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新概念英語第二冊詳解第66課: Sweet as honey!



  Lesson 66 Sweet as honey!像蜜一樣甜!

  First listen and then answer the question.


  What was 'sweet as honey' and why?

  In 1963 a Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island, a remote place in the South Pacific, a long way west of Samoa. The plane wasn't too badly damaged, but over the years, the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed. Then in 1989, twenty-six years after the crash, the plane was accidentally rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island. By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing. The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France. Now a group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored. It has four Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, but the group will need to have only three of them rebuilt. Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey -- still in perfect condition. A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax!

  New words and expressions 生詞和短語

  Lancaster n. 蘭開斯特

  bomber n. 轟炸機(jī)

  remote adj. 偏僻的

  Pacific n. 太平洋

  damage v. 毀壞

  wreck n. 殘骸

  rediscover v. 重新發(fā)現(xiàn)

  aerial adj. 航空的

  survey n. 調(diào)查

  rescue v. 營救

  package v. 把......打包

  enthusiast n. 熱心人

  restore v. 修復(fù)

  imagine v. 想像

  packing case 包裝箱

  colony n. 群

  bee n. 蜂

  hive n. 蜂房

  preserve v. 保護(hù)

  beeswax n. 蜂蠟


  1963年,一架蘭開斯特轟炸機(jī)在瓦立斯島毀。那是南太洋中一個很偏僻的小島,位于薩摩亞群島以西,距離群島還有很長一段距離。飛機(jī)損壞的程度并不嚴(yán)重,但是,多年來這起飛機(jī)失事已被遺忘,飛機(jī)殘骸也沒受到破壞。于是,到了1989年,飛機(jī)失事26年后,在對小島的一次航空勘查中那架飛機(jī)被意外地發(fā)現(xiàn)了。到了那個時候,狀況良好的蘭開斯特轟炸機(jī)實屬罕見,值得搶救。法國政府讓人把飛機(jī)包裝起來,一部分一部分地搬回法國。一群熱心人計劃修復(fù)這架飛機(jī)。該飛機(jī)裝裝配有4臺羅爾斯-羅伊斯的默林發(fā)動機(jī),但是他們只需要修復(fù)其中的3臺。想一想他們所感受到的驚奇和興奮 —— 當(dāng)他們拆開包裝箱時,他們發(fā)現(xiàn)第4臺發(fā)動機(jī)就像蜂蜜一樣甜 —— 發(fā)動機(jī)完好無損。一群蜜蜂把發(fā)動機(jī)當(dāng)作了蜂房,發(fā)動機(jī)在蜂蠟中被完整地保存了下來。


  1.a long way west of Samoa, 位于薩摩亞群島以西。

  這個短語補充說明 Wallis Island 的位置。表示方向(東、南等)的詞后面可以直接加 of+地名,前面也不用加任何介詞:

  Shanghai is south of Beijing.


  2.over the years, 多年來。

  over 表示“在……期間/之中”:

  He worked very hard over the last two years.


  3.By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing. 到了那個時候,狀況良好的蘭開斯特轟炸機(jī)實屬罕見,值得搶救。


  The house is in reasonable condition.


  The price of the dress is reasonable.


  (2)worth 可表示“值得”、“具有……的價值”,后面跟名詞或動名詞:

  This book is worth buying.


  That park is worth a visit.


  4.The French authorities bad the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France. 法國政府讓人把飛機(jī)包裝起來,一部分一部分地搬回法國。

  句中 have為使役動詞,表示“使”,后面加名詞/代詞加過去分詞。packaged和 moved 都屬于這種結(jié)構(gòu)。(cf. 本課語法)

  5.A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive…一群蜜蜂把發(fā)動機(jī)當(dāng)做了蜂房……

  colony 作量詞表示“群”時,往往用于蜜蜂、螞蟻等。

  turn into表示“把……改變成……”:

  When it is cold enough, water is turnd into ice.


  語法 Grammar in use

  使役式(The causative)

  (1)動詞 have 除了可以作為助動詞構(gòu)成完成時以外,還可以作為完全動詞表示“擁有”或代替 take, eat, receive, experience 等動詞(cf. 第18課語法):

  Did you have a good meal?


  He has five cars.



  They had a nice swim.


  (2)have作為完全動詞還可以構(gòu)成使役式,其形式為: have+名詞或賓格代詞+動詞的過去分詞。由于have是完全動詞,所以其疑問句與否定句由do/did構(gòu)成。與被動語態(tài)相似,使役式著重表示的是對某物(或某人)做了什么而不是某人做了什么。試比較:

  用被動語態(tài)或使役式時,我們可能不知道或認(rèn)為不必指明為我們服務(wù)的人是誰。然而,使役式比被動語態(tài)更加強(qiáng)調(diào)“使”別人為我們服務(wù)這一事實。我們要表示讓別人為我們做某事時,通常不用主動語態(tài)。讓別人給理發(fā)時,不可說I want to cut my hair而要說 I want to have my hair cut。


  While I'm away, I'll have you looked after.


  詞匯學(xué)習(xí) Word study


  集合名詞表示的是由若干個體組成的集合體,如 family(家庭,一家人),team(隊),crew(船、飛機(jī)等上的全體工作人員),audience(觀眾),government(政府),staff(全體職員/教員),class (班,班級)等。如果要強(qiáng)調(diào)作為整體的集體,則后面的動詞用單數(shù);如果要強(qiáng)調(diào)組成集體的每個人,則后面的動詞用復(fù)數(shù):

  2.imagine vt.


  Can you imagine their surprise and delight?


  I thought I heard something, but perhaps I was imagining it.



  imagine you'd like to rest after your long journey.


