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[00:27.00]wanna hear something crazy? 告訴你件不可思議的事
[00:30.39]What's that? 什么?
[00:31.62]did you see the big guy when we got on in L.A.? 看到那個(gè)在洛杉磯登機(jī)的大塊頭了嗎?
[00:34.75]Sitting in first class, curly hair, guitar case? 坐在頭等艙 卷發(fā) 背個(gè)吉他包?
[00:39.03]What about him? 他怎么了?
[00:40.04]He's one of the oceanic six. 他是"大洋六人"中的一員
[00:42.59]Guy's got nerves of steel, man. 他家伙膽子真夠大的
[00:44.49]He survives a full-on mmercial airliner crash. 在如此慘重的事故中存活下來(lái)
[00:47.19]Now he's back flying over the same south pacific? 現(xiàn)在他居然又乘同樣的 南太平洋航線(xiàn)的飛機(jī)?
[00:50.15]Yeah, well... 是啊...
[00:52.06]maybe he doesn't believe that lightning will strike twice in the same place. 可能他覺(jué)得閃電不會(huì) 兩次擊中同一個(gè)地方
[01:07.97]you all right there, frank? 你沒(méi)事吧 Frank?
[01:10.07]I'm just fine. 沒(méi)事
[01:20.59]dude... you might wanna fasten your seat belt. 老兄 你還是系好安全帶吧
[01:27.18]oh, no. 哦 不
[01:29.06]What? 怎么了?
[01:39.69]autopilot off! 自動(dòng)駕駛關(guān)閉!
[01:41.48]I got the controls. 我來(lái)控制
[01:42.59]Autopilot off. You have the controls. 自動(dòng)駕駛關(guān)閉 你來(lái)控制
[01:51.69]pull that rudder! 拉高!
[02:05.09]what? What? 什么 怎么了?
[02:07.95]- stall. Stall. - We've lost power! - 下降 下降 - 飛機(jī)失去動(dòng)力了
[02:11.45]- Stall. - Restarting one. - 下降 - 重啟一
[02:13.26]Restarting two. 重啟二
[02:15.01]Altimeter reads 650. 高度計(jì)顯示650
[02:18.57]oh, my god. 哦 天哪
[02:22.19]Give me more power! I can pull us out of this! 再給我點(diǎn)動(dòng)力 我能把飛機(jī)拉起來(lái)
[02:23.89]- You're gonna rip us apart! - Do it! - 飛機(jī)會(huì)被撕裂的 - 快點(diǎn)
[02:29.92]Come on. Come on. 加油 快
[02:41.61]is that a runway? 那是一個(gè)跑道嗎?
[02:44.31]massive instrument failure! We're puttin' her down! 大規(guī)模儀器失常 我們要降落
[02:45.85]Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! This is ajira 3-1-6! 求救 求救 求救 Ajira 316 呼叫救援
[02:48.53]Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! 求救 求救 求救
[02:51.00]- 50... 60... - full flaps! - 50... 60... - 放下襟翼
[02:53.18]Gear down! Airspeed 190! 降檔 飛行速度190
[02:57.14]we're coming in too steep! 降落得太急了
[03:08.13]reverse thruers! 輪胎反轉(zhuǎn)
[03:12.82]Come on! 加油啊
[03:14.58]We're runnin' out! We're runnin' out! 到頭了 到頭了
[03:17.12]Hold on! 穩(wěn)住
[03:18.40]Brace for impact! 準(zhǔn)備撞了
[03:56.38]Hey, lady. Are you okay? 嗨 女士 你還好嗎?
[03:58.88]- Jarrah? - No. My name is caesar. - Jarrah? - 不 我是Caesar
[04:01.56]We had an accident. But we're okay now. 我們出了意外 但現(xiàn)在沒(méi)事了
[04:21.54]- frank? - Sun. - Frank? - Sun
[04:25.32]you all right? 你沒(méi)事吧?
[04:26.14]Oh, my god. What happened? 哦 天哪 發(fā)生什么事了?
[04:28.06]I don't know. 我不知道
[04:35.09]Where's everyo else? 其他人呢?
[04:36.91]Jack and... kate and hurley-- where'd they go? Jack Kate和Hurley在哪?
[04:41.40]they're gone. 他們走了
[04:46.81]gone? Gone where? 走了 去哪了?
[04:51.43]How would I know? 我怎么知道?
[04:59.28]******** 三十年前
[05:35.46]you're alive. 你還活著
[05:39.38]Dude! I can't believe it! 老兄 真不敢相信
[05:45.62]- easy on the ribs there, kong. - "Kong." - 小心肋骨 大水缸 - "大水缸"
[05:49.61]- I actually missed that. - I missed you, too, hugo. - 真懷念這名字 - Hugo 我也很想你
[05:53.30]Sawyer. Sawyer
[05:55.66]Doc. 醫(yī)生
[06:06.14]Good to see you, kate. 很高興見(jiàn)到你 Kate
[06:08.23]You, too, james. 我也是 James
[06:20.17]you're really here. 你們真的來(lái)了
[06:22.17]Son of a bitch actually did it! 那混蛋真的做到了!
[06:23.54]Locke said he was gonna bring you back, but... Locke說(shuō)他要把你們帶回來(lái) 但是
[06:27.64]where is he? 他人呢?
[06:33.56]John's dead. John死了
[06:39.30]Dead? How? 死了 怎么會(huì)?
[06:43.76]Doesn't matter. He's gone. 這不重要 他已經(jīng)去了
[06:48.14]So what's up with you guys and the old dharma jumpsuits? 你們?cè)趺椿厥掳?穿著達(dá)摩制服
[06:53.12]You didn't tell 'em? 你沒(méi)告訴他們?
[06:55.24]No. I was waiting for you. 沒(méi)有 我等你說(shuō)
[06:57.44]Tell us what? 告訴我們什么?
