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[00:00.19]Previously on "lost"... 迷失 前情提要
[00:01.70]whatever ben linudiddown at the orchid station, it may have... 不管Ben Linus在幽蘭站做了什么 可能已經(jīng)...
[00:05.20]dislodged us. 把我們移走了
[00:06.15]the islandis moving through time? 這個島穿越了時空?
[00:07.85]Yeah, either the island is,or we are. 是的 要么是島穿越了 要么就是我們
[00:13.86]I need you to go backto oxford university. 我要你回牛津大學(xué)去
[00:17.21]Go back to where we met! 去我們認(rèn)識的地方!
[00:18.33]I need you to go there and findmy mother!Her name is-- 你去那兒找我媽! 她叫--
[00:22.10]are you all right? 你沒事吧?
[00:23.49]I was on the island. 我以前在島上
[00:24.79]You've been off the islandfor three years. You're safe now. 你離開島已經(jīng)三年了 你現(xiàn)在安全了
[00:27.74]It was just a dream. 那只是個夢
[00:30.07]it wasn't a dream, pen. 不是夢 Pen
[00:33.15]it was a memory. 是一段記憶
[00:49.14]efren salonga? Efren Salonga?
[00:51.19]Ef-efren salonga! Efren salonga? Efren Salonga! Efren salonga?
[00:57.53]efren salonga! Efren Salonga!
[01:00.10]Efren salonga! Efren Salonga!
[01:04.94]efren salonga! Efren Salonga!
[01:08.89]efren salonga? Efren Salonga?
[01:11.55]- Who are you? - Are you the doctor? - 你是誰? - 你是醫(yī)生嗎?
[01:15.22]Yes. What's the matter with you? 對 你有什么事?
[01:23.46]- You're sure you knowwhat you're doing, yeah? - Yes, yes! - 你知道要干嘛 對吧? - 對 對!
[01:25.24]Because there'sa lot of blood, man! 因為她流了好多血 老兄!
[01:26.43]How much blood? 流了多少?
[01:27.84]I'm coming, penny! 我來了 Penny!
[01:32.23]it's okay, pen. We've got a doctor. 沒事了 Pen 我們找到醫(yī)生了
[01:33.68]where have you been? 你去哪了?
[01:34.85]It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. 好了 沒事了
[01:37.49]Okay, here you go. 好了 你躺好
[01:39.34]okay. Just breathe, penny,okay? J-just breathe. breathe. 深呼吸 Penny 好嗎? 深呼吸 呼吸
[01:43.97]I can't breathe. 我喘不過氣
[01:45.47]You're doing great. You're doing great, okay. 你做得很好 做得很好
[01:48.07]Okay, just be strong, yeah? Okay. 堅強一點兒 好嗎
[01:50.51]- make it come out. - Please be strong. - 快把他取出來吧 - 堅強一點
[01:54.42]hold it. Hold it. 堅持住 堅持
[01:56.55]- I can't! - yes, you--yes, you can, penny. - 我受不了了! - 行的 你行的 Penny
[01:59.42]Push! Push! 用勁! 用勁!
[02:01.47]okay, push now, penny. Push. Now! 好 用力 Penny 快用力!
[02:04.16]come on, penny. That's it. It's coming. come on, penny. 加油 Penny 就這樣 快出來了 加油 Penny
[02:08.27]Push harder! 再加把勁!
[02:09.74]I can see the head! I can see the head! 能看到頭了! 看得到頭了!
[02:11.88]- One more time! Push! - I can see it. It's just coming. - 再來一次! 使勁! - 能看到了 快出來了
[02:14.18]it's coming! It'coming! 出來了! 出來了!
[02:23.65]you did it. 你成功了
[02:25.60]you did it. Oh, my god, penny. You did it. 生出來了 天吶 Penny 你做到了
[02:29.74]It's a boy. 是個男孩兒
[02:39.79]I love you, penny. I love you. 我愛你 Penny 我愛你
[02:42.58]Oh, oh, he's beautiful. Beautiful. 他真漂亮 真帥
[02:46.81]Oh, my god. He's so beautiful. Oh, my god. 哦 天吶 太美了 天吶
[02:53.82]I love you. 我愛你
[02:58.78]I love you. 我愛你
[03:20.00]look. Right out there. 看 就在那邊
[03:25.33]Beyond where you can see,there's--there's an island, and it'sa very special island. 在你的視野之外--有一座島 那是座很特別的島
[03:32.56]I left it a long time ago. 我很早之前離開了那里
[03:35.28]I never thoughtI'd see it again. 從沒想過會再見到它
[03:38.97]It's called great britain. 它叫大不列顛
[03:41.20]And the most beautiful partof the island is scotland, 島上最美的地方叫蘇格蘭
[03:44.79]and that's whereyour daddy's from. 那里是爸爸的家鄉(xiāng)
[03:46.57]There's mountains and glensand monsters in deep lochs, and... 那有高山幽谷 鬼怪妖魔
[03:54.44]and it's whereyour mommy and daddy... 那里是你爸爸媽媽...
[03:57.79]fell in love. 相愛的地方
[03:59.61]it's also wherehe broke her heart. 也是爸爸傷害媽媽的地方
[04:08.47]Yeah, well, I... I thought I'd leavethat wee bit out of it. 對 我...我本不想講那些的
[04:13.20]You also left outthe bit about his grandfather-- 你連他的爺爺也沒講
[04:16.71]the man who sent a boatto the island to kill all daddy's friends. 他派了一艘船去小島上 殺了爸爸的朋友
[04:19.58]We'll be in and out. 我們可以來去自由的
[04:21.35]He'll neverknow we're here, penny. 他永遠(yuǎn)不知道我們在這 Penny
[04:23.91]Don't underestimate him,desmond. 別小瞧了他 Desmond
[04:28.05]If he finds out we're here,I don't know what he'll do. 要是他發(fā)現(xiàn)了我們 我不知道他會做出什么來
[04:30.38]But this has nothing to dowith your father, penny. 但這和你爸爸無關(guān) Penny
[04:34.35]We are herebecause of daniel faraday. 我們來這是因為Daniel Faraday
[04:39.39]what he told me-- that everyone on that islandis in danger, 他告訴我-- 島上的所有人都很危險
[04:45.25]and I am the only onethat can help them. 只有我能幫他們
[04:52.73]I have to do this, penny. 我必須這么做 Penny
[04:58.88]Are you surethat's what he said? 你確定他是這么說的嗎?
