter and more elegant.
這個版本有沒有做到?我說不好。電子表身跟高檔腕帶放在一起顯得有些臃腫,總體上給人一種珠寶和電子設備拼湊在一起的感覺。這讓我想起初代iPad 或iPhone:跟現(xiàn)在能買到的其他高科技手表比起來,Apple Watch的樣子更時尚,但我不禁會去想象它的第三、第四代是什么樣子,到時它會更小、更薄、更緊湊,也更優(yōu)雅。
THE INTERFACE Last fall, Apple made a big show of the rotating crown on the side of the device, the company’s take on what most of us call a watch dial. The company held up the crown as its next great interface, something on the order of the mouse, the iPod’s clickwheel or the touch screen on the iPhone. I was surprised, therefore, to discover how small a role the crown plays in typical use of the watch.
界面 去年秋天蘋果隆重介紹了手表側面的表冠。他們稱這個表冠是新一代的人機交互界面,可以比肩鼠標、iPod點擊滾輪和iPhone觸摸屏的東西。然而我很驚訝地發(fā)現(xiàn),它在手表的正常使用中其實沒有太多用處。
It has two primary uses: When you press it, you get to the watch’s main screen of apps — or, if you’re already on that screen, the watch switches to displaying the clock. In other words, the crown works as a home button. It can also be used for scrolling and zooming. In the music app, for example, you turn it to scroll through artists; if you’re in the photos app, you turn the crown to zoom from a set of tiny tiles of your photos to focus on a single one.
But you can also scroll using your finger on the screen, and in my brief time with the watch, I found that method much faster than the crown. Over all, I found myself touching and tapping much more than turning the dial. In addition to standard taps, the screen also has another tap mode called force touch, which works just as it sounds — press the screen harder. Force touch uncovers an extra level of settings in apps. For instance, force touch an email and you see options to delete, reply or mark it as unread.
The diminished use of the crown strikes me as a wise choice. It’s not another thing you’ve got to learn; for the most part, you control the watch just like your phone. It’s less busy, and much more intuitive, than I’d suspected it would be.
THE USES Apple spent a long while going through most of the watch’s major functions, including its use as a fitness tracker, texting app, email reader and payment device for locations that accept Apple Pay. I boiled down the list to this rule of thumb: Just about anything you can do with your phone, you can do with your watch, faster.
使用 蘋果花了很多時間介紹手表的主要功能,比如它作為健康監(jiān)測儀、短信應用、電子郵件閱讀器的用途,還有在接受Apple Pay的地方可以成為一個支付設備。我把這一長串功能濃縮為一句話:凡是手機能做的事,這塊手表大多也能做到,而且更快。
To me, this is the most interesting potential of the watch. Whether it’s calling an Uber car, checking into your hotel or answering a text, the watch will allow you to interact with the digital world at a glance, in a less outwardly antisocial way than you now do with your phone.