[07:05.68]We're in the dharma initiative. 我們參與了達(dá)摩計(jì)劃
[07:08.97]They came back to the island? 他們回來(lái)了?
[07:10.46]No. We came back. 不 是我們回來(lái)了
[07:14.96]And so did you. 還有你們
[07:18.18]It's 1977. 現(xiàn)在是1977年
[07:24.78]what? 什么?
[07:40.33]Lost Season05 Episode09 迷失 第五季 第9集
[07:43.42]so you're telling me that you've been here, 所以你的意思是你在這里
[07:46.53]living with the dharma initiative for the past three years? 和達(dá)摩計(jì)劃成員一起生活了三年?
[07:49.69]That's right. 是的
[07:51.17]How long's it been for you since the chopper? 直升機(jī)帶走你們后 到現(xiàn)在過(guò)了多少時(shí)間
[07:53.37]Three years. 三年
[07:55.02]hey, jin, this is miles. Where are you? Over. 嗨 Jin 我是Miles 你在哪里 結(jié)束
[07:58.69]if I don't report in soon, they'll send out a patrol. 如果我不馬上回報(bào) 他們會(huì)派出巡邏隊(duì)
[08:01.50]What should we do with them? 他們要怎么辦?
[08:05.63]Dude, your english is awesome. 老兄 你的英語(yǔ)好極了
[08:07.91]What we do is we bring 'em in. 我們帶他們進(jìn)去
[08:09.78]Bring us in where? 帶我們?nèi)ツ睦?
[08:11.07]Back to the barracks at dharmaville. 達(dá)摩的營(yíng)地
[08:12.73]You can't be wandering around in the jungle with the hostiles. 你們不能和敵人一起在叢林里游蕩
[08:15.23]"The hostiles"? 敵人?
[08:17.18]The others. 其他人
[08:17.88]What about everyone else from the plane? They could still be out there. 那飛機(jī)上其它人怎么辦 他們可能還在野外
[08:20.83]What do you mean, everyone else? 什么意思?
[08:22.92]We didn't come back alone. 回來(lái)的不只是我們幾個(gè)
[08:25.67]Sayid was on the plane, too. Lapidus... Sayid也在飛機(jī)上 還有Lapidus...
[08:29.98]and sun. 和Sun
[08:33.63]Jin! Hold up! Where you goin'? Jin 等等 你去哪?
[08:36.12]The flame. 火焰站
[08:37.42]If a plane landed on the island, radzinsky will know. 如果有飛機(jī)在島上登陸 Radzinsky會(huì)知道的
[08:40.10]hold on! We gotta think about this! 等等 我們要想清楚
[08:49.12]all righ that's it. 好吧 就這樣吧
[08:50.74]Listen, you guys gotta stay put. 聽(tīng)著 你們待著別動(dòng)
[08:52.89]Don't go nowhere, don't do nothing till I can figure out how the hell to explain where you came from. 哪也別去 什么也別做 直至我想到怎么解釋你們從哪來(lái)的
[08:58.95]Sawyer, wait. Sawyer 等等
[09:01.47]Other than you and jin, who else is still here? 除了你和Jin 還有誰(shuí)還在這
[09:12.53]Miles, have you seen james? Miles 你看到James了嗎?
[09:15.21]Nope. 沒(méi)有
[09:16.60]He's not answering his walkie, either. 對(duì)講機(jī)也沒(méi)有回應(yīng)
[09:20.15]Jin called him this morning, then he just ran off without telling me what was going on. 上午Jin給他打了個(gè)電話(huà) 他就直接跑出去了 也沒(méi)說(shuō)去哪
[09:26.21]Well, let's see what we've got. 好吧 我們來(lái)看看
[09:34.06]hang on. There he is. 等等 他在那啊
[09:50.27]You seen my baggy sweatshirt, the one with the bulldog on it? 你看到我寬松的運(yùn)動(dòng)衫了嗎 上面有只斗牛犬的那件
[09:53.16]It's in the laundry. James... 那件在洗 James...
[09:56.89]- what's going on? - They're back. - 發(fā)生什么事了? - 他們回來(lái)了
[10:01.50]I'm sorry. Who's back? 抱歉 誰(shuí)回來(lái)了?
[10:04.41]Jack, hurley, kate. Jack Hurley和Kate.
[10:08.22]What? 什么?
[10:10.08]I know. 是啊
[10:14.06]They came back, juliet. 但他們真的回來(lái)了 Juliet
[10:17.03]Are they here now? 他們現(xiàn)在在這了?
[10:19.53]They're out at the north point, waitin' for me to tell 'em what to do. 他們?cè)诒边?等我指示
[10:24.91]how did they get... 他們?cè)趺?..
[10:26.43]I'm not sure. They said they were on a plane. 我不清楚 他們說(shuō)他們?cè)陲w機(jī)上
[10:40.75]I don't understand it any more than you do. 我也不比你更了解情況
[10:44.26]But they're here, and I gotta find a way to bring 'em in before somebody else finds 'em 既然他們來(lái)了 我就得設(shè)法帶 他們進(jìn)來(lái) 以免別人發(fā)現(xiàn)他們
[10:49.08]and they screw up everything we got here. 到時(shí)就前功盡棄了
[10:56.02]There's, um, a sub coming in this afternoon. 今天下午會(huì)有潛艇過(guò)來(lái)
[11:25.32]hey, you understand the concept of knocking? 嘿 你不知道要敲門(mén)嗎?
[11:36.82]oh, get your hands off that! 住手
[11:39.76]I thought you learned english. I said, hands off! 我以為你已經(jīng)學(xué)會(huì)英語(yǔ)了 我說(shuō)了 住手
[11:42.19]Nobody handles any of the gear in this station except me. Understand? 除了我之外 沒(méi)人可以碰站內(nèi)的東西 明白嗎
[11:46.77]I need to check the radar logs. 我需要查一下雷達(dá)日志
[11:50.84]- For what? - Please. - 為什么? - 拜托了
[11:52.64]I need to know if a plane landed on the island. 我想知道有沒(méi)有飛機(jī)登陸在島上
[11:55.94]If a plane landed? Here? 飛機(jī)? 登陸在這里?