[05:01.15]Yeah, sawyer saidto meet at the creek, so unless he got torchedby a flaming arrow, 對 Sawyer說在小河邊見 除非他被帶火的箭射了
[05:05.95]that's where heand everyone else should be. 咱就在那會和
[05:12.07]Hey, how's your headache? 嘿 你頭還疼嗎?
[05:13.63]worse, actually. 比之前更疼了
[05:14.95]But consideringwe're running for our lives, I'm not gonna complain. 但為了逃命 我沒說出來
[05:18.48]You have any dizzinessor double vision? 你有沒有頭昏眼花或者復(fù)視?
[05:22.23]Both, actually. 都有
[05:28.76]Why do you look so worried? 你怎么這么擔(dān)憂?
[05:33.70]Is it because you knowwhat's happening to me? 是不是你知道 我究竟是怎么回事?
[05:35.12]Listen to me. Nothing is gonna happen to you. Nothing. 聽我說 你不會有事的 不會
[05:40.39]I won't let it. 我不允許你有事
[05:43.53]hey, we're here! 嘿 我們到了!
[05:50.23]Some rendezvous. It's just us. 說好在這里會師 但是只有我們
[05:53.75]well, we should probably wait,see if they show up. They could beright behind us. 我們可能要等一下 看他們來不來 他們可能就在我們后面
[05:57.10]Yeah, or they came and left. 對 或者他們來了又走了
[05:58.79]Or they're dead. 或者是死了
[05:59.99]Miles, that right there,that kind of attitude... Miles 我們現(xiàn)在要的...
[06:04.01]not exactly what we needright now. 不是你的那種態(tài)度
[06:06.22]People are scared enoughas it is.Miles-- 大伙兒已經(jīng)夠害怕了 Miles--
[06:13.14]miles? Miles?
[06:21.45]Wait! Don't move! 等著! 別動!
[06:57.25]who's in charge here? 誰是老大?
[06:59.49]He is. 他是
[07:10.44]You just couldn't stay away,could you? 你非得來這兒 是吧?
[07:28.28]LOST Season05 Episode03 迷失 第五季 第3集
[07:38.40]Did he finish his breakfast? 他吃完早餐了嗎?
[07:40.17]Yeah. 吃完了
[07:41.51]Gave me a bit of a fight, but he listens in the end... 開始還不想吃 但最后還是乖乖聽話了
[07:45.07]unlike his father. 不像他爸爸
[07:50.13]look, honey, all I have to do is find his mother, 聽著 親愛的 我只要找到他媽
[07:55.34]tell her he's still on the island, and then I'm done with this for good. 告訴她 他還在島上 就算順利完成任務(wù)了
[07:58.70]Why now? 為什么現(xiàn)在才做?
[07:59.61]I mean, if he told you all this on the island, why didn't you remember it until two days ago? 如果他告訴了你島上的事 為什么你兩天前才想起?
[08:04.14]I don't know. 我不知道
[08:06.57]Look, I don't understand how any of this works any more than you do. It... 聽著 這件事 我知道的東西不比你多
[08:11.36]look, i know it happened. 我知道這件事是真的
[08:15.88]Daniel faraday knocked on the hatch door and told me to go to oxford... Daniel Faraday敲了艙門 叫我去牛津...
[08:22.44]everyone was in danger, and I was the only one that could save them. 大家都很危險 只有我能救他們
[08:29.07]I know how insane it sounds. 我知道這聽上去很詭異
[08:38.08]I'll be back by dark, and then I'm done... 我傍晚回來 這事就算完了...
[08:41.47]forever. 永遠(yuǎn)完了
[08:44.24]I promise. 我保證
[08:55.74]If you're gonna promise me something, des, 如果你要向我保證什么的話 Des
[08:57.30]can you promise me you'll never go back to that island again? 你能答應(yīng)我永遠(yuǎn)不回那島嗎?
[09:01.54]why in god's name would I ever go back there? 我干嘛還要回去啊?
[09:19.88]There were 20 of you at the beach, but only five of you here. 你們有20人在海灘 但這兒只有5個
[09:22.71]Where are the rest of your people? 其他人呢?
[09:24.63]Maybe they got blown up by some more of your land mines. 也許被你們的其它地雷炸飛了
[09:27.37]we didn't put them here. You did. 我們沒放地雷 是你們放的
[09:34.08]once we leave here, I will be out of control of what happens to you. 我們一旦離開這 你們有什么事我就管不著了
[09:38.23]But if you cooperate now, things will go much easier for you. 但如果你們合作 事情就會簡單點
[09:42.56]So where are the rest of your people? 其他人在哪?
[09:48.87]I don't know. 我不知道
[10:02.21]who are these people? 這些人是誰?
[10:03.54]Well, gee, I didn't have time to ask that, with frogurt on fire and all. 哦 情急之下 我根本沒時間問
[10:06.36]They attacked us on the beach. 他們在沙灘襲擊了我們
[10:08.44]This is a 30-caliber m1 garand rifle. It looks new. 這把是30口徑的M1型加侖槍 看上去還挺新
[10:12.48]Who cares about the rifle? Where the hell you been? 誰在乎那把步槍啊? 你到底去哪了?
