So as I started reading more Maslow, what I started to realize is that Maslow, later in his life,wanted to take this hierarchy for the individual and apply it to the collective, to organizationsand specifically to business. But unfortunately, he died prematurely in 1970, and so he wasn'treally able to live that dream completely. So I realized in that dotcom crash that my role in lifewas to channel Abe Maslow. And that's what I did a few years ago when I took that five-levelhierarchy of needs pyramid and turned it into what I call the transformation pyramid, whichis survival, success and transformation. It's not just fundamental in business, it'sfundamental in life. And we started asking ourselves the questions about how we were actuallyaddressing the higher needs, these transformational needs for our key employees in thecompany. These three levels of the hierarchy needs relate to the five levels of Maslow'shierarchy of needs.
But as we started asking ourselves about how we were addressing the higher needs of ouremployees and our customers, I realized we had no metrics. We had nothing that actually couldtell us whether we were actually getting it right.