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聽電影學(xué)英語 盜夢(mèng)空間17

所屬教程:聽電影學(xué)英語 盜夢(mèng)空間



[00:00.00]The problem was knowing that none of it was real 問題是我知道這一切都是夢(mèng)境
[00:03.06]Eventually, it just became impossible for me to live like that. 后來我忍受不了那樣的生活
[00:07.63]And what about for her? 那她呢
[00:12.51]She had locked something away, something deep inside her. 她把自己內(nèi)心深處的想法鎖起來了
[00:17.81]A truth that she had once known, but chose to forget. 一個(gè)她明明知道 卻刻意遺忘的真相
[00:25.99]Limbo became her reality. 意識(shí)邊緣成了她的現(xiàn)實(shí)世界
[00:29.82]What happened when you woke up? 你們醒來后呢
[00:32.16]Well, to wake up from that after years, after decades... 在夢(mèng)中我們經(jīng)歷了數(shù)十年 已經(jīng)遲暮
[00:36.90]...to become old souls thrown back into youth like that? 卻又被拉回現(xiàn)實(shí)中做年輕人?
[00:42.30]I knew something was wrong with her. She just wouldn't admit it. 我知道她不對(duì)勁 可她就是不承認(rèn)
[00:47.44]Eventually, she told me the truth. 終于 她給我說了實(shí)話
[00:50.14]She was possessed by an idea. 她心里一直有個(gè)想法
[00:53.68]This one very simple idea that changed everything. 就是這個(gè)想法改變了一切
[01:00.52]That our world wasn't real. 她覺得我們生活的世界不是真實(shí)的
[01:03.92]That she needed to wake up to come back to reality... 她要被喚醒 回到現(xiàn)實(shí)中去
[01:08.73]...that in order to get back home... 想回到現(xiàn)實(shí)...
[01:12.00]...we had to kill ourselves. 我們就必須自殺
[01:20.47]What about your children? 她沒想過你們的孩子嗎
[01:22.80]She thought they were projections... 她覺得他們都是投射
[01:24.60]..that our real children were waiting for us up there somewhere. 她認(rèn)為真正的孩子在現(xiàn)實(shí)里等我們
[01:27.58]I'm their mother! Calm down. 我是他們的媽媽 冷靜點(diǎn)
[01:29.45]I can tell the difference. 我知道現(xiàn)實(shí)跟夢(mèng)境的差別
[01:30.88]If this is my dream, why can't I control this? 如果這是我的夢(mèng)境 為什么我不能控制它
[01:32.70]You don't know you're dreaming! 因?yàn)槟悴恢滥阍谧鰤?mèng)
[01:35.25]She was certain. There was nothing I could do... 她的態(tài)度很強(qiáng)硬 我無力勸說
[01:37.62]...no matter how much I begged, no matter how much I pleaded. 不管我怎么求她 怎么勸她
[01:44.43]She wanted to do it, but she could not do it alone. 她就是想自殺 但她又不愿意一個(gè)人去死
[01:47.12]She loved me too much, so... 她太愛我了 于是
[01:50.00]she came up with a plan on our anniversary. 她在我們的結(jié)婚紀(jì)念日想出了一個(gè)計(jì)劃
[02:20.20]Sweetheart, what are you doing? Join me. 親愛的 你在干什么 跟我一起吧
[02:23.17]Just step back inside. All right? Just step back inside now, come on. 下來好嗎 聽話 快下來
[02:27.61]No. I'm going to jump, and you're coming with me. 不 我要跳下去 你要跟我一起跳
[02:32.21]No, I'm not. 不 我不會(huì)的
[02:34.08]Now, you listen to me. 聽我說
[02:36.78]If you jump, you're not gonna wake up, remember? You're gonna die. 如果你跳下去 你不會(huì)醒過來 你會(huì)死的
[02:41.19]Now, just step back inside. 快下來
[02:43.29]Come on. Step back inside so we can talk about this. 聽話 下來吧 我們好好談?wù)?br /> [02:46.19]We've talked enough. 我們談得夠多了
