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1. Come.

Come 用作感嘆詞,可用來表示氣惱、不同意、不耐煩、責(zé)備、鼓勵(lì)、安慰等,可譯為:嗨;喂;來吧;得啦;行啦;你看吧;別忙。如:

Now, come;be patient. 哎,耐心點(diǎn)。

Come, cheer up. 嗨,振作起來。

Come, let’s have a dance. 來,我們跳曲舞吧。

Come, now;don’t be so foolish! 嗨,別那以傻了。

有時(shí)可連用兩個(gè)come, 如:

Come, come! That’s enough. 行了,行了,(你那套)夠了。

Come, come! You can’t expect me to believe that. 你得了吧,你別指望我會(huì)相信此事。

Come, come, you shouldn’t say such a thing. 得啦,得啦,你不該那樣說的。

Come, come, it’s no use calling yourself names. 唉,罵你自己也沒用。

Come, come, Jim, you must take things easy. 嗨,吉姆,你心要放寬一些。

偶爾還可連用三個(gè)come, 如:

What! Daddy ill too. Oh,come, come, come. 什么!爸爸也病了,這真是糟糕!

2. Come again?

沒聽清對(duì)方說話時(shí)叫對(duì)方再說一遍,可譯為:請(qǐng)?jiān)僬f一遍;你說什么? 如:

"Come again?" said the hard-of-hearing man. “你說什么?”這個(gè)耳朵有點(diǎn)聾的人說道。

A:Where’s the headmaster? 校長(zhǎng)在哪?

B:Come again? 你說什么?

A:I asked where the headmaster is. 我問校長(zhǎng)在哪。

3. Come along.

(1) 表示催促,意為:快點(diǎn);趕快。如:

Come along—we’re late. 快點(diǎn)—我們遲到了。

Come along, it’s nearly six o’clock. 快點(diǎn),快6點(diǎn)了。

Oh,Jim, come along. I’m in a hurry. 噢,吉姆,快點(diǎn),我急著要走呀。

(2) 表示勸對(duì)方一起去,意為:一道去吧;和我(們)一起去吧;走吧。如:

Come along, I’ll show you to your room myself. 我親自帶你去你的房間。Come along, let’s go to the cinema together. 走吧,我們一起去看電影吧。

(3) 表示安慰或鼓勵(lì),意為:得啦;好吧;再努一把力;再使把勁。如:

Come along, now, cheer up, things will change for the better. 得啦,打起精神來,情況會(huì)好起來的。

Come along, someone must know the answer to my question. 你們好好想想,一定有人能回答我這個(gè)問題。

4. Come and get it.

表示飯菜已準(zhǔn)備好可以開餐,可譯為:飯準(zhǔn)備好了,來吃吧;吃飯啦! 如:

A:Come and get it. 吃飯啦。

B:All right. I’m coming. 好的,我就來。


5. Come off it.

主要用來制止對(duì)方的胡言亂語(yǔ)或不嚴(yán)肅的舉止以及玩世不恭的態(tài)度等(有時(shí)語(yǔ)氣比較強(qiáng)硬,有時(shí)語(yǔ)氣比較隨和,具體視語(yǔ)境而定),意為:別裝蒜了;別吹牛了;別想騙人了;別胡說了; 別胡鬧了;正經(jīng)點(diǎn);住口;住手;別亂來。如:

Come off it—I never said that. 你給我住口,我可從未這樣說過。

Come off it;tell me the truth. 別胡說了,把實(shí)情告訴我吧。

Now then, come off it, Charlie;we know you’re only pulling our leg. 喂,查理,別胡扯了,我們知道你只不過是逗著我們玩罷了。

A:The car is mine. 這車是我的。

B:Oh,come off it. You can’t even drive. 你別吹牛了,你連開車都不會(huì)吧。

A:I can’t afford to run a car. 我可沒錢買車。

B:Oh,come off it! You could run two cars on what you spend on drink and cigarettes! 別胡說,用你喝酒和抽煙的那些錢買兩臺(tái)車都?jí)蛄恕?/P>

6. Come on.

(1) 表示請(qǐng)求、鼓勵(lì)、勸說等,意為:來吧;行啦。如:

Come on, Lucy, come on. Don’t be so shy. 來吧,露茜,來吧,別不好意思。

Come on, Bill, you can tell me, I won’t tell anybody. 來吧,比爾,告訴我吧,我不會(huì)告訴別人的。

(2) 用來催促別人快走(做),意為:快點(diǎn)。如:

Come on, it’s getting dark. 快點(diǎn),天要黑了。

Come on, Mr Wang is waiting. 快點(diǎn),王先生在等著呢。

(3) 表示責(zé)備或不耐煩等,意為:得啦;行啦;夠啦。如:

Come on, don’t sit there dreaming. 得啦,別坐在那兒空想了。

Oh,Jane, come on, for goodness’ sake. 噢,簡(jiǎn),看在老天爺?shù)姆萆?,算了吧?B>

(4) 用于挑戰(zhàn)或激怒對(duì)方,意為:來吧;好吧;試試吧。如:

Come on! I’m not afraid of you. 來吧,我不會(huì)怕你的。

Come on. I don’t think you can jump over it. Come on. 來吧,我才不信你能跳過去,你跳呀!

(5) 用于體育競(jìng)賽等場(chǎng)合鼓勵(lì)隊(duì)員,意為:加油。如:

"Come on! Come on!" shouted the audience again and again. “加油!加油!”觀點(diǎn)一再地喊。

"Come on, Wu!" shouted the Class I students. “小吳,加油!”一班的學(xué)生喊道。


7. Come to think of it.

(1) 表示想起了某事,意為:想起來了。如:

Come to think of it, I should write to my daughter today. 想起來了,我今天應(yīng)該寫封信了。

Come to think of it, John promised to telephone me about this time. 想起來了,約翰答應(yīng)這時(shí)給我打電話的。

I don’t think I called at the bank that afternoon. Come to think of it, I couldn’t have done, for I didn’t leave the office until nearly half past six,and the bank would have been closed by then.


(2) 表示對(duì)某事進(jìn)一步思考后所產(chǎn)生的新想法,意為:細(xì)細(xì)想來;回頭想想也是;想來想去。如:

Come to think of it, it’s a wonderful idea. 細(xì)細(xì)想來,這倒是一個(gè)好主意。

Come to think of it, why should I apologize? 回頭想想,我為什么要道歉呢?

8. come what may


Come what may, I’ll be there. 不管發(fā)生什么事,我都要去那兒。

I shall go there tomorrow, come what may. 明天我無論如何都要去那兒。

He has decided to go abroad, come what may. 他無論如何要出國(guó)。


9. How come…?

表示懷疑或不可理解,意為:怎么會(huì)……呢?為什么會(huì)……呢?……是怎么回事? 如:

How come you’re so late? 你怎么來得這么遲呢?

How come he’s so angry? 他怎么會(huì)那樣生氣呢?

How come you didn’t call me last night? 昨晚你怎么不給我打電話?

How come we weren’t invited to the party? 為什么沒有邀請(qǐng)我們參加聚會(huì)?

有時(shí)也可說成:How comes it (about) that……?或How is it that……? 如:

How comes it that you’re so late? 你為什么老是來這么遲?

How is it that he’s not at home today? 他今天怎么不在家?


瘋狂英語(yǔ) 英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法 新概念英語(yǔ) 走遍美國(guó) 四級(jí)聽力 英語(yǔ)音標(biāo) 英語(yǔ)入門 發(fā)音 美語(yǔ) 四級(jí) 新東方 七年級(jí) 賴世雄 zero是什么意思上海市石泉五村英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)交流群



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