[10:14.31]If you've been going through what I have, james, 如果你有我這樣的經(jīng)歷 James
[10:16.72]maybe the more appropriate question would be, when the hell have I been? 也許就會問出更恰當(dāng)?shù)膯栴} 我到底去了什么時候?
[10:24.18]- What happened to your leg? - I got shot. - 你的腿怎么了? - 我中彈了
[10:26.78]by who? 誰打的?
[10:27.80]we can swap stories later. 我們待會兒再交換故事
[10:29.35]We told the rest of our group that we would meet them at the creek. 我們告訴其他人在小河邊見
[10:31.46]If there's any chance of reconnecting with them, we'd better get moving. 要是我們還想和他們會合 那么現(xiàn)在得動身了
[10:33.97]Fine, seeing as we have no rope to make sure these two don't try to kill us again. 好 既然我們沒繩子綁住他們 以防他們又來殺我們
[10:38.49]Guess we're gonna have to shoot 'em. 那我們把他們槍斃了吧
[10:40.00]- Quare non sunt vestitus eis? - Tace!
[10:42.45]What? 什么?
[10:51.15]- what kind of language is that? - They're speaking latin. - 這是哪國語言啊? - 他們說的是拉丁語
[10:54.32]That one asked why we aren't in uniform, and this one told him to shut up. 那個人問為什么他們沒穿制服 另一個叫他閉嘴
[10:58.85]And how is it that they know how to speak latin, juliet? 他們怎么會說拉丁語的呢 Juliet?
[11:02.75]The same reason I do. 跟我會說的原因一樣
[11:06.51]Because they're others. 因為他們也是那些人
[11:36.74]Yeah. 嗯
[11:37.79]We just walked over a fresh grave. 咱們剛經(jīng)過了一座新墓
[11:40.59]What? 什么?
[11:41.53]Four U.S.Soldiers, dead just under a month. 4名美軍士兵死了剛有一個月
[11:46.93]Three of them were shot. 3名中槍而死
[11:49.12]One diedof radiation poisoning. 另一個死于過量輻射
[11:53.79]Miles, hey, hey. Miles 嗨 嗨
[11:55.47]Did any of them happento mention what year it is? 他們有提到現(xiàn)在是什么年頭么?
[11:57.84]we're here. 我們到了
[12:12.39]richard? We're back. Richard? 我們回來了
[12:30.03]Caught the threeby the creek. 在小河旁邊抓住他們?nèi)齻€的
[12:32.85]This one's their leader. 這個是領(lǐng)頭的
[12:42.16]- What's your name? - What's your name? - 你叫什么名字? - 你叫什么名字?
[12:47.07]My name is richard alpert. 我叫Richard Alpert
[12:51.44]I assume you've come backfor your bomb. 我猜你是回來找炸彈的
[13:06.69]no, I'm sorry, sir. I'm not find a recordof any faraday. 沒有 先生 我沒找到關(guān)于 任何Faraday的記錄
[13:09.66]No, that--that's impossible. 不會吧 這...這不可能
[13:11.46]'Cause I know her sonwas a professor here. His name's daniel faraday. 因為我知道她兒子是這兒的 一名教授 叫Daniel Faraday
[13:14.91]I'm sure he's in your database. 我確信你的數(shù)據(jù)庫里肯定有他的
[13:16.21]Sir, there's no recordof any faraday ever having been employedhere at oxford. 先生 數(shù)據(jù)庫里沒有關(guān)于 任何Faraday在牛津工作過的記錄
[13:19.05]I visited him. 我都拜訪過他的
[13:22.35]I went to his lab. It was ian attic. It was... 我去過他的實驗室 是個閣樓 它是...
[13:25.54]it was abovethe physics department. 在物理學(xué)院的上面
[13:27.44]the archives go backquite far. Perhaps there wasa clerical error. 檔案時間有點長 可能當(dāng)時記錄有筆誤吧
[13:30.66]You don't happen to recallthe year it was in which you last visited? 你還記得上次來的時候的年份么?
[13:33.29]The year? 年份嘛?
[13:38.11]No. I'M... I'm not exactly sure. 不知道 我....我記不太清了
[13:41.56]May I ask why you'reseeking this information? 請問您查詢的目的是什么?
[13:51.10]sorry I wasted your time. 很抱歉浪費你時間了
[14:30.56]DAMGER 熏蒸消毒 危險 請勿入內(nèi)
[15:39.01]yeah, I wouldn't touch that. 我要是你 就不會碰它
[15:45.34]I wondered whensomeone'd figure out were weren'tjust fumigating here. 我在想什么時候別人才能明白 這里不是在做熏蒸消毒
[15:52.14]you a professor? 你是教授?
[15:53.93]No. Not exactly. 不 不是
[15:57.12]Well... at least you're honest. 嗯....至少你還很誠實
[16:02.64]So why'd you tell menot to touch it? 你到底為什么不讓我碰這東西?
[16:04.16]Because I'm the one who had to take the rats that he made run through this bloody thingdown 因為他讓老鼠走這破迷宮 是我每次把老鼠送到焚化爐
[16:08.09]to the incinerator so that no one would find out what he was up to. 好不讓別人發(fā)現(xiàn)他在干什么
[16:11.44]You mean daniel faraday. 你是說Daniel Faraday
[16:12.58]Yeah. You're not the first oneto poke around here, asking about himand his work. 對 你不是第一個在這附近轉(zhuǎn)來轉(zhuǎn)去 打聽他的工作的人
[16:17.36]Rumor had it, he was trying tosend rats' brains back in time. 有傳言說 他在嘗試 讓老鼠的大腦時光倒流
[16:22.01]Ridiculous, innit? 很荒謬 不是么?
[16:26.84]aye. 對
[16:27.69]Look, I'll forgetyou broke my lock 聽著 打破了鎖我既往不咎
[16:31.04]if you tell your matesthat all you found was rubbishleft behind by a madman. 只要你跟別人說你所發(fā)現(xiàn)的 不過是瘋子留下的垃圾
[16:44.20]Fair enough. 好
[16:49.44]Faraday-- the university saysthere's no record of him. 關(guān)于Faraday 大學(xué)說 沒有任何關(guān)于他的記錄
[16:53.33]Well, can you blame 'em? 這能怪他們么?
