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Gene-Altered Apples Get U.S. Approval


The government on Friday approved the commercial planting of genetically engineered apples that are resistant to turning brown when sliced or bruised.


The developer, Okanagan Specialty Fruits, says it believes the nonbrowning feature will be popular with both consumers and food service companies because it will make sliced apples more appealing. The feature could also reduce the number of apples discarded because of bruising.

研制者奧卡諾根特種蔬菜公司(Okanagan Specialty Fruits)說,它認(rèn)為不會(huì)變色的特點(diǎn)將受到消費(fèi)者和餐飲公司歡迎,因?yàn)樗鼤?huì)讓切片蘋果更誘人。這一特點(diǎn)也能減少因碰傷而丟棄的蘋果數(shù)量。

But many executives in the apple industry say they worry that the biotech apples, while safe to eat, will face opposition from some consumers, possibly tainting the wholesome image of the fruit that reputedly “keeps the doctor away.” They are also concerned that it could hurt exports of apples to countries that do not like genetically modified foods.


“In the marketplace we participate in, there doesn’t seem to be room for genetically modified apples now,” said John Rice, co-owner of Rice Fruit Company in Gardners, Pa., which bills itself as the largest apple packer in the East.

“我們目前參與的市場(chǎng)中似乎沒有轉(zhuǎn)基因蘋果的空間,”賓夕法尼亞州加德納的大米水果公司(Rice Fruit Company)的聯(lián)合所有者約翰·賴斯(John Rice)說。該公司自稱是美國(guó)東部最大的蘋果加工企業(yè)。

The Department of Agriculture, which approved the apples for commercial planting, said on Friday that it had considered these issues. However, it said that under the law, approval is based on whether a genetically modified crop poses a threat to other plants. The department determined that the apples posed no such risk.


The so-called Arctic apples — which will be available in the Granny Smith and Golden Delicious varieties — are genetically engineered in a way to suppress the production of an enzyme that causes browning when cells in the apple are injured, from slicing, for example.

這種所謂的北極蘋果將有澳洲青蘋果(Granny Smith)和金冠蘋果(Golden Delicious)兩個(gè)種類。它的基因改造方法是抑制一種酶的產(chǎn)生。蘋果細(xì)胞受傷(比如被切開)后,這種酶會(huì)導(dǎo)致蘋果變色。

But over time the apples will still rot and turn brown. In November, the Agriculture Department approved a genetically engineered potato developed by the J.R. Simplot Company that uses a similar technique to prevent browning.

但是過一段時(shí)間,這種蘋果還是會(huì)腐爛、變黃。去年11月,美國(guó)農(nóng)業(yè)部批準(zhǔn)了辛普洛特公司(J.R. Simplot Company)開發(fā)的一種轉(zhuǎn)基因土豆,它使用的也是一種類似的防止變黑的技術(shù)。

The apple will join relatively few other examples of genetically modified fresh produce, including papaya and some sweet corn. Most of the genetically modified food Americans eat is processed, containing ingredients made from engineered corn or soybeans.


The engineered trait is also one of the few meant to appeal to consumers; most of the traits so far, like insect resistance and herbicide resistance, have been aimed at helping farmers.


The approval is also unusual in that Okanagan, which is based in Summerland, British Columbia, is a small company. Most genetically modified crops are developed by giant seed and chemical companies like Monsanto and DuPont Pioneer.

這次獲批的另一個(gè)不同尋常之處在于奧卡諾根特種蔬菜公司是個(gè)小公司,位于不列顛哥倫比亞的薩默蘭。大多數(shù)轉(zhuǎn)基因作物是由大型種子和化學(xué)公司開發(fā)的,比如孟山都(Monsanto)和杜邦先鋒(DuPont Pioneer)。

Neal Carter, the president of Okanagan, said the apple had “a lot of silent supporters” and would be popular with the food service business. “I can’t believe how many requests we’ve had just this morning to our website from people who want to buy trees,” he said. The roughly 45 investors in the privately held company include many people in the apple business, he said.

