Lovely Day
Dick: What a lovely day, isn't it!
Molly: Yeah, So many people wander here.
Dick: Some people are strolling around the square. And look at the lawn, some people are flying kites and some are having a picnic there. Maybe we can have a picnic here next time.
Molly: That's forbidden. Look at that notice: keep off the grass .
Dick: Wow. Let's go to the fountain .
Molly: OK, there'll be celebrations and firework shows around the fountain.
Dick: When is the show?
Molly: About 10 o'clock.
Dick: Well. Let's go to the pool first. There are lotus, pavilion and rockwork .
Molly: How beautiful the scene is! The pink flowers in the breeze are like baby's face.
Dick: Yeah, I feel as if we were in a fairyland. By the way, what's time is it now?
Molly: Almost 10, let's go and enjoy the show.
Dick: It's boon of this park.
迪克: 天氣真好,是吧。
茉莉: 是呀,好多人在這里漫步呢。
迪克: 一些人在廣場上散步,看那邊的草地上,有人放風箏還有些人在野餐呢,下次我們也來這里野餐。
茉莉: 那是禁止的,看那布告:請勿踐踏草坪。
迪克: 喔,我們去噴泉吧。
茉莉: 好呀,那里會舉行一些慶?;顒雍脱婊鸨硌?。
迪克: 幾點有呀?
茉莉: 10點左右。
迪克: 那我們先去池塘吧。那里有荷花、涼亭和假山呢。
茉莉: 真漂亮呀,微風習習,粉色的荷花像是小寶貝的臉一樣。
迪克: 我感覺我們像是在世外桃源。對了,現在幾點了?
茉莉: 快10點了。我們去欣賞表演吧。
迪克: 這是公園的福利呢。