[16:55.79]I mean, after what he'd doneto that poor girl? 誰叫他對那可憐女孩做那種事
[17:01.22]What girl? 什么女孩兒?
[17:11.12]hey, take it easy. 嗨 輕點
[17:13.41]It's all right, dan. I'm fine. 沒事兒 Dan 我沒事兒
[17:18.21]We are so dead. 這下死定了
[17:20.17]No, no, no. We are not so dead. We're gonna be fine. 不 不 不 我們不會死定了的 咱們會沒事兒的
[17:23.88]We just need to keep it togetheruntil there's another flash. All right? 只要在下一次閃回前在一起就好
[17:27.23]Then all this disappears. 那樣這些都能消失掉
[17:28.80]And when's that gonna happen? 那得等到啥時候?
[17:30.30]Could be five minutes. Could also be 5,000 years. 可能要等五分鐘 也有可能要五千年
[17:34.64]That's--that's just awesome. 真棒啊
[17:36.29]What is going on, dan? 這都是怎么了 Dan?
[17:38.06]Why are they doing this to us? 他們?yōu)槭裁催@么對咱們?
[17:39.56]I'm not sure. 我也不知道
[17:41.02]But they must think that we'rewith the american military. 但他們肯定以為 咱們跟美國軍方是一伙的
[17:43.98]And if that's the case,our best chance of staying alive 如果真是那樣的話 我們活命的唯一希望
[17:47.21]is to let them keep thinking it,all right?Let-- 讓他們懷疑下去 知道嗎
[17:53.92]sorry. Am I interrupting? 抱歉 沒打擾吧?
[17:56.25]Ellie tells me thatyou're not willing to reveal where the rest your squad is. Ellie跟我說你不愿意 跟我們說其余隊員的位置
[17:59.86]And why would I do that? 我為什么要告訴你?
[18:02.01]So you can kill them, too? 為了讓你也殺掉他們?
[18:03.22]We didn't start this, friend. Your people attacked us. 事情可不是我們挑起的 是你們的人先攻擊我們的
[18:07.59]You come to our island to run your tests, you fire on us, 你跑到我們的小島來做實驗 還朝著我們開火
[18:10.99]- and what, you expect usnot to defend ourselves? - I don't know anythingabout that. - 還指望我們束手就擒? - 我不知道你說些什么
[18:14.19]We are scientists. 我們只是科學(xué)家
[18:20.90]So what? So they sent you hereto recover it? 那又怎樣? 他們派你們來 拿走它?
[18:22.71]If you mean our hydrogen bomb,then yes. 如果你是說我們那顆氫彈 答案是 是的
[18:26.75]And I'm guessing fromthis man's radiation burns that the housinghas been compromised. 并且我猜從這個人的輻射灼傷程度來說 你們在這生活受到了損害
[18:31.32]Is that right? 我說對了么?
[18:34.11]You need to listen to me. 你得聽我說
[18:35.49]You have an unstable device that's capable of destroyingthis entire island, 你這有一個不穩(wěn)定的 有能力摧毀整個小島的設(shè)備
[18:40.42]and it's broken. 并且它已經(jīng)壞了
[18:42.51]If you don't allow meto render it inert, all of us are gonna die. 如果你不允許我處理一下 咱們所有人都得死
[18:46.30]All of us. 所有人
[18:47.28]How do I know you weren't senthere on some suicide mission? 我怎么知道你來這不是為了 執(zhí)行什么自殺計劃的?
[18:50.08]That I'll take youout to the bomb, and you'll just detonate it? 不是讓我把你帶到炸彈旁 好讓你能引爆炸彈的?
[18:59.13]Because... 因為...
[19:01.42]I'm in love with the womansitting next to me. 因為我深愛著 坐在我旁邊的這位女士
[19:10.06]And I would never... 而且我絕不會...
[19:13.93]I'd never do anythingto hurt her. 我決不會做任何事情來傷害她的
[19:21.62]All right. Take care of your bomb. 好 好好收拾一下那炸彈
[19:25.15]But you try anything else,and you will hurt her. 但要是你耍什么花招 可別怪我對她不客氣
[19:41.03]so who taught you latin? 你拉丁語是誰教的?
[19:42.61]Others 101. 我們的必修語言
[19:44.07]Gotta learn latin--language of the enlightened. 拉丁語當(dāng)然要學(xué) 啟迪之語嘛
[19:48.01]Enlightened, my ass. 啟迪個腚
[19:50.40]I suggest you talk to us. 我建議你跟我們交代
[19:53.62]Once we get backto the creek and meet upwith the rest of our people, 等回到小河邊 見到其他人以后
[19:55.91]there's gonna be a lotof anger directed at you for attacking them. 會有很多人把受到攻擊的憤怒 撒到你們身上
[19:59.46]the rest of your people are either captured or dead. 你們剩下的人不是已經(jīng)被俘了 要么就是死了
[20:02.53]What? 什么?
[20:05.76]What makes you say that? 為什么這么說?
[20:10.20]That idiot shouted out,"meet at the creek." 那白癡喊了句"小河邊見面"
[20:15.69]We knew exactly ere thsent a group after them. 我們知道他們的目的地 就派了一隊人抓他們?nèi)チ?br /> [20:19.82]Well, maybe I should've said it in my secret language. 我要是用秘密語言來說就對了
[20:21.64]James, wait. James 先別急
[20:23.46]******** 我們不是你們的敵人
[20:27.65]*********** 那就放了我們
[20:29.44]what the hell are you sayin'? 又在說什么鳥語?