[11:58.38]Yes. 是的
[12:00.56]What, so you think if a plane landed on our island, I'd be over there just building my model? 你覺(jué)得要是有飛機(jī)登陸了 我還會(huì)在這里搭模型嗎?
[12:06.37]That I wouldn't have called anyone? That I wouldn't have put out an alert? 你覺(jué)得我不會(huì)打給別人 不會(huì)馬上拉響警報(bào)嗎
[12:09.69]Maybe you missed it. 也許你錯(cuò)過(guò)了
[12:11.34]Can you check with the other stations? 你可以和其它站確認(rèn)一下嗎?
[12:12.49]I just told you I would not be-- 你沒(méi)聽(tīng)到我說(shuō)的嗎 我不會(huì)...
[12:17.02]check with the other stations. 和其它站確認(rèn)一下
[12:31.99]attention all stations, this is a system-wide broadcast from radzinsky at the flame. 各站注意了 這是來(lái)自火焰站Radzinsky的廣播
[12:35.87]I'm checking in to see if anyone's seen an airplane over the island. 我想知道有沒(méi)有人看到 有架飛機(jī)登陸在島上
[12:39.48]no one else has seen an airplane, but if you have, could you call in to me, please? Over. 沒(méi)有人看到 但如果你們看到了 請(qǐng)立刻聯(lián)系我 結(jié)束
[12:47.45]so what are you all hot and bothered about, kwon? 你這么急躁在擔(dān)心什么 Kwon?
[12:50.41]Why is this plane so damn important? 那架飛機(jī)有啥那么重要?
[12:55.52]It just is. 就是那么重要
[13:22.02]did you lose someone? 你在找人嗎?
[13:24.76]Excuse me? 什么?
[13:26.09]I just saw you looking around. 我見(jiàn)你到處張望
[13:27.32]I thought maybe you lost someone on the plane. 我以為你可能找不到你的同伙了
[13:30.63]No. I was traveling alone. 不是 我一個(gè)人坐的飛機(jī)
[13:34.68]can I get everybody's attention? 大家聽(tīng)我說(shuō)一下
[13:38.89]Everybody, please! 大家聽(tīng)著
[13:44.36]Listen up, folks! 注意了 大伙兒
[13:47.15]Here's where we're at. 現(xiàn)在情況是這樣的
[13:49.01]The radio's dead, so I haven't been able to call in our situation. 無(wú)線(xiàn)電壞了 所以我們無(wú)法求救
[13:53.01]But that's all right. 但沒(méi)關(guān)系
[13:54.34]Soon as they figure out we're not where we're supposed to be, they'll come looking for us. 他們一發(fā)現(xiàn)我們沒(méi)有按時(shí)到達(dá) 就會(huì)來(lái)找我們的
[13:59.53]So best thing to do right now is just stick together. 所以我們現(xiàn)在能做的就是待在一起
[14:03.74]Stick together, hunker down and just wait till help gets here. 待著別動(dòng) 等人來(lái)這救我們
[14:06.93]- And where is here? - What's that? - 但這是哪里? - 你說(shuō)什么?
[14:09.48]Where is here? What is this place? 這是哪里? 這個(gè)地方是哪里啊?
[14:13.46]I don't know where "here" is because this island's not on my charts. 我不知道這是哪里 因?yàn)檫@個(gè)島不在我的圖表上
[14:17.67]- Really - really. - 真的 - 真的
[14:20.58]Because there are some buildings over there... and animal cages. 那里有些建筑物 還有動(dòng)物的籠子
[14:26.44]Down the beach, you can see a bigger island across the water. 沿沙灘走下去 還能看見(jiàn)對(duì)面有個(gè)大島
[14:31.62]So maybe you should get some new charts. 也許你應(yīng)該更新一下你的圖表了
[14:34.09]right now, I'm just trying to keep everyone here safe. 現(xiàn)在 我只是想保證每個(gè)人的安全
[14:37.96]So let's gather up some firewood. 所以我們?nèi)ヅ恍┎窕?br /> [14:40.47]if he wants to wait, let him! 如果他要等 就讓他等吧
[14:43.00]I say we search these buildings! 我覺(jué)得我們應(yīng)該去看看那些建筑物
[14:46.38]Maybe they have a radio or some food! 也許那里有無(wú)線(xiàn)電和食物
[14:51.97]Who wants to help me? 誰(shuí)愿意幫我?
[15:29.57]Why are you following me? 你為什么跟著我?
[15:35.22]Where are you going? 你要去哪里?
[15:37.48]Back to our island. 去我們的島
[15:41.85]You wanna come? 你想一起過(guò)去嗎?
[15:54.18]Juliet? Juliet?
[15:56.44]Hey, amy. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. 嗨 Amy 抱歉吵醒你了
[15:59.87]Oh, no, it's fine. 不用 沒(méi)關(guān)系
[16:01.64]I just came to get the sub manifest. 我只是想過(guò)來(lái)拿潛水艇的旅客名單
[16:04.81]- obviously, I don't want you working today. - Thank you. - 顯然 我不想你今天工作 - 謝謝你
[16:10.29]- Full load? - Almost. - 滿(mǎn)載? - 差不多
[16:12.34]Two of the recruits dropped out in the eleventh hour. 兩個(gè)新人在11點(diǎn)時(shí)退出了
[16:15.28]They didn't want to take the sedative for the trip. 他們?cè)谕局胁幌敕面?zhèn)靜劑
[16:18.32]Can you tell pierre for me? 你可以幫我告訴Pierre嗎?
