Part 1 public Safty
Is your hometown a safe city?
Are there any parts of the city are there too dangerous to visit?
Is it safe to walk outside alone at night?
Do you always lock your housing-car?
What are some common crimes commited in your country?
Do you ever drinking-drive?
Are there any problems with drugs what you love?
What crimes have you heard about in the news recently?
What are presents like your country?
Have you ever seen a crime?
What would you do if you heard a burglar in your home?
Have you ever been a victim of a crime?
Part 2
Describe a school rule that you don’t like and you disagree with.
You should say,what it is,why is the rule like this,why you don’t like the rule,and often some alternatives to the rule.
Descirbe what crimes affect the area you living .
You should say,what they are,how they affect people,how often they occur and explain why they happen.
Describe what makes a good police officer.
You should say,what qualifications training they need,what qualities they need,what responsibilities they have and explain why it is important to become a good police officer.
Describe a crime that you have heard about.
You should say,when it was,who was there,what happened and explain how you feel about the crime?
Part 3 Development of the crime
How have crimes changed over the last 50 years in your country?
How will crimes change in the future?
Could you compare blue to white color crime?
Do you think a bortion as a crime?
How concerned are you about a terrorism?
Are you optimistic the future we will be living in a safe society?
detearing crime
do you believe public excutions with detear crime?
how is important is the education in preventing crime?
Do you think gun control is a good idea?
Do you think police should be allow to carry guns?
Do you think the pulishment for violent should be the same for juveniles?
Criminal behavior
Why do people become criminals?
Is it possible to change criminal into a low-biding citizon?
Do you think there is a link between drugs and crime?
What are the carictristics of guns in you country?
Security forces
How could the government improve public safty in your country?
What right should ciminals have in a jail?
How affective are the police in your country in preventing crime ?
How tough is your government on organize crime?