  練習(xí)答案 Key to written exercises


  A had the plane packaged, (had the plane) moved, have the plane restored, have only three of them rebuilt

  B 1 The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France.

  2 A group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored.

  3 The group will need to have only three of the engines rebuilt.

  C 1 He is having a new house built.

  2 She will have a new dress made.

  3 I did not have the house decorated.

  4 They had the washing machine repaired.

  5 We must have this dangerous tree cut down.

  6 We have to have this new television set installed.


  1 has 2 were 3 Have 4 is


  1c 2b 3a 4a 5d 6a

  7 a 8b 9a 10b 11b 12 a

  【New words and expressions】 生詞和短語

  ★L(fēng)ancaster n. 蘭開斯特

  Lancaster:name of the plane

  bomb 炸彈

  ★bomber n. 轟炸機(jī)

  ★remote adj. 偏僻的

  lonely 偏僻的(孤零零的)

  remote village 遙遠(yuǎn)的村莊

  lonely island

  remote 偏遠(yuǎn)

  ★Pacific n. 太平洋

  Atlantic 大西洋

  Indian ocean 印度洋

  Arctic ocean 北冰洋

  ★damage v. 毀壞

  ★wreck n. 殘骸

  wreck 強(qiáng)調(diào)壞了沒用的東西

  wreckage 強(qiáng)調(diào)壞的東西成碎片

  ★rediscover v. 重新發(fā)現(xiàn)

  re :表示再、又的意思

  review 復(fù)習(xí)

  reread 再讀

  rewrite 改寫

  retell 復(fù)述

  ★aerial adj. 航空的

  ★survey n. 調(diào)查

  investigation 調(diào)查

  survey 調(diào)查(一定要跟數(shù)據(jù)有關(guān)系)

  aerial survey 航空調(diào)查

  ★rescue v. 營救


  ★package v. 把......打包

  pack n. 小包


  wrap it up for me

  package n.大包


  package deal

  parcel 包裹(郵局郵寄)

  pack it for me

  ★enthusiast n. 熱心人

  ★restore v. 修復(fù)

  ★imagine v. 想像

  imagine doing

  imagine it 想像一下吧 想不到

  imagine that

  ★packing case 包裝箱

  ★colony n. 群 殖民地

  colony :一群聚居在一起的生物

  a colony of ants 一群螞蟻

  a colony of bees 一群蜜蜂

  a colony of artists 一群藝術(shù)家

  a flock of

  a flock of goats 羊群

  a herd of cows 一群奶牛

  a crowd of (用于人)

  ★bee n. 蜂

  ★hive n. 蜂房

  ★preserve v. 保護(hù)

  protect 保護(hù)

  preserve 保存(經(jīng)過特殊手段而保存下來)

  bean curd 豆腐

  preserved bean curd 豆腐乳

  preserved fruit 果脯

  preserved meat 臘肉

  preserved fish 臘魚

  smoked fish 熏魚

  Can I keep your photo?


  How long can I keep it?

  Can I return it to you?

  Can I keep it for you?

  store the cabbage  store 儲存,保存(以便日后使用)

  ★beeswax n. 蜂蠟


  Lancaster 轟炸機(jī)的型號

  crash 從上往下掉

  crash in the mountain 掉到山里

  a remote place in the South Pacific 做Island的同位語

  a long way to go 有很長的路要走

  west of

  east of

  south of

  north of


  Haerbin's in the north of China.

  on 是指跟一個地方有接觸面

  Korea is on the north of China

  to 是相離的概念

  前面又沒the,又沒介詞,the west of = to the west of

  west of 前面沒有任何詞修飾的時候,我們認(rèn)為處于相離的關(guān)系

  was too badly damaged 損壞的太厲害

  over the years 這些年來

  over the new year 在新年期間

  over the Christmas 在圣誕期間

  over Spring Festival 在春節(jié)期間

  remain + adj 看作系動詞be理解

  The room remained warm 房間還是那么暖和

  Christmas is coming few days after the beginning of the winter.

  by this time 到這時

  in condition 處于...狀態(tài)

  in reasonable condition = in good condition

  in perfect condition 處于完美狀態(tài)

  in poor condition 狀態(tài)不好

  in reasonable condition 介詞短語在這做后置定語

  keep the house in good condition

  walking in the cloud 云中漫步;濃情巧克力;

  dinosaur恐龍;snow white 白雪公主——推薦的四部電影

  was rare and was worth rescuing

  be worth doing 表達(dá)了被動含義

  The cake is worth eating

  The books are worth reading

  Have something done 讓別人做某事

  in parts : little by little ,bit by bit 一部分一部分地

  the group :the group of enthusiasts

  imagine 后面可以直接加賓語

  Imagine my excitement when I found my mother outside.

  Imagine their excitement and delight when the People's Republic of China was founded.

  The door opened (open 是動詞)

  The door is open (open 是形容詞)

  break sth open 打開

  cut open 切開

  cut it open 剪開(信封)

  tear it open 撕開(信封)

  busy as a bee 忙得象蜜蜂

  sweet as honey 甜得象蜜

  sticky as glue 象膠水一樣粘

  strong as horse 象馬一樣強(qiáng)壯

  turn ... into 把...變成

  在固定短語中as...as 中的第一個as省略

  as busy as a bee 中第一個as 省略

  I am busy as a bee

  【Key structures 】

  have sth done

  1.讓別人做某事 2 遭遇不幸

  I have my leg broken 我很倒霉摔斷了腿

  i have my wallet lost/stolen 我丟了錢包

  【Special difficulties 】

  My family are watching TV

  My family is happy



  1.has 2.were 3.have 4.is

  【Multiple choice questions】

  5.be worth doing

  6.(a) need to do 將來需要做

  10.over the years:during the years

  【Summary writing】



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