[16:23.86]Oh, hello, little one. 你好啊 小家伙
[16:28.84]Have you and horace decided on a name? 你和Horace給他取好名字了嗎?
[16:30.81]Yeah, we have. 是的
[16:32.59]We're gonna name him ethan. 我們打算給他取名Ethan
[16:42.53]oh, hey, buddy. 嘿 小家伙
[16:47.59]So... when are you and jim gonna have one of these? 你和Jim什么時(shí)候也打算生一個(gè)呢?
[16:51.70]I don't know. 我不知道
[16:54.93]Timing's gotta be right. 總有那么一天的
[17:07.88]so the woman who told you how to come back... 那個(gè)告訴你怎么回來(lái)的女人
[17:10.08]did she mention that it would be 30 years ago? 她說(shuō)過(guò)我們會(huì)回到三十年前嗎
[17:14.03]No. No, she left that part out. 沒(méi)有 她沒(méi)提到這一點(diǎn)
[17:19.95]So what are we supposed to do now? 那我們現(xiàn)在要怎么辦
[17:25.07]I'm not sure yet. 我也不確定
[17:27.67]sawyer's back! Sawyer回來(lái)了
[17:43.35]all right, listen. 好吧 聽(tīng)著
[17:44.48]Y'all are gonna be thcond batch of recruits comin' in off the sub pullin' into port right about now, 你們都是坐潛艇過(guò)來(lái)的第二批新人 潛艇馬上就靠岸了
[17:48.32]so we ain't got much time. Nice suit, doc. 所以我們沒(méi)時(shí)間了 西裝不錯(cuò) 醫(yī)生
[17:51.06]Not exactly island wear. Try this. 但不適合這里 試試這件
[17:54.79]You want us to say we came in on the sub. How's that gonna work? 你想我們冒充坐潛艇來(lái)的人 那可行嗎
[17:58.10]Everyone gets knocked out before the trip, so no one meets each other until we process 'em. 每個(gè)人來(lái)之前都被弄昏了 所以在我們登記前他們都不認(rèn)識(shí)
[18:03.62]Look, we need to find the rest of the people from the plane. 聽(tīng)著 我們需要找到飛機(jī)上的其他人
[18:06.12]If there was a plane, jin will find it. 如果飛機(jī)在 Jin會(huì)找到的
[18:08.08]So we got about ten minutes to make intake, or y'all are gonna be camping in the jungle for a long time. 我們有10分鐘時(shí)間可以進(jìn)去 否則你們就要待在叢林里很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間了
[18:12.38]There ain't another batch of recruits due in for six months. 半年內(nèi)不會(huì)再有新人來(lái)了
[18:17.77]What do you think? 你怎么想?
[18:20.05]I think we should listeno sawyer. 我覺(jué)得我們應(yīng)該聽(tīng)Sawyer的
[18:21.74]I vote for not camping. 我也不想在外面露營(yíng)
[18:23.82]Trust me. Do what I say. Everything will be fine. 相信我吧 聽(tīng)我的就沒(méi)事
[18:29.53]Let's move. 我們走吧
[18:37.62]I just heard from the looking glass. 窺鏡的人回報(bào)
[18:39.79]They were the last station to check in. 他們是最后一個(gè)站了
[18:41.74]They got nothing but an incoming sub. 除了一個(gè)靠近的潛艇 他們什么也沒(méi)看到
[18:46.23]Why don't you go home, and I'll call you if something happens? 不如你先回去 如果有事我打給你
[18:53.10]move. Move. Out of my way. 讓開(kāi) 別擋著我
[18:56.62]those bastards. 那些混蛋
[18:58.18]What do you see? 你看到了什么?
[18:59.09]Grid 325. Motion sensor alarm was tripped. 325格 運(yùn)動(dòng)傳感報(bào)警器被觸發(fā)了
[19:01.59]We got a hostile inside the perimeter. 在監(jiān)控范圍內(nèi)發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個(gè)敵人
[19:06.76]Where you going? 你去哪?
[19:40.68]Stop right there! 站住
[19:51.14]Sayid? Sayid?
[19:54.06]Jin? Jin?
[19:57.09]where's sun? Sun呢?
[20:00.36]- I don't know. - shut up! - 我不知道 - 閉嘴
[20:06.47]Get down! 跪下
[20:08.77]Say another word, and you're dead. 再說(shuō)一句話(huà) 就斃了你
[20:21.46]Okay, so it's 1977. 好吧 那么現(xiàn)在是1977年
[20:25.06]Yep. 對(duì)
[20:26.36]And... you guys are all members of the dharma initiative. 還有... 你們都是達(dá)摩計(jì)劃成員?
[20:30.88]Yep. 對(duì)
[20:34.39]Well, you do realize thosdudes get wiped out, right? 不過(guò)你們知道 那幫家伙都死光了 對(duì)吧
[20:38.29]I mean, I saw the pit where all the bodies got dumped. 我看見(jiàn)那個(gè)尸坑了
[20:40.49]- What about it? - Well, aren't you gonna warn 'em? - 那又怎樣? - 那你不打算警告他們么?
[20:42.52]Aren't you gonna stop it from happening? 你不打算阻止慘劇的發(fā)生么?
[20:44.87]I ain't here to play nostradamus to these people. 我來(lái)這兒可不是扮演什么預(yù)言家的
[20:47.39]Besides, faraday's got some interesting theories on what we can and can't do here. 況且Faraday總是說(shuō)些 "能做""不能做"的鬼話(huà)
[20:51.72]Did you say faraday? He's here? 你剛才說(shuō)的是Faraday么? 他在這兒?