[20:31.94]*********** 帶我們?nèi)ツ銈儬I地
[20:36.78]******* 求你了
[20:37.84]************ 我為什么要那樣做
[20:39.83]****** Richard
[20:41.13]************ 在不在那里?
[20:44.31]********* Richard Alpert?
[20:46.02]Did you just say"richard alpert"? 你剛才說的是不是 Richard Alpert?
[20:47.58]John, please. John 先別說話
[20:49.29]*********** 帶我們?nèi)ツ銧I地
[20:51.95]********* 沒必要再死人了
[20:56.82]******** 拜托了
[21:11.01]all right. 好吧
[21:14.03]Okay, we need to head eastanother couple of kilometers unl we hit the ridge-- 好吧 咱們得往西走幾公里 直到走到一處山脊
[21:20.60]shoot him! 快開槍!
[21:25.33]shoot, damn it! 開槍啊 靠!
[21:32.36]are you crazy? What were you thinking? 你瘋了啊? 你在想些什么?
[21:34.59]Why didn't you shoot him? 你為什么不開槍?
[21:39.00]Because... 因為...
[21:41.25]he's one of my people. 他是我的人
[22:11.86]and who might you be? 你是誰?
[22:13.04]Uh, my name's desmond hume. I'm looking for theresa spencer. 我叫Desmond Hume 我要找Theresa Spencer
[22:16.73]I'm abigail spencer. Theresa's my sister. 我是Abigail Spencer Theresa是我姐姐
[22:18.70]Oh, right. Um, can I havea word with her? 哦 那好 我能跟她說句話么?
[22:21.88]You wanna speak to theresa? 你想跟Theresa說話?
[22:23.09]Yeah, I got her name from a-a gentlemanI met at oxford university-- um... 我從牛津大學(xué)的一位先生那里 得知她的名字 嗯...
[22:28.11]- daniel faraday. - Daniel faraday? - Daniel Faraday - Daniel Faraday?
[22:32.10]Well, why didn't you say so? Please, you must come in. 怎么不早說? 來 快進(jìn)來
[22:41.97]Thanks. 謝謝
[22:59.87]he didn't tell you, did he? 他沒告訴你 是吧?
[23:03.29]No. No, he didn'T. Can she hear us? 沒 他沒告訴我 她能聽到咱們說話么?
[23:08.20]No. Theresa's away right now. 不能 她現(xiàn)在不在這里
[23:11.19]"Away"? What do you mean? "不在這里"? 此話怎講?
[23:12.63]Well, sometimes she wakes up,thinks she's 3, wants to knowwhere her dolly is. 有時她醒來就像三歲小孩 要自己的洋娃娃
[23:16.75]Yesterday,she was talking to our dad. 昨天她在跟我們的父親說話
[23:19.32]He died five years ago. 父親五年前去世了
[23:21.77]I'm sorry. 抱歉
[23:23.75]Um, this was a mistake. I... I shouldn't have come. 這是個誤會 我...我不該來的
[23:27.37]Of course. Why would you want to stay? 當(dāng)然 干嘛要留下來
[23:31.79]Daniel certainly didn'T. Daniel就走了
[23:37.11]He left her like this? 他也是這樣離開她的?
[23:38.48]Went running off to the states,ner to be heard from again. 跑到美國去了 再也沒有他的消息
[23:40.93]He abandoned her. 他拋棄了她
[23:44.34]What kind of a mandoes that? 什么人會做出這種事?
[23:49.64]I seriously don't knowwhat we would've done if it hadn't beenfor mr. Widmore. 要沒有Widmore先生 我們真不知道該怎么辦了
[23:54.22]Uh, I'm sorry. Who? 呃 抱歉 誰?
[23:55.63]Daniel's benefactor. Daniel的資助人
[23:58.04]He funded his research, and he took responsibilityfor the result of it. 他為研究撥款 并愿意承擔(dān)其后果
[24:02.76]He's been taking care of theresaever since this happened to her. Theresa病后 他一直照料著她
[24:06.84]Everything hereis due to mr. Widmore, god bless him. 一切都多虧Widmore先生 上帝保佑他
[24:14.24]A hydrogen bomb? Seriously? 一個氫彈? 真的?
[24:20.05]Back in the '50s, the U.S.Government testedh-bombs in the south pacific. 50年代 美國政府在南太平洋做氫彈實驗
[24:28.46]Lucky us. 我們真走運
[24:35.84]You didn't haveto say that. 你沒必要說那些
[24:37.72]Say what? 說什么?
[24:39.33]That you loved me. 說你愛我
[24:42.63]I mean, there areplenty of other ways you could've convinced him you weren't gonna blow upthe entire island. 有的是辦法可以讓他相信你沒打算炸島
[24:49.94]I said what I said because I meant it,charlotte. 我這么說是因為是實話 Charlotte
[25:01.15]Right, then. 好吧
[25:04.35]Let's go. 我們走
[25:08.74]Back soon. I promise. 我保證 很快回來
[25:30.02]whatever your, uh,your superiors told you, I want youto know the truth. 無論你的頭兒跟你說了什么 我希望你知道事情的真相
[25:36.62]A month ago, we found18 members of an army battalion right here in our jungle here,setting up this camp. 1個月前 就在這樹林里 我們發(fā)現(xiàn)一個18人的軍隊安營
[25:42.51]We gave them the oortunityto leave the island peacefully. 我們給過他們機(jī)會讓他們和平離島
[25:45.61]They weren't willing to do that,so I was forced to kill 'em. All of 'em. 他們拒絕了 所以我被迫殺了他們 所有人
[25:51.76]- Forced? - Yeah. - 被迫? - 是的
[25:54.41]By whom? 誰逼你的?
[25:57.57]Y-you answer to someone,don't you? 你是受人指揮 是吧?
[25:59.08]- You followa chain of command, right? - Yeah. - 你聽從命令 對吧? - 對
[26:01.61]Yeah, well, so do I. 我也是
[26:04.08]richard! Richard! Richard! Richard!
