第40章 墜入愛河
David: When do you think people normally fall inlove? How can people know when they fall in love?
You: I don't know. I have never had a boyfriend.
David: Just imagine.
You: I imagine that they will think about their lover every second of every minute of every day.And they will want to live together, I think that's a part of being in love. The feeling of being inlove, or having a crush is different from other types of love.
David: At what age do people usually fall in love? Or how old do you think they have their firstboyfriend or girlfriend?
You: 20
David: 20?People have the first boyfriend or girlfriend?
You: Yes, although some people are more precocious. They might meet in middle school. Ialso know some people who wait until they are 25 or 30. Then they find a partner. Normally inthe past city kids start going steady at a slightly younger age than those from thecountryside.
David: But one of my students told me that nowadays rural kids date at the age of 20, just asold as city kids do.
You: Possibly. So far it's concerned the difference between country side and cities are not soconspicuous.