[20:56.11]Not anymore. 現(xiàn)在不在這兒了
[21:06.68]recruits will be going inside for processing, 新人請(qǐng)到大廳登記
[21:12.39]where you'll be given your work assignment and lodging. 在那里進(jìn)行任務(wù)的分配和住宿安排
[21:28.01]put these on and listen up. 把這些戴上 聽(tīng)著
[21:29.71]Juliet's got it worked out so your name's gonna be on the list, all right? Juliet會(huì)幫忙 也就是說(shuō)你們的名字會(huì)在名單上
[21:32.48]So when you get in there, just watch the little meet and greet video, 所以當(dāng)你們進(jìn)去以后 看那個(gè)歡迎視頻就好了
[21:35.09]wait for 'em to call your name. 等他們叫你們的名字
[21:36.66]When they do, just smile, step up, take your jumpsuits and work assignments. 他們叫名字時(shí) 就笑著走上去 領(lǐng)自己的衣服和工作任務(wù)就好了
[21:40.58]- Work assignments? - Yeah, don't worry. I got it covered. - 工作計(jì)劃? - 對(duì) 別擔(dān)心 我心里有數(shù)
[21:42.72]Just remembeto act a little doped up, 'cause you just woke up from the sub. 只要記住裝作迷迷糊糊的就好 因?yàn)槟銈儎偦謴?fù)神智
[21:45.38]What if they start asking us questions we can't answer, like, uh, who's president in 1977? 如果他們問(wèn)些咱答不上的問(wèn)題呢 比如說(shuō) 1977年總統(tǒng)是誰(shuí)?
[21:49.42]It's not a damn game show, hugo. 這不是電視節(jié)目 Hugo
[21:51.69]Besides, I'm gonna be in there to get your backs, all right? 而且有我罩著
[21:57.10]Let's move. 走吧
[22:14.81]lafleur! Where have you been? Lafleur! 你哪兒去了?
[22:16.56]I've been trying to reach you on the walkie. 我用對(duì)講機(jī)找你很久了
[22:21.70]what--what the hell are they doing here? 他們.. 他們?cè)谶@干嘛?
[22:24.14]They're our new inductees. 他們是我們的新人
[22:26.37]I'll explain everything later. 過(guò)會(huì)兒再跟你解釋
[22:27.52]stop staring and tell me what your damn problem is. 別盯著看了 告訴我出什么事兒了
[22:30.15]'S, uh... it's jin. 是.... 是Jin
[22:32.60]There's a fourteen-j at the flame. 火焰站有個(gè)14J報(bào)警
[22:34.88]What? jin, you there? 什么? Jin 你在么?
[22:39.49]james, we have a problem. We found a hostile. James 這兒出了點(diǎn)問(wèn)題 我們發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個(gè)敵人
[22:42.35]what? What do you mean you found a hostile? Where? 什么? 什么發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個(gè)敵人? 哪里發(fā)現(xiàn)的?
[22:46.35]he was wandering in the jungle. 他當(dāng)時(shí)在叢林里徘徊
[22:48.24]Radzinksy's taking care of him now. Radzinksy現(xiàn)在控制住他了
[22:49.81]What's he doing in our territory? It's a violation of the truce. 他跑到我們領(lǐng)地來(lái)干嘛? 這可違反了?;饏f(xié)定啊
[22:56.47]- it's sayid. - what? - 是Sayid - 什么?
[22:58.97]Son of a bitch! 他媽的!
[23:02.23]was anyone else with him? 有別人跟他一起么?
[23:03.65]No. He was alone. 沒(méi)有 他獨(dú)自一人
[23:17.39]wait! 等等!
[23:19.79]I'm sorry, sun, but waiting doesn't interest me much right now. 抱歉 Sun 我現(xiàn)在對(duì)"等等"沒(méi)什么興趣
[23:21.99]There are three outriggers near here. I'm gonna take one. 不遠(yuǎn)處有三條船 我得搭一條走
[23:24.32]So you can come along and help me row... 所以 你可以來(lái)幫我劃船...
[23:28.41]or you can stay here. 或者你也可以在這呆著
[23:30.58]Frankly, it make no difference to me. 說(shuō)實(shí)在的 對(duì)我都沒(méi)區(qū)別
[23:33.10]- Why are you leaving? - Why are you staying? - 為什么要走? - 為什么不走?
[23:37.06]The main island... 那個(gè)主島...
[23:39.91]is that where jin is? Jin就在那么?
[23:43.53]Honestly, I don't know. 說(shuō)實(shí)話(huà) 我不知道
[23:45.74]But that's where I'd start looking. 但我會(huì)先從那里找起
[23:49.83]- sun! - Over here! - Sun! - 我在這兒!
[23:57.41]Hello, frank. 你好 Frank
[24:00.18]you all right? 你沒(méi)事兒吧?
[24:01.54]Yes, I'm fine. 對(duì) 我沒(méi)事兒
[24:03.86]I got worried when I couldn't find ya. 我沒(méi)找到你挺擔(dān)心的
[24:06.22]I saw him leaving. 我看到他走了
[24:08.28]What are you doing out here? 你到這兒來(lái)干什么?
[24:14.71]Ben knows where there's a boat. Ben知道有船的地方
[24:17.57]I'm going back to the main island with him. 我要跟他一起回主島
[24:23.79]You don't think you can really trust this guy, do ya? 你不會(huì)是相信這家伙吧?
[24:33.26]I have to trust him. 我不得不相信他
[24:56.05]- you ready? - Yes. - 你準(zhǔn)備好了? - 嗯
[24:57.90]Sun. I want you to think about is, okay? Sun 這事兒你得三思啊
[25:00.82]This guy is dangerous. 這家伙很危險(xiǎn)
[25:03.84]Sun, that boat I came here on-- it was filled with commandos whose only mission was to get him. Sun 我來(lái)這兒坐的那條船 載的都是 突擊隊(duì)員 他們唯一的任務(wù)就是抓住他
[25:09.31]And how'd that work out for everyone? 大伙任務(wù)完成得如何?
[25:14.89]Don't do it. 別這么干
[25:18.83]Why don't you come with us? 不如你跟我們一起來(lái)吧?