[26:09.50]What the hellhappened to you? 見鬼 怎么了?
[26:10.25]Cunningham and I--a group of them surprised us. 我和Cunningham被一伙人偷襲
[26:13.20]We were outnumbered,but I escaped. 他們?nèi)硕?可是我逃走了
[26:14.87]outnumbered, eh? 他們?nèi)硕?是吧?
[26:16.43]Shut up, ellie. Who's this? 給我閉嘴 Ellie 他是誰?
[26:19.82]He's gonna help ustake care of our problem. You'd better get going. 他是來幫我們解決問題的 可以走了
[26:22.11]Wait. He's one of them. 等等 他跟他們是一伙的
[26:23.11]- You can't actually trust him. - Yeah, you heard me, ellie. Go. - 你不能相信他 - 你聽到了嗎 Ellie 走
[26:26.20]H-how did you escape? 你這么逃到這的?
[26:27.94]I ran. 我跑來的
[26:28.88]And it never occurred to youthat they might follow you? 你就沒想過他們會跟蹤你嗎?
[26:30.92]Follow me? Their leader issome sodding old man. 跟蹤我? 他們的頭是個老頭子
[26:34.39]What, you thinkhe can track me? 你難道認(rèn)為他跟的上我?
[26:36.90]You think he knows this islandbetter than i do? 你以為他比我還了解這個島?
[26:48.64]How did you knowrichard would be here? 你怎么知道Richard會在那?
[26:51.09]Richard's always been here. Richard永遠(yuǎn)會在
[26:55.11]How old is he? 他多大了?
[26:57.28]Old. Why are you so interestedin richard, john? 老唄 你怎么對Richard那么感興趣 John?
[27:01.44]I'm inrested in him because he was about to tell mehow I could save us. 因為他會告訴我怎么拯救我們
[27:06.97]- "Save us"? - Yeah. - "拯救我們"? - 對
[27:08.87]But before he could finish, we were interruptedby that flash of light. 可在告訴我之前 我們就會被一束閃光帶走
[27:13.87]And I'm hoping we can pick up where we left off. 希望還能繼續(xù)沒做完的事
[27:16.85]I hate to bust up the "I'm an other,you're an other" reunion, 我無意破壞你們自己人的重聚
[27:19.34]but faraday--the guy that's actually gonna save us-- 可我們的救命稻草Faraday--
[27:22.51]is being death maredinto the jungle right now. 快被拖進(jìn)樹林宰了
[27:25.24]Good luck with that. 祝你好運
[27:27.58]You're not gonnahelp me save him? 你不幫我救他?
[27:29.56]No. I'm gonna go down and finishmy conversation with richard. 不 我準(zhǔn)備下去和Richard把話說完
[27:33.57]That's gonnaget us all killed. 這樣我們都會被干掉的
[27:35.76]You go rolling in there,they're gonna know we're here. 你一旦進(jìn)去 他們就知道我們在這了
[27:37.63]Fair enough. I'll give youten minutes head start. 那行 我給你留10分鐘
[27:45.12]What about you? 你怎么說?
[27:47.71]You wanna stay herein crazytown or help me rescue the geek? 你愿意留在這個是非之地 還是和我去救那個書呆子?
[27:52.92]Why do you keeplooking at me? 你干嘛一直盯著我看?
[27:54.42]- No, no, I'm--I'm not.I-- - you are. - 我沒有.. 我.. - 瞎說
[27:59.14]You know what? You're right. I'm--I'm sorry. It's just... 知道嗎 你是對的... 對不起.. 只是...
[28:04.06]you look so much like... 你長的太像...
[28:08.25]someone I used to know. 我認(rèn)識的一個人
[28:09.37]Someone other than the girl you just professed your love for? 除了你剛剛示愛的另一個女人?
[28:12.98]Well, aren't you the romeo. 你這個情場騙子
[28:14.86]Far from it, believe me. 跟你說的差遠(yuǎn)了 相信我
[28:18.97]I don't believe you,by the way. 順便告訴你 我不相信你
[28:22.14]You may have richard fled, you can't reallyexpect me to believe that you, 你或許騙過了Richard 但我是不會相信你
[28:26.23]a british womanand a chinese man are all members ofthe united states military. 英國女人和中國男都為美國軍隊效力
[28:32.31]Who are you and what are you doingon our island? 你是誰 你來島上做什么?
[28:42.37]You wanna know who I am? 你想知道我是誰?
[28:46.94]I'm your best chance at disarming that bomb. 我是為你們消除炸彈威脅的最佳人選
[28:53.30]Right, then, disarm it. 那好 去做
[29:34.46]What are you doing up there? 你在上面干嘛?
[29:39.64]I'm examining it. 檢查
[30:03.24]- Back up. - What? - 往后退 - 什么?
[30:04.37]Get back, get back. It's unsafe. 向后退 它不安全
[30:09.71]I swear,if you try anything... 上天作證 如果你敢...
[30:11.35]if I try anything-- what, you're gonna--you're gonna shoot me? Is that right? 如果我敢 怎么 你要開槍打我?
[30:15.50]Yeah, that would be perfectbecause, of course, 那真是太好了 因為如果
[30:17.98]rifle fire right next to--what would you call this-- hydrogen bomb? 你在 你們叫做什么 氫彈旁邊開火
[30:23.05]Yes, fantastic idea. Really... inspired. 無與倫比的好想法 真的是有創(chuàng)意
[30:27.78]Okay, listen to me. Do you people have any access to lead or concrete? 聽著 你們能弄到些鉛或者混凝土嗎?
[30:32.66]For what? 干嘛用?
[30:33.62]There's a crack in the casing. It needs to be filled with lead. 炸彈殼有個裂縫 必須被鉛裹起來
[30:36.24]You need to take it offthis platform carefully and bury it. 得小心把它從架子上拿下來 埋起來
[30:40.35]You brought meall the way out here to tell usthat we have to bury it? 你把我一路帶到這就為了告訴我要埋了它?