[02:50.20]Mal. Come out onto the ledge... 瑪爾 爬到窗臺(tái)上來
[02:52.03]...or I'll jump right now. Okay. 要不我現(xiàn)在就跳下去 好吧
[02:59.01]We're gonna talk about this. 我們好好談?wù)?br /> [03:01.68]All right? 行嗎
[03:03.01]I'm asking you to take a leap of faith. No, honey. 我讓你放手一搏 不要啊 親愛的
[03:09.05]No, I can't. You know I can't do that. 我不能 你知道我不能那樣做
[03:12.22]Take a second, think about our children. 想想我們的孩子
[03:15.16]Think about James. 想想詹姆斯
[03:17.62]Think about Phillipa, now. 想想菲利帕
[03:19.43]If I go without you, they'll take them away anyway. 如果你不跟我走 他們肯定會(huì)被帶走
[03:22.53]What does that mean? I filed a letter with our attorney... 什么意思 我給律師簽了一份文件
[03:26.27]...explaining how l'm fearful for my safety. 說我很擔(dān)心我的安全
[03:31.84]How you've threatened to kill me. 因?yàn)槟阃{過要?dú)⑽?br /> [03:36.78]Why did you do this? I love you, Dom. 你為什么這么做 我愛你 多姆
[03:39.58]Why did ? Why would you do this to me? 為什么 為什么要這么對(duì)我
[03:41.51]I've freed you from the guilt of choosing to leave them. 你不用因?yàn)殡x開他們而自責(zé)了
[03:44.55]We're going home to our real children. 我們回家 看真正的孩子
[03:47.75]Oh, no, no, no, Mal, you listen to me, all right? 不不不 瑪爾 聽我說
[03:50.10]Mal, look at me, please? 看著我 求你了
[03:51.56]You're waiting for a train. 你在等待一列
[03:53.00]Mal, goddamn it, don't do this! 瑪爾 靠 別這樣
[03:55.10]A train that will take you far away. 能帶你遠(yuǎn)走的火車
[03:57.10]James and Phillipa are waiting for you! 詹姆斯和菲利帕在等你
[03:59.27]You know where you hope this train will take you, 你知道你想讓火車帶你去哪兒
[04:01.00]There are waiting for us. but you can't know for sure. 他們?cè)诘任覀?但你不能確定
[04:02.70]Mal, look at me! But it doesn't matter. 瑪爾 看著我 但沒有關(guān)系
[04:05.64]Mal, goddamn it! 瑪爾 我靠
[04:07.00]Mal, listen to me! Because you'll be together. 瑪爾 聽我說 因?yàn)槟銜?huì)和我在一起
[04:09.01]Sweetheart! Look at me! Mal, no! 親愛的 看著我 瑪爾 不要啊
[04:13.01]Jesus Christ! 我的天啊
[04:17.95]She had herself declared sane by three different psychiatrists. 3個(gè)心理醫(yī)生都證實(shí)她有精神疾病
[04:21.86]It made it impossible for me to try to explain the nature of her madness. 但我沒法解釋她得病的原因
[04:26.23]So I ran. 我只能逃走
[04:29.30]Right now, or never, Cobb. 現(xiàn)在就走 否則來不及了 柯布
[04:37.90]James! Phillipa! Come on in! Come on! 詹姆斯 菲利帕 快回來
[04:42.61]All right, let's go. 好 我們走
[04:44.11]I left my children behind 我丟下了孩子
[04:45.39]and I've been trying to buy my way back ever since. 我一直想回家見他們
[04:48.78]Your guilt defines her. It's what powers her. 是你的罪惡感造就的她
[04:52.82]But you are not responsible for the idea that destroyed her. 但她自殺不是你的責(zé)任
[04:57.36]And if we are gonna succeed in this... 如果我們要想成功
[05:00.09]...you have to forgive yourself, and you're gonna have to confront her. 你必須原諒自己 學(xué)會(huì)面對(duì)她

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