[25:20.28]I can'T. I got a group of people I gotta look after. 不行 我還有很多人要照看的
[25:22.60]That's right, frank. 沒(méi)事兒 Frank
[25:24.32]A captain's first responsibility is to his passengers. 機(jī)長(zhǎng)最大的責(zé)任就是他的乘客
[25:28.33]T I have people I have to take care of, too. 但我也有需要照看的人
[25:30.44]There's a small dock about a half mile due south across the water. 南方半里之外有個(gè)碼頭
[25:33.65]It leads directly to a town where I used to live. There are resources there. 從那里能到我曾經(jīng)居住的村莊 那有一些物資
[25:37.24]So if anyone can help you and the rest of the plane get out of here safely, it-- 所以說(shuō)如果有人能幫你還有 飛機(jī)上其他人安全獲救 那就...
[25:49.53]I thought you trusted this guy. 我以為你相信這人呢
[25:53.35]I lied. 我 撒謊了
[25:55.65]Welcome to the island. 歡迎來(lái)到小島
[25:57.18]For your own comfort and safety, we ask that you stay within the confines of your new living quarters. 為保障您的舒適與安全 請(qǐng)您在自己生活區(qū)域內(nèi)活動(dòng)
[26:02.47]Our barracks are surrounded by a high frequency sonar fence 我們的營(yíng)地被高頻聲納圍墻包圍著
[26:06.57]to protect us from the island's abundant and diverse wildlife. 以保護(hù)我們不被小島的野獸傷害
[26:11.94]How are we gonna do this? 咱們?cè)撛趺崔k?
[26:14.92]Shephard? Jack shephard? Shephard? Jack Shephard?
[26:19.66]Here we go. 輪到咱們了
[26:22.07]Hey, jack. Have a seat. 嗨 Jack 請(qǐng)坐
[26:27.74]Of course it isn't here. 當(dāng)然不在這兒了
[26:30.72]- what's that? - Your file. - 什么? - 你得資料
[26:32.69]Could they be any more disorganized on the other side? 那邊的人亂的簡(jiǎn)直太不象話(huà)了
[26:36.72]Sorry. Namaste. I'm pierre chang. 抱歉 你好 我叫Pierre Chang
[26:39.82]Welcome to the dharma initiative. 歡迎來(lái)到達(dá)摩計(jì)劃
[26:41.66]How was your ride in? 你來(lái)的路上都好吧?
[26:43.48]- It was fine. - Good. - 挺不錯(cuò)的 - 好
[26:45.49]Who was your shuttle driver? 誰(shuí)接你來(lái)的?
[26:47.94]I'm sorry? 抱歉?
[26:50.11]the shuttle from the sub. Who was your driver? 就是潛艇那來(lái)的車(chē)啊 接你來(lái)的司機(jī)是誰(shuí)?
[26:52.63]Oh, that was, uh... mr. Lafleur. 哦 是... Lafleur先生
[26:57.18]Ah, yes. Good man, lafleur. Runs a very tight operation. 哦 Lafleur他人不錯(cuò) 活兒干的好
[27:02.63]I'm sorry for the disorganization. 亂糟糟讓你見(jiàn)笑了
[27:04.74]The woman who was supposed to be processing you in had a baby last night. 本來(lái)應(yīng)該接收你的那個(gè)女人 昨晚生了個(gè)小孩兒
[27:08.14]I got pulled out of my lab. I... 我是從我實(shí)驗(yàn)室臨時(shí)抽調(diào)來(lái)的 我...
[27:10.87]ah, here it is... your job assignment. 在這兒... 這是你的工作任務(wù)
[27:18.26]you've been assigned to the shed. 你被分配到工棚那邊去了
[27:22.13]"Work man." What does-- what does that mean? "工作人員" 這是什么意思?
[27:23.91]Based on your aptitude test, you'll be doing janitorial work. 根據(jù)你的能力測(cè)試 你將負(fù)責(zé)門(mén)衛(wèi)工作
[27:36.50]hey there, ma'am. They haven't called you yet? 你好啊 女士 他們還沒(méi)點(diǎn)到你的名么?
[27:40.01]No. Not yet. 沒(méi) 還沒(méi)有呢
[27:41.74]What's your name? 你叫什么?
[27:43.73]Kate... austen. Kate... Austen
[27:46.04]Austen. austen... Austen Austen...
[27:57.19]You're not on my list, and you're not on the sub manifest either. 你不在我的名單上 而且你也不在潛艇人員名單上
[28:01.19]Who's your recruiter? 是誰(shuí)招募你來(lái)的?
[28:05.96]hold on, phil. I just got the new list from amy. 等下 Phil 我剛從Amy那拿到了新名單
[28:09.59]Some, uh, last-minute additions, includinG... miss austen? 有些緊急添進(jìn)去的 里面有... Austen女士?
[28:20.68]All righty then. She's all yours. 那就好 那我就把她交給你了
[28:26.74]I'm sorry for the mix-up. I'm juliet. 很抱歉搞混了 我叫Juliet
[28:32.17]Kate. 我是Kate
[28:34.03]Hi, kate. Welcome to the island. 嗨 Kate 歡迎來(lái)到小島
[28:53.62]what the hell happened? 他媽的發(fā)生什么事情了?
[28:54.63]Sayid just came walking out of the jungle in handcuffs alone. Sayid剛剛獨(dú)自從叢林走出來(lái) 手上還帶著手銬
[28:57.35]What? Did he say anything about the plane they were on? 啥? 那他有沒(méi)有提起飛機(jī)?