[30:42.84]You told alpert you could disarm that thing. 你跟Richard Alpert說過你能拆除
[30:44.64]You don't need to worry. You do what I say, you bury it,it won't go off. 別擔(dān)心 照我說的做 不會有事
[30:48.62]How do you know that? 你怎么知道?
[30:51.00]I need you to trust me. 你得相信我
[30:52.07]- I don't trust you. - Just bury it. - 我不相信你 - 埋了就行
[30:54.28]Bury it,and everything will be fine. 把它埋了 一切都會好
[30:56.38]- Remember, your superior ordered me to take care of this. - How can you be so sure? - 別忘了 你的頭讓我來把事情解決 - 為什么那么確定?
[30:58.31]- You wanna take care of this bomb? - How? - 你想把這炸彈安頓好? - 為什么?
[30:59.62]- You bury it! - W do you know that? - 就埋了它! - 你怎么知道!
[31:01.08]Because 50 years from now,this island is still here! There you... 因為50年后 島仍然存在! 所以..
[31:08.37]what did you just say? 你說什么?
[31:11.36]Take it easy. 放輕松
[31:13.43]I can explain myselfa little better. 我會講清楚
[31:15.61]I know how this sounds. Believe me, it'S... 我知道這聽上去很瘋狂 可以相信我...
[31:17.96]oh, it's hard to explain. 50 years from now, me and my. 天啊 怎么說呢 50年后 我和我的..
[31:23.44]me and my friends-- that's where we're from,okay? 朋友們 我們就來自那個時侯
[31:27.16]And here's the key--everything's fine. 關(guān)鍵問題是 一切都是好的
[31:30.51]I'm not sayingit's perfectly fine, 我并沒有說 一切都很完美
[31:31.91]but there hasn't beenany atomic blasts, all right? 可是從沒發(fā)生過原子彈爆炸 知道嗎?
[31:36.32]- There has not-- - drop the gun, blondie. - 從來沒有過... - 放下武器 小金毛
[31:41.19]It's okay. She's okay. 沒事的 她沒有威脅
[31:43.80]- You can put your gun down. - She puts hers down first. - 你先把槍放下 - 得她先
[31:49.73]Why don't we allput our guns down? 為什么不一起放
[31:54.22]I said, drop it! 我說了 放下!
[32:06.97]son of a bitch. 狗娘養(yǎng)的
[32:10.72]Are theyfrom the future, too? 他們也是來自未來的?
[32:15.22]You told her? 你跟她說了?
[32:23.48]sir!Sir, you can't-- 先生! 先生! 你不能--
[32:29.41]mr. Widmore. I'm so sorry. Widmore先生 很抱歉
[32:32.04]He charged right past me. 他直接就沖進(jìn)來了
[32:33.46]That's all right, melanie. 沒事 Melanie
[32:35.50]Mr. Hume is A... colleague of mine. Hume先生是... 我的同事
[32:45.16]Please leave us. 請離開
[32:58.72]I know you have questionsfor me. 我知道你有問題想問我
[33:01.47]I'm not gonna answer them. 我不會回答的
[33:03.29]I've come hereto ask you something. 我來這是想問你一些問題
[33:05.16]And once you've told meeverything I need to know, you'll never see me agaiN. 只要你告訴我我想知道的 我再也不會出現(xiàn)
[33:10.83]Understand? 明白?
[33:14.83]All right. 嗯
[33:15.96]I need to know where I can finddaniel faraday's mother. 我得知道Danile Faraday的母親在哪
[33:22.19]What makes you think I wouldeven know the answer to that? 你怎么就知道我能回答你的問題呢?
[33:24.99]Because even before you putfaraday on your little boat 因為在你把Faraday派到那艘小船上
[33:27.39]and sent himoff to the island, you spent ten yearsfunding his research. 讓他來到島上之前 你花了10年時間資助他的研究
[33:34.65]So i figure,you must know something regarding his next of kin. 所以我猜你肯定認(rèn)識他的什么親人
[33:41.04]Desmond, I haven't seen or heard frommy daughter for three years. Desmond 我三年沒有我女兒的音訊了
[33:46.44]Just answer me this. 你只管回答我
[33:49.15]Is she safe? 她安全嗎?
[33:52.69]Where's faraday's mother? Faraday的母親在哪?
[34:07.28]she's in los angeles. 她在洛杉磯
[34:13.17]This is an address for her. 這是她的地址
[34:17.98]I suspect she won'tbe pleased to see you. 我猜她不愿見到你
[34:21.11]She's a very private person. 她是個很自我的人
[34:37.39]wait, desmond. 等等 Desmond
[34:45.98]Deliver your message... 傳完話以后
[34:49.09]but then get outof this mess. 別再管這爛攤子
[34:51.14]Don't put penny's lifein danger. 別讓Penny有危險
[34:54.51]Danger? 危險?
[34:55.34]You're getting yourselfinvolved in something that goes backmany, many years. 你在把自己卷入很早 很早發(fā)生的事情里
[34:58.51]It has nothing to do with youor my daughter. 這與我的女兒無關(guān)
[35:01.87]Wherever you were hiding... 無論你藏在哪里...
[35:04.79]go back there. 回到你藏身那兒
[35:08.70]thanks for the advice. 謝謝你的建議
[35:22.24]Richard alpert! Richard Alpert!
[35:26.99]- I'm looking for richard. - Don't move. - 我要找Richard - 不要動
[35:29.78]- Richard alpert! - On the ground now. - Richard Alpert! - 馬上趴在地上
[35:31.99]- Richard,I need to talk to you! - Shut your mouth! - Richard 我要跟你談話! - 閉嘴!
[35:34.52]that's enough! 鬧夠了!
[35:47.40]Who are you? 你是誰?