奧卡諾根特種蔬菜公司的總裁尼爾·卡特(Neal Carter)說,這種蘋果有“很多默默的支持者”,它將受到餐飲服務(wù)企業(yè)的歡迎。“我不敢相信僅今天上午我們網(wǎng)站就收到很多想要購(gòu)買這種蘋果樹的請(qǐng)求,”他說。他說,這家私人控股公司的約45名投資者中有很多來自蘋果行業(yè)。

It will take a few years for Arctic apples to be widely available because trees have to first be planted and then become mature enough to bear fruit.


Mr. Carter said that four growers would plant a total of 20,000 trees this spring, covering a mere 20 acres or so. From 5,000 to 10,000 pounds of apples are expected to be ready by the fall of 2016, enough to provide samples to food service companies and other potential buyers. The product could reach stores, in very small quantities, in 2017, he said.


Documents released by the Agriculture Department on Friday suggest the decision to approve was essentially made last May. Mr. Carter said he thought political factors had kept the approval from being announced. He said the company, which had initially requested approval in 2010, finally became so frustrated that it wrote a pointed letter to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack last month.

美國(guó)農(nóng)業(yè)部周五公布的文件表明,批準(zhǔn)決定實(shí)際上是去年5月做出的??ㄌ卣f,他認(rèn)為是政治原因?qū)е略撆鷾?zhǔn)遲遲未能公布。他說,這家公司最初是在2010年提出申請(qǐng)的,最后變得非常沮喪,所以上個(gè)月給農(nóng)業(yè)部長(zhǎng)湯姆·維爾薩克(Tom Vilsack)寫了一封措辭尖銳的信。

A spokesman for the Agriculture Department said it took time to analyze the issues and all the comments received. There were two public comment periods that together drew more than 175,000 comments, the overwhelming majority opposed to approval.


Consumer and environmental groups, who say that genetically modified crops in general are not thoroughly tested for safety, were highly critical of the decision on Friday.


“This G.M.O. apple is simply unnecessary,” Wenonah Hauter, executive director of Food & Water Watch, said in a statement, using the initials for “genetically modified organism.” “Apple browning is a small cosmetic issue that consumers and the industry have dealt with successfully for generations.”

“這種轉(zhuǎn)基因蘋果毫無必要,”食品與水觀察組織(Food & Water Watch)的執(zhí)行理事韋諾娜·豪特(Wenonah Hauter)在一項(xiàng)聲明中說,“蘋果變色是個(gè)很小的外觀問題,消費(fèi)者和蘋果行業(yè)很久以前已成功解決了這個(gè)問題。”

(Putting lemon juice or another source of vitamin C on apple slices can retard browning, though Okanagan argues that affects the taste.)


The environmental groups have been pressing food companies to reject the Arctic apples. McDonald’s and Gerber have sent letters saying they had no plans to use the apples. The groups also renewed their call for genetically modified foods to be labeled as such.


Mr. Carter said apples would be labeled as Arctic, with links to the company’s website, so consumers could figure out that the fruit was engineered. He said it would discuss with the Food and Drug Administration whether the apples would also be labeled as nonbrowning. But he said that labeling the fruit as genetically modified would only be “demonizing” it.


The nonbrowning effect is not created by putting genes from another species into the apple’s DNA, which is the case with most genetically altered crops. Instead, the apple’s own genes are manipulated in a way that turns off the browning mechanism.


Okanagan is still engaged in a voluntary consultation with the F.D.A. over the safety of the apple. Consumer groups say shutting off the browning mechanism could have unintended effects. But the Agriculture Department said the Arctic apples seemed to be nutritionally equivalent to other apples.


While many in the apple industry had opposed the approval, some now say they will work to ensure that consumers know most apples are not modified and even the ones that are modified are safe.



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