[28:59.94]No, I couldn't talk to him. Radzinsky thinks he's a hostile. He won't leave us alone. 沒(méi) 我不能和他談 Radzinsky以為他是 敵人 我們沒(méi)有獨(dú)處的機(jī)會(huì)
[29:05.77]I got this. 交給我
[29:11.13]- Where is he? - Locked in the storage room. - 他在哪? - 被鎖在庫(kù)房里
[29:13.09]Give me the key. 給我鑰匙
[29:13.89]You need to know, lafleur-- 你得知道 Lafleur...
[29:15.95]he saw the model of the swan, and he could've seen the survey of where we're building it. 他看見(jiàn)了天鵝站的模型 可能也看了興建地址的資料
[29:20.43]- Your point is? - He's a spy. - 你是說(shuō)? - 他是個(gè)間諜
[29:22.38]This whole thing is an act, and we either play into it or we don'T. 整件事就是臺(tái)戲 我們要么演好 要么就別演
[29:27.95]We can end this right now. 我們可以現(xiàn)在就終結(jié)它
[29:30.60]What theell are you talking about, radzinsky? 你他媽說(shuō)啥呢 Radzinsky?
[29:35.02]We shoot him. 我們一槍崩了他
[29:40.50]Well, I appreciate your input there, quick draw. 我很欣賞你的果敢 機(jī)靈鬼
[29:42.92]But I wanna talk to him first. Give me the damn keys. 但是我想先跟他談?wù)?給我鑰匙
[30:06.02]my name's lafleur. I'm head of security. 我叫Lafleur 我是保安隊(duì)長(zhǎng)
[30:09.39]I want you to listen real carefully to what I got to say. 你要仔細(xì)聽(tīng)好我說(shuō)的
[30:12.58]And if you do that, you'll be fine. Understand? 乖乖照做你就沒(méi)事 懂嗎
[30:20.98]All right, let's start simple. 咱們開(kāi)門(mén)見(jiàn)山
[30:22.99]Identify yourself as a hostile. 承認(rèn)你是敵人
[30:27.84]The terms of the truce say you gotta identify yourself as a hostile, 休戰(zhàn)協(xié)議寫(xiě)著你必須保持?jǐn)橙松矸?br /> [30:32.31]or we got the right to shoot you. 不然我們有權(quán)射殺你
[30:35.76]We do not refer to ourselves as "hostile," but yes, I-I am one of them. 我們不把自己叫做"敵人" 但沒(méi)錯(cuò) 我是他們的一員
[30:45.28]all right. Good. Now we can proceed like a couple of gtlemen. 很好 那咱們就不必動(dòng)粗了
[30:49.50]All right, let's go. Just taking him back to the barracks. 好的 走吧 把他帶回營(yíng)地
[30:51.95]Oh, if you're taking him in, then I'm coming with you. 哦 你要把他帶走 我也要去
[30:54.06]this is a horrible mistake. 這真是天大的錯(cuò)誤
[30:56.49]I'm gonna talk directly to horace about this. 我要直接跟Horace報(bào)告
[30:58.38]Fine. Talk away. 隨你便
[31:13.08]You wanna remind me why the hell we're doing this? 你能告訴我為啥要這么干嗎?
[31:16.27]Ben said if my husband is on the isla, the best place to start looking for him is here. Ben說(shuō)如果我丈夫在島上 最好從這里開(kāi)始找
[31:20.79]Oh, I see, that's some advice you took before you whacked him in the head. 明白了 在你敲暈他以前 還聽(tīng)取了他的意見(jiàn)
[31:52.77]tell me you saw that. 告訴我你也看見(jiàn)了
[31:56.53]Probably just an animal. 可能只是動(dòng)物
[31:59.81]Animal. Right. 動(dòng)物 沒(méi)錯(cuò)
[32:20.57]I'm sorry to say, sun, but... 我不想說(shuō) Sun 但是...
[32:23.89]I don't think we're gonna find your husband here. 我不覺(jué)得會(huì)在這里找到你丈夫
[32:26.53]Maybe we oughta just head back. 也許我們?cè)摶厝?br /> [32:59.55]hello. 你好
[33:01.39]Who the hell are you? 你是誰(shuí)?
[33:03.85]My name's christian. 我是Christian
[33:08.15]I'm looking for my husband. 我在找我丈夫
[33:10.00]His name is jin kwon. Do you know where he is? 他叫Jin Kwon 你知道他在哪么?
[33:17.18]Follow me. 跟我來(lái)
[33:36.48]What is this place? 這是哪里?
[33:37.66]'72... '76, '78... 72...76 78...
[33:41.93]where is my husband? 我丈夫在哪?
[33:43.49]Here we go. '77. 這里 77
[33:46.84]He's, uh... he's with your friends. 他...他跟你的朋友們?cè)谝黄?br /> [33:52.01]What are you talking about? What friends? 你在說(shuō)什么? 什么朋友?
[34:08.83]I'm sorry, but you have a bit of a journey ahead of you. 很抱歉 你還有一段路要走
[34:17.95]okay, ready? Everybody say, "namaste!" 好的 準(zhǔn)備好了? 所有人說(shuō)"你好!"
[34:22.53]namastE. 你好
[34:24.19]- Nama-what? - okay. - 啥?(印度語(yǔ)namaste) - 好吧
[34:26.60]right on. 太好了
[34:27.70]So you guys have the rest of the day to get acquainted 你們今天有很多要熟悉
[34:29.89]with your security protocol handbooks waitin' in your new digs. 你們的新宿舍有 安全協(xié)定手冊(cè)等著你們
[34:32.71]Now some of it may seem a little scary, but I promise you all, we are perfectly safe here, okay? 部分內(nèi)容或有點(diǎn)可怕 但我保證 我們?cè)谶@里很安全
[34:36.94]So make yourselves at home. Come on. We got hamburgers. We got punch. 所以請(qǐng)大家不要拘束 我們有漢堡還有雜果酒
[34:41.28]you there, phil? We're coming in with a fourteen-J. 你在么 Phil? 我們帶著14-J過(guò)來(lái)了
[34:43.86]Roger that, mr. Lafleur. 收到 Lafleur先生
[35:00.35]okay, if I could get everyone to hold back, please, we have a minor security situation. 大家請(qǐng)往后退 我們有個(gè)小安全狀況
[35:10.64]move. 快走
[35:24.11]I guess we found sayid. 看來(lái)我們找到Sayid了
[35:44.52]All right, you can hang out here until we can figure out what to do with you. 好的 你可以待在這兒 直到我們想出辦法處置你
[35:47.38]What are we gonna do with him? 怎么處置他?