[35:52.74]my name is john locke. 我叫John Locke
[35:56.64]Is that supposedto mean something to me? 我認(rèn)識你嗎?
[36:04.93]Jacob sent me. Jacob叫我來的
[36:16.54]- Put the gun down. - What? - 把槍放下 - 什么?
[36:20.01]Richard, you can'tseriously trust him. Richard 你不是真的相信他吧
[36:24.43]I said... put the gun down, widmore. 我叫你...放下槍 Widmore
[36:32.38]your name is widmore? 你姓Widmore?
[36:36.63]Charles widmore? Charles Widmore?
[36:38.89]What's it to you? 是又怎樣?
[36:43.57]Nothing. It'S... nice to meet you. 沒什么 很高興見到你
[36:47.55]***But it saw the bearso that it ran away again. 但它見到熊 跟著就逃跑了
[36:54.07]where? 哪里?
[37:11.81]- Good day? - Yeah. - 今天還好? - 是的
[37:14.49]He wanted to go fishingin the thames. 他想在泰晤士河上釣魚
[37:17.66]We were unsuccessful. And you? 結(jié)果什么都沒釣到 你呢?
[37:21.42]Did you find faraday's mum? 你找到Faraday的媽媽了?
[37:24.11]There was no one to find. 根本沒人可找
[37:26.60]She, um... 她
[37:30.71]she died a few years ago. 她幾年前去世了
[37:38.07]Why are you lying to me? 你為啥說謊?
[37:41.33]- what? I'm not. - Where is she? - 什么? 我沒有 - 她在哪里?
[37:51.63]she's in los angeles. 她在洛杉磯
[37:55.94]Look, pen, you've got nothingto worry about. Pen 你不用擔(dān)心
[37:58.29]You know,this was a mistake. 這是個誤會
[38:00.32]No, I... I me a promise thatthis would be done in a day, and now it's done. 不 我承諾過今天會完成 現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)結(jié)束了
[38:04.78]It's not our problem anymore. 那已經(jīng)不是我們的問題了
[38:07.74]and what happensif you wake up tomorrow and remember something else? 如果你明天起床又想起些 什么別的事呢?
[38:09.96]- Then I'll forget it. - And the next day? - 我會把它忘掉 - 后天呢?
[38:11.16]I'll forget it. It doesn't matter, pen. 通通都忘掉 都不重要了 Pen
[38:14.63]You're my life now--you and charlie. 現(xiàn)在你是我的一切 你和Charlie
[38:22.13]I won't leave you again... 我不會再離開你...
[38:26.34]not for this... 不會因為這個...
[38:29.74]not for anything. 不會因為任何原因
[38:47.45]you'll neverforget it, des. 你是不會忘掉的 Des
[38:51.70]So I guesswe're going with you. 那我想只能嫁雞隨雞了
[39:11.31]i gave you this? 我給你的?
[39:13.97]Yes. 對
[39:14.65]After you were shotin the leg and I... 在你腿部中槍后 我...
[39:17.25]Wandered outof the jungle to patch you up? 從森林走出來 幫你包扎?
[39:19.14]That's right. 沒錯
[39:20.92]Thenhy don't I remember... well, any of this? 那為什么我一丁點...都不記得?
[39:24.13]Because it hasn'thappened yet. 因為那都還未發(fā)生
[39:29.18]I'm not sure what you'reexpecting me to say, john locke. 我真不知道你想我怎么回應(yīng) John Locke
[39:31.53]I expect you to tell me how to get off the island. 我想你告訴我 怎樣才能離開島嶼?
[39:33.85]That'svery privileged information. Why would I share itwith you? 那是機(jī)密信息 我為什么要告訴你?
[39:36.27]Because you told me that I hadsomething very impornt to do once I get there. 因為你告訴我到達(dá)之后 有很重要的任務(wù)要完成
[39:43.75]And because I'm your leader. 還有因為我是你的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)
[39:46.41]You're my leader? 你是我的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)?
[39:47.47]That's what you told me. 那是你說的
[39:49.34]Look, I... certainly don'twant to contradict myself, but... 這樣 我也不想自掌嘴巴 但
[39:53.31]we havea very specific process for selectingour leadership, 我們關(guān)于領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的選擇 有一套嚴(yán)格的程序
[39:56.46]and it startsat a very, very young age. 而且會從娃娃抓起
[39:59.11]All right. All right. 好的
[40:03.48]What year is it right now? 現(xiàn)在是哪一年?
[40:06.43]It's 1954.
[40:10.10]All right. May 30, 1956--2 years from now-- 這樣 1956年5月30日 現(xiàn)在的兩年之后
[40:13.52]that's the day I'm born-- tustin, california, 我才出生 在加利福利亞的Tustin
[40:17.17]and if you don't believe me, I suggest you comeand visit me. 如果你不相信我 就請去那里看望我
[40:23.56]- oh, no. - What's wrong? - 噢 糟了 - 發(fā)生什么事?
[40:26.46]It's about to happen again. 又要再發(fā)生了
[40:30.14]- You need to tell me now,richard. - How do I get off the island? - 你現(xiàn)在必須告訴我 Richard - 怎樣才能離開這個島?
[40:33.30]Please! Tell me! 拜托! 告訴我!
[40:57.62]you all right? 你還好吧?
[40:59.36]Yeah. I think so. 嗯 我沒事
[41:02.77]Charlotte! Charlotte!
[41:09.38]- You okay? - Yeah, I'm fine. - 你沒事吧? - 是的 我很好
[41:12.91]Yeah, me, too. I'm great, too. 是呀 我也很好
[41:29.42]Charlotte. charlotte! Charlotte Charlotte!
[41:32.58]Charlotte! No, no, no. Look it. Look at me, look at me. It's okay. It's okay. Charlotte! 不 看著我 看著我 沒事的 沒事的
[41:37.47]Charlotte! Charlotte!
[41:40.88]迷失 第五季 第3集 完

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