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聽電影學(xué)英語之牛仔褲的春天 09中英雙語




[00:05.54]Sorry. 對不起

[00:09.34]- I know you hate it when I butt in. - It's okay. - 我知道你討厭我插嘴 - 沒關(guān)系

[00:12.26]I didn't mean to mess up the whole interview. 我不是故意要破壞你的采訪

[00:15.10]Y ou didn't. Y ou were good. 你沒有,你做的很好

[00:22.98]So who told you? 那么誰告訴你?

[00:24.06]Told me what? 告訴我什么?

[00:25.94]- Y ou found out, didn't you? - We still have time for one more interview. - 你知道了,不是嗎? - 我們還有時間再做個采訪

[00:30.10]It's called leukemia. 那是白血病

[00:35.66]Y eah, and I would like to come with you. 好的,我和你一起去

[00:41.46]But are you just asking because you feel sorry for me? 你打聽我的事,因為你同情我是嗎?

[00:46.34]I don't know. 我不知道

[00:50.02]Maybe. 可能吧

[00:57.94]Okay. 好吧

[00:58.82]Okay. 好的

[01:15.14]We'll just take the hem up and it'll be perfect. 我們把褶邊收起來些就完美無缺了

[01:18.82]- Y ou look beautiful. - I love it, mama. - 你真漂亮 - 謝謝,媽媽,我很喜歡

[01:23.98]Carmen? Carmen?

[01:24.50]Carmen, you're next, sweetheart. Carmen,快出來,親愛的

[01:30.74]I beg your pardon? 你在說什么

[01:33.46]- I look like a tramp. - Oh, dear. - 我看起來像個蕩婦 - 哦,天吶!

[01:35.34]I'm sure barbara can work on this for you. 我想Barbara可以幫你解決的

[01:41.22]Here you go. 到這來

[01:43.18]Well, let's see here. 先看看這

[01:46.78]Well, we need to let this out here. 我們得把這個邊放開

[01:47.78]Right, right. Way out. 好的,好的,把邊放開

[01:52.66]And hopefully we can dig up some extra fabric. 有可能的話我們要在加些布料

[01:53.62]And this... y es, this needs some serious work here. 還有這里...得好好改改

[01:57.30]Frankly, I think we're better off just starting from scratch on this one. Frankly,這件裙子看來我們最好從頭做起

[02:00.50]Okay, good. ok,好的

[02:03.14]- Can I take this off now? - Sure. Certainly, darling. Go ahead. - 我現(xiàn)在可以脫掉了嗎? - 當(dāng)然可以,親愛的,去吧

[02:08.46]Barbara, I'm so sorry. Barbara, 對不起

[02:12.30]I had no idea her father would be so off when he guessed her size. 我沒想到他爸爸估計的衣服尺寸差這么遠(yuǎn)

[02:16.30]Usually a roughly constructed prototype works as a starting point, but in this case... 通常我們的樣衣都是要修改的

[02:20.38]we could add a long-line corset for her? 不過,就她的情況,我們可以給她加上個長束腰

[02:22.78]- Y es, that'll cinch it in. - Right, beautiful. - 是啊,這樣看起來就苗條了 - 對,會很漂亮的

[02:25.54]It is a wedding, and I do want it to look uniform. 這是個婚禮我希望看起來能統(tǒng)一些I

[02:26.42]- I mean, will she look like krista? - Definitely. - 我的意思是,她能不能看起來和Krista差不多? - 完全可以

[02:29.78]Y ou know, then just never mind. 你完全不用擔(dān)心

[02:30.30]We will fix the hem on krista's... 我們先把Krista裙子的褶邊改好

[02:32.06]...and we'll just start over on the other one. ...然后就動手修改另一個的

[02:34.90]Carmen. Carmen.

[02:39.14]The other one's name, it's carmen. 另一個有名字,她叫Carmen

[02:40.94]Y ou know what? Just forget about the dress. 知道嗎?你還是別再提這個禮服

[02:43.62]We can tell everybody that carmen's puerto rican. 我們可以告訴大家Carmen是波多黎哥人

[02:47.78]And it never occurred to you she might be built differently. 你也休想她能有什么改變

[02:50.90]Or that, unlike you and your daughter, she has an ass... 還有,她不象你和你的女兒,她有個大屁股

[02:54.94]...that the tailor didn't have enough bolts of material to cover. ...大到連裁縫的布料都裹不下

[02:57.46]Or better yet, just tell everyone there is no carmen. 或者,干脆告訴,那些人,根本沒有Carmen這個人

[03:01.70]Carmen doesn't exist. Carmen根本不存在

[03:05.30]Carmen, honey. Carmen! Carmen, 親愛的,Carmen!

[03:26.30]One, two, three! 1,2,3!

[03:27.06]Okay, ladies, time to call out the cavalry. 好了,女士們 現(xiàn)在準(zhǔn)備進攻

[03:29.58]We've secured a spot in the playoffs, we're gonna shake it up a little. 我們在季候賽得了一分 現(xiàn)在要加把勁再拿幾分

[03:31.90]Wendy and karen to midfield, bridget to sweeper. Wendy 和 Karen到中場去 Bridget 充當(dāng)自由中衛(wèi)

[03:36.02]I don't wanna see you go past midfield, got that? 我不想在中場看到你,明白了嗎?

[03:37.34]- What? - Y ou heard me. - 什么? - 聽明白了?

[03:44.34]Dear lena, when i got your letter i screamed for about 10 minutes. 親愛的Lena收到你的信我足足尖叫了10分鐘

[03:48.22]So you found a hottie after all, huh? 你終于找到個帥哥了哈!

[03:48.60]Well, me too. His name is eric. 我也找到了,他叫 Eric

[03:52.78]Did i mention he's one of the coaches and 100 percent off-limits? 我和你提過嗎?他是個教練,我們根本沒有可能

[03:57.60]I've never wanted anything this much in my entire life. 我一生中,從來沒有像現(xiàn)在這樣想要得到一樣?xùn)|西

[03:58.50]But i don't care. 但我不在乎

[04:03.66]I'm still waiting for carma-poochie-ay to send me the pants. 我現(xiàn)在正等著Carma那個婆娘把牛仔褲給我

[04:07.06]And in the meantime, i'm throwing all my pent-up energy into soccer... 同時,我把我所有的精力都花在足球上

[04:10.70]...although that only seems to get me into more trouble. ...但是,足球似乎讓我陷入更多的麻煩中

[04:12.62]What can i say? I'm obsessed. 該怎么說呢?我著迷了,著魔了

[04:15.86]And as we all know, obsessed girls cannot be responsible for our actions, can we? 我們都知道,著迷的女孩無法對自己的行為負(fù)責(zé),是吧?

[04:25.94]Pass, vreeland! 傳球Vreeland!

[04:55.46]Hey. 嘿

[04:59.14]Hey. 嘿


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