[35:51.93]bring the man some damn food. We're not savages. 給他點(diǎn)食物 我們不是野蠻人
[36:12.26]ah, excuse me. 啊 打擾一下
[36:14.45]could you tell me where james lafleur lives? 你能告訴我James Lafleur住哪么?
[36:17.55]Uh, that's his house right there. 那邊就是他的房子
[36:20.27]thanks. 多謝
[36:23.84]But I wouldn't call him "james." 但是我可不會(huì)直呼他"James"
[36:27.52]He hates it. 他討厭那么叫他
[36:57.38]hey, jack. 嘿 Jack
[37:01.76]I saw you earlier today when you were helping kate, 之前你幫Kate的時(shí)候看見(jiàn)你了
[37:04.69]and I wanted to say something to you then, but... 我當(dāng)時(shí)想跟你說(shuō)話(huà) 但是...
[37:07.80]we're not supposed to know each other. 我們本該互不相識(shí)
[37:10.23]Yeah. 是
[37:16.37]I was looking for sawyer. I guess I came to the wrong house. 我在找Sawyer 也許我拍錯(cuò)門(mén)了
[37:18.69]No. Come in. 沒(méi) 進(jìn)來(lái)吧
[37:27.55]Evening, doc. 晚上好 醫(yī)生
[37:36.95]well, I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about. 嗯 你們倆一定有好多話(huà)要說(shuō)
[37:45.12]Take a load off. You want a beer? 坐吧 喝啤酒么?
[37:47.11]No. no, I'm fine. 不 不 我不用了
[37:54.39]What can I do for you, jack? 有何貴干 Jack?
[38:00.04]I don't even know where to start. 我都不知道從哪里說(shuō)起
[38:04.01]how about with sayid? 先說(shuō)Sayid吧?
[38:07.12]I had no choice. 我當(dāng)時(shí)毫無(wú)選擇
[38:08.85]He was running around in the jungle, got caught by my people. 他當(dāng)時(shí)在叢林里瞎跑 被我的人逮住了
[38:11.92]And seein' as how he can't tell the truth about how he got here, I had to improvise. 他也不能說(shuō)他怎么來(lái)的 我不得不隨機(jī)應(yīng)變
[38:17.47]Improvise? 隨機(jī)應(yīng)變?
[38:20.05]And for now, sayid is safe, which is all that matters. 現(xiàn)在 Sayid安全了 那才最重要
[38:27.23]So where do we go from here? 那我們現(xiàn)在怎么辦?
[38:29.63]I'm working on it. 我在想辦法呢
[38:30.66]Really? Because it looked to me like you were reading a book. 是么? 在我看來(lái)你在讀書(shū)啊
[38:37.93]I heard once winston churchill read a book every night, even during the blitz. 我聽(tīng)說(shuō)丘吉爾每晚都讀書(shū) 即使在閃電戰(zhàn)時(shí)候也不例外
[38:42.80]He said it made him think better. 他說(shuō)那樣讓他更會(huì)思考
[38:46.39]It's how I like to run things. I think. 我喜歡這樣辦事 我思考
[38:50.84]I'm sure that doesn't mean that much to you, 'cause back when you were calling the shots, 也許那對(duì)你來(lái)說(shuō)沒(méi)什么意義 因?yàn)橐郧笆悄阕鲋鞯?br /> [38:54.53]you pretty much just reacted. 你差不多就是本能應(yīng)變
[38:57.64]See, you didn't think, jack, and as I recall, a lot of people ended up dead. 看 你不思考 Jack 我記得很多人都這樣死了
[39:06.43]I gous off the island. 我讓大家離島了
[39:09.75]But here you are... right back where you started. 但你現(xiàn)在在這兒...回到原點(diǎn)
[39:14.42]So I'm gonna go back to reading my book, and I'm gonna think, 所以我要讀書(shū) 我要思考了
[39:19.93]'cause that's how I saved your ass today. 那就是我今天能救你的原因
[39:22.88]And that's how I'm gonna save sayid's tomorrow. 也是我明天能救Sayid的原因
[39:27.64]All you gotta do is go home, get a good night's rest. 你能做的就是回家睡個(gè)好覺(jué)
[39:30.43]Let me do what I do. 讓我盡職盡責(zé)
[39:35.69]now ain't that a relief? 松一口氣了吧?
[39:40.04]Yeah. 是啊
[40:25.98]Hey, phil. I'm just gonna go in there and deliver him a sandwich. 嘿 Phil 我想進(jìn)去給他三明治
[40:31.32]All right. 好吧
[40:42.61]hello. 你好
[40:50.14]I brought you a sandwich. 我?guī)Я藗€(gè)三明治
[40:59.76]I didn't put mustard on it, but if you'd like some, I could get some. 我沒(méi)有放芥末 若你想要我可以去拿
[41:08.10]This will be fine. Thank you. 這樣已經(jīng)很好 謝謝你
[41:12.48]are you a hostile? 你是個(gè)敵人嗎?
[41:16.55]Do you think I am? 你認(rèn)為我是嗎?
[41:22.17]What's your name? 你的名字叫什么?
[41:24.91]Sayid. Sayid
[41:27.55]What's yours? 你呢?
[41:30.36]I'm ben. 我是Ben
[41:38.66]It's nice to meet you, ben. 很高興見(jiàn)到你 Ben

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